Scathing article on Marrone

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by LiterateStylish, Jan 4, 2015.

  1. LiterateStylish

    LiterateStylish Active Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    I'm a Bills fan. I liked Doug Marrone. I thought he was a good manager of coaches. All reports said he would stay late in his office and be the first there in the morning. I was upset when he left. I wanted continuity for our franchise. Even though I like him, I am completely confused by the interest he is generating. But as the article points out "Marrone’s inflated stock is the work of a savvy agent and well-placed friends."

    A few things from the article that I was frustrated with when he was in Buffalo:

    1) He is an offensive lineman. A former OL coach. Yet he OL sucked. The same line that a year prior with Chan Gailey led a top 5 rushing attack. They regressed under Marrone. And the more time he spent with them, the worse they got!

    2) Players, media, and fans hated his conservativeness. He WILL punt no matter what. 4th and inches inside opponents territory? PUNT. Down by 17 with 10 minutes left? PUNT. In field goal range on a windy day? PUNT. One of our players (quoted below) talked about it after our loss to the Dolphins mid-season.

    3) His offense is so bad that I would take ANYONE over him. ANYONE. It is the worst of the worst. It is so so so so bad.

    Some of this article I didn't know. I will bolden the parts that I knew of and hated in Buffalo. I'll also answer any questions you have. I actually don't hate the Jets. Never really saw them as a rival. I think were a team AGAINST New England haha.


    Buffalo finished 9-7 after a meaningless victory in the season finale against a Patriots team that had already locked up the No. 1 playoff seed and treated it like an exhibition game. (Tom Brady played only two quarters and All-Pro tight end Rob Gronkowski was inactive).

    Although the questions about Marrone’s job security from fans and media weren’t the primary reason for his decision to opt out of the final two years of his contract Wednesday, it played an important role in his departure. He was too thin-skinned to get over the criticism, according to sources.

    When Woody Johnson interviewed Marrone on Saturday to be the next Jets head coach, he likely didn’t see the side of the man who alienated so many at his previous job.

    The Doug Marrone described by people who knew him in Buffalo is not what the Jets need.

    “He’s a control freak,” one person said.

    Marrone’s desire to have his hands in everything began even before the Bills hired him two years ago. His interview with the team lasted days, not hours, due to his need to ensure everything was to his liking, according to a source.

    His power play to ask for a contract extension with two years left on his deal despite nothing on his NFL resume (15-17 record, no playoff appearances) to warrant such a demand didn’t come as a surprise to people who knew him in Buffalo.

    “It’s about power and control,” a source said. “That is what drives Doug Marrone. That’s why he is a very dangerous person to have inside the building.”

    Marrone’s need to control the message reached strange levels.

    He wanted to approve video clips before they were posted on the Bills website, according to a source. He didn’t want any details of EJ Manuel’s interceptions during practices on the site, either.

    Sources said that Marrone belittled people across all levels of the organization. From the front office to the media relations department to reporters to players, he tried to disparage perceived easy targets. His poor treatment of those people didn’t go unnoticed.

    Marrone didn’t berate everyone. If he felt that you could further his cause, he would tolerate — or even engage — you. However, one person who was treated with respect by Marrone in the past two years told the Daily News that he never felt it was authentic.

    Johnson told The News this week that he had fond memories of a one-day coaching clinic with Marrone in Central Park when he was the Jets offensive line coach under Herman Edwards from 2002-2005. A couple of former Jets offensive linemen had a favorable impression of the man, too, but a lot can happen in a decade.

    Power, control and circumstance change people.

    Marrone was hardly a warm and fuzzy figure in Orchard Park, according to people there.

    Many Bills players didn’t like him, according to sources. That fact alone doesn’t mean much considering that disciplinarians often aren’t beloved by everyone in the locker room. However, Marrone’s lack of people skills rubbed many co-workers the wrong way. He took a coarse tack that wasn’t well-received in the building, according to sources.

    His old-school style bled onto the field. He’s not a poor NFL coach, but he’s far from the creative, innovative offensive mind that Johnson’s franchise desperately needs. He’s never been a play-caller.

    Marrone spent too much time in practice working with the offensive line, his pride and joy, rather than taking a broader interest in the team, according to people who knew him in Buffalo. Some NFL front-office executives told The News that Marrone reminded them of Tony Sparano.

    How can Johnson have any confidence that Marrone will be able to develop a young quarterback when he couldn’t groom Manuel?

    Marrone’s archaic offensive principles drew criticism in Buffalo. He told Bills offensive coordinator Nathaniel Hackett to simplify his play-calling this season.

    His players grew frustrated with the conservative style.

    “It’s been too many times where . . . we don’t take chances,” defensive back Aaron Williams told The Buffalo News after a Week 11 loss to the Dolphins. “I feel like teams around this league, the reason why they’re successful most times is because they do take chances. . . . I encourage Coach to be aggressive and just believe in the defense.”

    The Jets supposedly prefer to hire a general manager before picking the next coach. However, there’s a growing sense that Marrone will want to have significant input in the next GM even though he hasn’t accomplished anything to warrant that authority.

    Marrone’s inflated stock is the work of a savvy agent and well-placed friends. None of those apologists, however, can erase what people in Buffalo have known for the past two years.

    Strip away the spin and here’s what’s left:

    “He is the definition of average,” said a Buffalo source.

    Woody Johnson can do much better.


    That being said, I would rather have his averageness, than have to start over.

    Either way, I do think the Jets could do better. He wouldn't be a horrible hire though.
    boozer32 likes this.
  2. Axel3419

    Axel3419 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2011
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    Post in the Marrone thread. Stop making new threads.

    Also this is a Mehta article. Literally our worst beat reporter who isn't credible in the slightest.
    Br4d likes this.
  3. Umphpool

    Umphpool Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    b.reyes16 and Axel3419 like this.
  4. LiterateStylish

    LiterateStylish Active Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    Oh ok.

    Well I bolded the parts that are absolutely true. The rest I can't corroborate.
    Axel3419 likes this.
  5. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    So let me tell you a little story. Once upon a time, the Jets were going to be coached by a guy who had a checkered past, but seemed to be the right guy at the time. The fan base was fully on board with him coming aboard. And then he jumped ship, at his introductory press confrerence. He said he did not like the uncertain direction of the team's future, but who knows. He even went to one of the Jets' major rivals. He was killed for doing so, but that didn't stop him or his new team from signing him. He went on to be a great success at his new team. He's now regarded as one of the greatest coaches of all time, if not the greatest. And many Jets fans hate him to this day, will always hate him, and will never acknowledge his success or give him credit. I'm one of them, btw, always pointing to cheating issues or the luck of getting a great QB to rationalize his success. I think I do this especially to ease the pain of losing him and the thought of what could've been with the Jets. And my opinion of this coach, along with the opinions of all Jet fans who think like me, has always been marginalized, if not completely disregarded, because of my obvious bias.

    So, now Doug Marrone comes along, leaving his team in a similar manner to the coach in my story. So, what do you think Jet fans shoud do...believe the opinions of those who are hurt by Marrone's departure, and fearful of his potential success with a major rival of the Bills, or ignore the obviously biased criticisms and review all articles and posts in that light?

    BTW, this should've been posted in the Marrone thread.
  6. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Exactly was this forum needs, another article from Metha front and center with his own stand alone thread non the less.
    Ill take feedback from players and coaches and GMs or other credible sources...but nothing from this shit head. Tell me one piece of writing ever from this asshole that put any element of the Jets in a good light....ever. He should be banned from the Jet facility, and continue to be ignored as he loads his venum from his unnamed cowardly sources.
    TNJet, 74, Br4d and 1 other person like this.
  7. LiterateStylish

    LiterateStylish Active Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    Maybe you're right.

    Maybe he's the next Belichick.

    Or maybe he is what we have already seen. A good motivator and good coach, with a bad personality and a horrid offense.

    No one can know what the future will hold. We can only tell you what the past has already written. As I wrote in the original post - I'm not really hurt at Marrone leaving. I would have preferred he stay because I want continuity. But its not like we lost a coach who brought us to the playoffs. There isn't a whole lot to be hurt about. And the difference between Marrone and Belichick is that Belichick just left. Marrone WANTED to stay. He ASKED for an extension. The Bills said no - they didn't think he was worth it. Belichick didn't want to stay with the Jets. Lastly, what we say on a message board has no affect on the Jets decision. At least I wouldn't think. So what I say is for your information and benefit. Not to try to convince Woody Johnson not to hire him.
  8. LiterateStylish

    LiterateStylish Active Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    He did have some of those sources in the article.
  9. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    As much as Mehta has been awful lately, this is actually a well-written article. If half of these things are true, he's not a good fit. I'm very wary of him as it is and it sounds like the media is only going to amplify it.

    Also, if reports of tampering are true, I don't want to find out the consequences of hiring him. Losing draft picks is a possibility, and we can ill afford that.
  10. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    If you think I'm saying he's the next Belichek, you missed the point
    I'm saying that his detactors are fearful of his success with the Jets, so how can you take them seriously?
  11. LiterateStylish

    LiterateStylish Active Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    I am very curious to see how the tampering plays out. I have no evidence either way. But it is interesting.
  12. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    What if none of the things he says are true?
    And how is this tampering?
  13. LiterateStylish

    LiterateStylish Active Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    Im somewhat confused, because most Bills fans aren't fearful or hurting? MANY of them are happy and was calling for his head BEFORE he opted out.

    One of Marrone's reasons for leaving was that he was butthurt that people were calling a radio station a couple weeks ago and saying they want him fired. BEFORE he opted out.

    As I wrote in the original post - I'm not really hurt at Marrone leaving. I would have preferred he stay because I want continuity. But its not like we lost a coach who brought us to the playoffs. There isn't a whole lot to be hurt about. I can see him being successful in SF or Atlanta. I think it would take a while with the Jets.
  14. LiterateStylish

    LiterateStylish Active Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    No one knows for sure, yet. It may not have been.

    But there were rumors spreading that the Jets were interested in Marrone on Sunday Night Football.

    MArrone didn't opt out until Monday night.
  15. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    It's very possible that none are true. But where there's smoke, there's fire. I doubt Mehta would make up an entire article because he's still upset as a Syracuse alum. That's not a good career move. You can't argue that it's not going to be an uphill battle when the media already wants you out before you have even been offered the job. It's not just Mehta.

    It would absolutely be considered tampering if the Jets told him he'd have a soft landing if he opted out. I wouldn't be surprised if we got the 1st rounder taken. I think it's actually a fairly egregious offense.
  16. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    If you're happy he's leaving, then why have you posted numerous times in multiple threads in a highly agressive effort to derail his candidacy
  17. jdon

    jdon Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2006
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    Mehta blows. But I do fear that Marrone is average
  18. LiterateStylish

    LiterateStylish Active Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    1) I never said im happy he's leaving. I said: "I would have preferred he stayed"

    2) What posts are you speaking about. I and a couple Jets fans got into some fun smack talk about our respective teams. But I haven't acted agressive about Marrone at all. I'm just giving you my opinion on him.

    I don't have an issue with the Jets hiring him. Nothing I say is going to have any affect on his "candidacy" as you put it. I don't have a choice either way. I personally think he would have pretty good success in SF or Atlanta very soon. I think it would be 2 or 3 years before he did anything in NY.
  19. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    He's not the next BB. I don't even criticize Rex for getting his ass kicked over the years by Bill. It was a no contest. But Doug's a solid NFL coach and someone with decent head coaching experience. Plus ties to the Jets and a New Yorker. He wanted to stay in Buff but the Bills new ownership wouldn't give him the standard vote of confidence (just a 2 year no extra money extension). As for being a power freak. That's what you're hearing from all of the haters. But get him a GM he can work with and we'll see what happens. If he's an OL guy and his line sucked last year it doesn't mean he was on board with that. Maybe that's one of the reasons he fought with the front office. But again you can't be great at every position and if weak on the OL you build from there. Same with the Jets with the secondary. And that's where Idzik was drafting. But all of the numskulls who wanted him fired don't get that. Instead of re-signing Wilkerson, etc. they wanted to sign players not as good and blow our cap.
  20. YOYOYO

    YOYOYO Active Member

    Jan 2, 2007
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    While I'm hoping the Jets go elsewhere why is Mehta so strongly against this guy? He isn't the greatest coach in the league but he's also not a bad coach.

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