Haters gonna hate. Lively debate is good. Sunshiners vs. Darksiders. The games reveal who is right on their views.
Waterboy you are the biggest moron on this forum. You are the one that stated that NO ONE is allowed to have an opinion on anything unless you have had personal dealings with the person in question. What a fucking stupid statement, but I am not surprised, we all know you are a troll, so I expect a troll to say something like that.
Well if you ever had an intelligent statement it would be your first, keep trying though you may get lucky.
Sorry but how was I harassing you if I was only responding to you, seems you may have some pent up feelings and felt you needed to contact me. I am sure there are some gay forums where you can contact those that live the same lifestyle as you but this is not the place.
He needs to be banned for life, period. That's what I want, but if that is to harsh then give him a 5 year ban. I'd settle with that.
Please stop your systematic unwanted and annoying posts directed at me. I do not swing your way, sorry.
You have harassed me multiple times on this forum (despite the fact I have never harassed you ever), I am confronting you in this topic, what a concept The Waterboy, you troll/hater.
Some day someone with Mod privs will actually look at soxxx's posts in their entirety and be like: What's this dogshit? Anybody have a clean wad of paper towels handy?
C'mon Soxxx you are the biggest troll since Champ. I've seen you troll on other boards before. You don't even have different aliases lol.