You need to rethink that. If they don't start to look for the new GM until the 29th, he won't be in place until mid January and won't be able to select a coach until almost February. How many good candidates will be gone by then? Get Idzik out now! Hire his replacement fast and get first shot at the pool!
It could also mean Rex stays and Idzik goes. I believe Woody has already told Rex if he coming back next season or not. What a lot of people are forgetting is Woody got a lot of respect for Rex.
that would be horrible. If that happened, no respected candidate in their right mind would even consider the Jets GM job. If you fire Idzik, Rex has to follow him right out the door.
Give me one good reason why we should keep Idzik? Has he done anything that shows he knows what he doing? I'm sorry I don't believe you fire a coach when the GM hasn't done shit to help him.
He does deserve to get fired, but that means Rex has to go as well. You don't let a head coach survive 2 gm firings, especially when Rex also deserves to be fired. If they fire Idzik and keep Rex, no one is gonna want this GM job. Potential candidates qualified for the job will avoid this team like the plague and they'll end up with someone even more incompetent and unqualified than John Idzik.
I disagree. With all the money we have under the cap GM's will love this job. Most GM come into a team with a messed up salary cap. Rex can coach and a lot of people around the league know it and when and if he does get fired and hired by another team and he will get another HC job no matter what people say on here there where be a thread on here saying we should had kept him.
Yeah I'm sure candidates will just be lining up for the chance to be the GM of a team where they aren't allowed to pick their own head coach, and could be fired at any time, just like their predecessor, John Idzik.
No doubt you'll start it. Rex over achieved his first two years here. He has had maybe 8 great games as a coach in NY, a bunch of average games and a bunch of shit games. His record in the regular season is what he is, average.
You can't have 20 mil tied up at CB, if that's what Rex needs to win 8-11 games, we need to look elsewhere for a coach...
Why do we have to wait until Black Monday? The Falcons have already selected their new HC to replace Mike Smith.
Not saying we do. But I guess DP looks better then Cro this season? And they both signed 1 year 3mil contracts. How Millner doing for us?
I could totally be wrong here, but my thinking is that they go after Harbaugh first. The scenario plays out in my head like this: Woody would need to tell Idzik that he's done picking players, basically neuter him as a GM if he wants to stay here. They go to Harbaugh and say "Look, you can pick whatever players you want, Idzik's more of a cap guy, but you can have final say". If Harbaugh isn't interested, well then Idzik's gotta go too.
If we are stuck with John Idzik for another year, I'd like him to keep Rex. Give them both an ultimatum. Make the playoffs, or at least win 9 games. If you fail to do that, neither of you will be retained. That will make the GM get players, and give Rex the chance the delusional fans want to see. I'm not a fan of giving Rex a chance, because the offense underachieves year after year under him. This team is very undisciplined under Rex, and has been that way for along time. Im not ready to watch and hope Idzik can turn it around in another 3 years. That is how much time you are going to have to give a new coach.