not necessarily PG but everybody's favourite new "performer" is not too fond of our Jets. Khalifa said "I'd rather autograph an ISIS flag" when asked by a fan to sign a Jets flag. ....and now I hate Mia Khalifa. Hope ya'll join me in boycotting her movies
Damnit! I just saw a porn of hers. It was her and her "mother", both in hair pieces. Mother liked her boyfriend and they both banged him. Shit was awesome Nice tits
Funniest shit is, when she started porn she was receiving death threats and shit from her religion, I forget what she is. Then she makes a porn wearing a head piece Lmao
We should hire her as a scout.
If that's the number 1 pornstar in the world, then the world needs a serious reboot. _
Lol, I never listen to rap or hip-hop and my kids are obviously very aware of that, but still, whenever a rap song comes on my go-to line is always "is this Wiz Khalifa?" _