Official NASCAR Thread

Discussion in 'Crystal Ball' started by GreenMachine, Feb 15, 2010.

  1. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Don't play dumb. Obviously it is unclear from the video whether or not he hit him on purpose. I don't know how these cars handle either. Until we get a better angle or are given some more evidence it isn't fair to say. I know Tony has been an asshole in the past but it is a big jump from punching a cameraman to killing somebody using a car.
  2. Jets Esq.

    Jets Esq. Guest

    I'm not playing dumb- you were being unclear.

    I initially thought you were asking "How would you know whether the waiver gives Tony Stewart immunity or not?" since that was the thrust of the quote you were replying to.

    Thinking on it further and watching the video (originally only read the quotes from an eyewitness who seemed to say it was deliberate), I think involuntary manslaughter might be the most appropriate charge, but we'll see.

    The "intentional" part, I'm not as sure about after watching the video a few more times, but I'm just as sure as I was before that some form of criminal homicide occurred. There's supposedly a GoPro from Stewart's car that the police have, and there may be other videos from other angles from other spectators, so we'll have to see what the fuller picture is. (Or rather, the DA will.)

    I definitely don't think Stewart was doing much to avoid Ward. He was not even supposed to be in the middle of the track after the yellow flag came down.

    If it wasn't on purpose, it looks like he might've wanted to splatter dirt on him or something by fishtailing once he got past Ward, but instead caught him with the rear right wheel. That would be criminally reckless. When you're doing something that reckless, and you kill someone accidentally- that's still a form of criminal homicide (albeit not murder) even if there was no intent to kill or hurt Ward.
  3. NYGalPal

    NYGalPal Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2006
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    I think he wanted to scare him and the car got away from him. So even if the intent wasn't to kill him the fact is he did. I believe it was involuntary manslaughter, but that would be a hard thing to prove. Kevin Ward actions is Tony best defense. You hate to put any blame on him, but he shouldn't have gotten out of his car and walked on the track like that.

    Tony response after the fact seems really callous. If I had killed someone I'd be inconsolable. It seems like the only reason he didn't race today was, because of the backlash. Not, because it was the right thing to do. Not because he's wrestling with guilt. Says a lot about his character. TBH the fact that people would be so inclined to think that he would deliberately hit someone with a car says a lot about his character.
    NYJalltheway likes this.
  4. Jets Esq.

    Jets Esq. Guest

    He shouldn't have left his car... But that's part of the "culture" of motorsports to a certain extent. I've read that at NASCAR events, during delays, they show videos of racers getting out onto the track to confront other drivers heading towards them, and it's seen as somewhat of a macho / badass thing to do when you feel you crashed from unsportsmanlike competitors.

    Tony Stewart has actually gotten out of his car during races, gone onto the racetrack, and thrown his helmet at another driver. So it's not like this was something only Ward did..

    What NASCAR should do is stop promoting it at that top level, so guys at the lower levels won't emulate it and think it's cool. It's too dangerous.

    Also, it's absurd that a 3 time champion would be racing teenagers and 20 year olds for a $1,500 prize. Especially after Stewart broke his leg in two spots last year in one of those amateur races.

    It's the equivalent of putting NFL players in high school games. Pros just don't belong in those races.
    NYJalltheway likes this.
  5. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    Yeah lets waste tax money to attempt to convict someone who might not have even see the guy in the first place. Were you in the car with him? no, do you know which ways his eyes were looking? No.
  6. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    And ill say it right here, Kevin Ward is a complete dumb ass. I have zero sympathy for him, zero. Am I supposed to feel bad for someone who voluntary put themselves into a position in which a moving vehicle traveling at high speeds could potentially kill them? Stay in the car and stop trying to put on a show. Its vehicle racing, not WWE, stay in your vehicle.......(and that applies to Ward and any other driver who pulls this selfish act, there are PLENTY of places you can confront your opponents, but you cannot be doing it in the middle of a racetrack and not expect something like this to take place.)

    Shame on Kevin Ward, selfish and now his family and friends have to deal with tragedy.
  7. Jets Esq.

    Jets Esq. Guest

    Are you saying that that's the level of certainty you have to have before you can even prosecute someone? If so, you'll be in for a shock at Academy when you find out that it's a heck of a lot lower than you think.

    The standard for prosecutions (and arrests) is "probable cause." At this stage, it doesn't matter at all that we don't know for sure where he was looking. If you held prosecutions to that standard, nobody would be charged with anything.

    Based on eyewitness accounts and video footage, it seems like Stewart may have been driving recklessly given the circumstances, and if so, that that ended Ward's life. That's all you need. Therefore it's perfectly reasonable to prosecute Stewart and leave it for the legal system to sort out. That's what it's there for.

    The caution flag was in effect, that part of the track was supposed to be clear, f0r safety purposes. One of the reasons I'll never be a NASCAR fan (aside from the fact that it's boring as hell to me) is that they don't discourage drivers from doing exactly what Ward did. He was emulating his NASCAR heroes- they show that stuff on the jumbotrons during delays at NASCAR events. As I said before, Tony Stewart himself has done it:

    Note that that is on NASCAR's own YouTube channel. They celebrate the concept of going onto the track and confronting the other driver. Watch that video and tell me that this stuff isn't condoned, stupid as it is. It wasn't a NASCAR event where Ward died, but NASCAR is the big league and they set the tone for the amateur and semi-pro leagues. It's accepted within motorsports, and yes, that matters.

    As for whether that's a good use of tax dollars- I can hardly think of a better use of tax dollars than to prosecute reckless driving that results in fatalities.
  8. Greenday4537

    Greenday4537 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    Walk into the middle of traffic and it shouldn't surprise anyone if he gets hit. This is no different.

    Stewart clearly did not swerve into him to hit him. That much is clear on video. He was far enough inside that he wouldn't have gotten near the wreck except the idiot walked into the path of the cars. Odds are, Stewart knew he wasn't going to be near the wreck so his eyes were focused on the inside where other drivers were.
  9. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    I think it is a lot different going to the middle of the track on dirt. Sure accidents can happen anywhere, but a big part of racing those sprint cars is sliding on the dirt and using the throttle to control traction. Really stupid idea for Ward obviously. But that still doesn't mean Stewart didn't act negligently. It is a good possibility that both parties were at fault here.

    Either way I'd say Nascar needs to suspend Stewart pending investigation. If we were talking about somebody like Dale Jr. here you give him the benefit of the doubt but unfortunately for Stewart his reputation matters
  10. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    I know what is required to charge someone. Its a complete waste of tax dollars, let the selfish 20 year old R.I.P He is an asshole and the amount of damage he has done to his family and friends is unforgiving. I hope he enjoyed his 30 seconds of fame trying to act like a WWE wrestler in the middle of a race track, im sure it was worth it for him and his ego.
  11. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    And I rewatched the video, Stewart didnt swerve, and secondly he had a car in front of him, so he might not have even seen Ward until the last second after the car in front had passed him. It looks like Ward move into the vehicle and then tried to jump out of the way when he realized he was getting hit.

    Again fuck him, the end. Complete dumb ass and a complete display of selfishness.
  12. RuJFan

    RuJFan Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    Idk guys.... Know nothing about whatever previous history there was, not a fan.
    It looked to me like the driver's view was blocked by the car in front, but he tried to move left when he saw the guy on the truck. It looks like the front of the car moved left, but the rear moved right, kinda how when you loose traction on the snowy road. And the rear hit the guys. Hard to be sure though
  13. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    soxxx you can defend Stewart without being a douche. Or maybe YOU can't, but you should. Is the "fuck him" really necessary?
    Jets Esq. likes this.
  14. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    That's what I see, his car changed direction and "swerved" AFTER Ward had reached impact with the car, he also had the car in front of him, and they were going around a turn so its entirely possible Ward was blocked from Stewarts vision until the final second.
  15. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    Yes it necessary, now his friends and families have to deal with this because of his selfishness and narcissist attitude. I feel bad for them, this could have all been prevented if he had just stayed in his car.
  16. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Lol whatever makes you feel better man. To say his actions were dumb is one thing. It is obvious since he paid with his life. I don't find the "fuck him" or being disrespectful to be necessary

    You crack me up. Anybody who plays a sport is running the risk of death or injury that could affect their family adversely. Muhammad Ali? Fuck him for gettting parkinsons and making his family deal with it. What an asshole
  17. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Money loving scumbag destroying families and lives.

    That's why I can't support NASCAR anymore.

    Although I'm just here for the Badminton Forum.

  18. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    It has nothing to do with making myself feel better. I am stating my opinion, and that's exactly how I feel. Saying anything else than what I said would be a lie.
  19. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    That is just one of his common look at me posts.
  20. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    Says the attention whore who claims no one is allowed to have an opinion on anything unless they have had a personal encounter with the victim of the story.

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