Legitimate concerns about Idzik

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jetfannerd, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. Rictor33

    Rictor33 Active Member

    Sep 29, 2003
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    I have, and I think that it is too early to judge him. He started to come around in the last few games. We know he has the arm and a good set of wheels, but he needs to be coached. There was no way for him to adequately prepare for what he was to face in the NFL last off-season. Now that he is seen it, and faced both peaks and HUGE valleys it's time for him to start the real learning process this off-season. Having an offensive guru like Marty as the OC and a high character guy like Decker along with some young talented pass-catchers, this could be the start of a good thing for years to come. For some reason this Jets fan has faith in John Idzik and likes to see the Jets fly under the radar for once. I think we will pick well this year, sign our draft picks early and get to work on building chemistry with OTAs. A good blend of high character veterans and young talent is what we need, and I believe that's what we will end up with.
  2. Rictor33

    Rictor33 Active Member

    Sep 29, 2003
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    Hi, I like your post. I want the Jets to quietly build a good team, I don't a Redskins/Raiders/Dolphins mess.
  3. Rictor33

    Rictor33 Active Member

    Sep 29, 2003
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    Remember why the Giants won the superbowl twice in the past seven years? I would start with their DL dominating the line or scrimmage.
  4. chris5533

    chris5533 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2003
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    Agin, I'm not arguing that we haven't signed 10 guys.. Since all of the idzick believers are convinced he has some master plan, not that he's in over his head and his low ball tactics are becoming thing of omedy around the nfl. When he does he stop getting a pass for doing nothing?
  5. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    well, i'd say(and going off the top of my head because i don't want to research) most g.m.'s get 4 years to show they are pointing in the right direction. so, idzic has been here for 1 year, 4-1=3 ,
    3 years give or take a year depending on team record and draft class performance.
    i mean it sure as hell isn't after 1 8-8 season and 14 total months on the job. or apparently it is?

    btw, what you see as a gm over his head i see as a guy who is confident in his football knowledge and not a guy who throws money at players based on the stats on the back of their trading cards.
  6. chris5533

    chris5533 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2003
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    Agree to disagree. Certainly one of two possibilities. I certainly hope your right. Speaking of the 8/8. Was rex Ryan's best coaching job. Once again this year he's (rex) in the line of fire. Not idzick. He not given rex the tools to succeed. That's frustrating as a fan
  7. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    problem is you cannot validate any claim that he doesn't have a plan and that he is in over his head. To claim he has no plan, which you have to be doing if you are disputing the assertion of supporters who believe he has one, is to claim that he has so little interest in his job, his career and his reputation that he has no plan and is just winging it. that claim, in and of itself, flies in the face of just basic common sense. the only way to validate that would to create an equally asinine claim, that he is a self destructive imbecile, because what other type of person would work their ass off to ascend to one of the rarest and most high profile jobs in this country to then not have a plan how to do it well.

    that is the inherent position you are taking in disputing to those who believe he has a plan.

    the only rational position is that he has a plan. maybe that plan will suck.
    FJF likes this.
  8. chris5533

    chris5533 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2003
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    Your getting a little deep. Lol but ok, let's stick to your theme. I think he's inexperienced and in over his head. I believe hes a cap guy whose done an amazing job dumping contracts and amassing a huge amount of money.

    I don't think he knows how to close a deal or be flexible. I think he's put rex Ryan in a position to fail. I think his plan is to get lucky like they did in Seattle. Where again despite what people think, he wasn't the gm or even Agm. So to your point, I agree he has a pan. I think it's a shitty one.
  9. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    the only thing we have to grade his plan is 1 8-8 season., so based on that convince me its a shitty plan. i am all ears. but i want concrete proof it is shitty. not opinions
  10. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I believe you're mostly right here. I think the Giants have kept a critical mass of talent on the DL and they've had a QB who could face pressure without flinching and when the stars aligned for them twice they were right there.
  11. chris5533

    chris5533 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2003
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    We all only have opinions. The 8/8 is all rex. He did an amazing job. My opinion is getting lucky like thy did in seattle is rare. Thy had so many late picks an un drafted fa make roster it rarely happens. I think it's a stretch to put all your eggs in that basket.

    What happens if geno and milliner don't take huge steps fwd this year? We're set back even further. I think we're all wishing if we think playing money ball in the nfl and will work. Worked in Seattle. Besides that one time, how often has that worked ? There is a reason for free agency. All I'm saying.
  12. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    I haven't read all the responses to this thread, so someone may have already made this point--Idzik is obviously the converse of Tanneidiot. Mike T. spent money like a drunken sailor giving RIDICULOUS contracts to sanchez, holmes, and even david harris was an overpay. Idzik hides the jets' checkbook better than my wife hides our checkbook from me. We need someone IN BETWEEN! Don't break the bank on losers like holmes and sanchez, but you have to sign a few studs to stay competitive!!
  13. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Well fair enough. For the record I haven't said it is a complete failure (the plan, I mean) only that I think he has missed opportunities to make the team better for the short and long term, especially at the CB position. Mostly I don't like the idea of spending another draft pick on a CB, especially a high one.
  14. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    So a decent season is all rex even though idz gave him the droy an offensive rookie of the month a defensive rookie of the month and they were all starters?. Ok.
    Look I am not saying we should name the stadium after him but the hatred and venom being spewed here lately is irrational based on the only physical stats we have to judge him. He is 1 week into his second free agency and has stated the draft will be the lifeblood of this team. He signed arguably the best available wr to fill the most glaring hole and cut an aging cb with a hip injury who cost more than he was worth. Does that sound like a guy who should be crucified
  15. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    stats don't tell the whole story with Einstein. You put some weapons around this guy and watch out.
  16. Jetsfansince95

    Jetsfansince95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    Was just watching Kevin Costner on NFL network and he hit the nail on the head while promoting his new movie... ya I know he's just an actor but damn he said something along the lines of.

    You can look at a situation in 2 ways... you can have some guy take a shot to win the game and he misses it 1, eh he missed the shot, and you move on. 2, he had the guts to take it... those are the type of guys you need for the core of a team behind the scenes... look at a team like Seattle they just won the super bowl... it was a process, who was behind it etc etc...

    I trust Idzik and he has my full support I think he gets it and he is working on changing the philosophy of this organization.
    Jets Esq. likes this.
  17. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    BOOM! Head shot.
    Jets4eva9011 likes this.
  18. Jets Esq.

    Jets Esq. Guest

    He's not getting a pass for it, the media is going crazy (unfairly) criticizing him.

    If one believes that he's just acting irrationally, or if he's ultra-incompetent, okay. But I think it's vastly more likely that he is following the plan that he said publicly a few weeks ago, since what he is doing lines up with that. (He said the main focus is the draft, and that free agency and trades are supplementary things. So far, that's what he's done.)

    People may disagree, but I don't think that Woody would have hired him if he didn't set out a plan for the team (i.e. the "he has no idea what he's doing" theory.) Woody hired a company to screen candidates for him, and Idzik made it through that filter as well- now I guess you could also say that that company must also be incompetent, but honestly, how believable is this combination of things? Isn't it more believable that he is just taking the team in a new direction, like he said? Now if people hate that new direction - totally fine. Totally reasonable. That's just opinions on strategy, and we'll find out over the next 3 or 4 years whether it's working or not. (If it does work out, everyone will be singing the praises of "the Wizard of Florham Park".)

    What I think is going on here is that people see all the cap space, they see the roster holes, they see the inactivity, and they're getting frustrated. People feel like "oh man, they're not even trying!" Manish Mehta feeds into that.

    But Idzik already spelled out for us that that's not his strategy. He's not taking over-priced players, even if we have a need at that position. He'll look for value if it's there, and he will spend good (yet fair) money for proven players who "play like a Jet" (Decker), but he won't jump at an expensive guy just because he's the best free agent available at that position of need. Not if he's over-valued. Not when we're this far away from contending for a championship.

    As for lowball offers being a thing of comedy around the NFL, I think it's only comedy to the NYDN writers and the other typical Jet hating media figures. The agents are supposed to think you're a tough bargainer, if you're doing a decent job. You don't want to be the GM all the agents love, because that means they see you as a walking ATM.
  19. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    do you think that was wise? i am not comfortable going into the season with what we have on roster at this point or what we have plus another draft pick. i am not so sure i would be terribly happy if we had what we had last year. and the problem i have is that at this point we are not as good of a team as we were last year, patience is a virtue but we have quite a few holes to fill and bringing back aging guys who really arent terribly good just isnt how i would be trying to fill them.

    i in no way shape or form am looking for him to go make a big splash, id just like to see some holes filled or some guys brought in that can at least improve upon their performance. and there is nothing wrong with knocking on a second tier guys door and being the first one in either.

    im not worried at this point, but i dont want to hear that we will fill all the holes through the draft. there are plenty of holes to fill. some of them need to be filled through free agency too.
    FlaJet likes this.
  20. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I think it was a key element in Idzik's plan. He wants to find good young players to fill out the roster. He knows he has some very pricey defensive linemen on his hands. That argues that the defensive backfield is going to have to be pretty cheap AND effective. The way to do that is to draft them and develop them.

    Here's how I see the Jets right now.

    They have not done remotely enough to develop the offense. They let the great offensive line slip away to retirement and really that was the only part of the offense that was first class. Since then they have wandered in the wilderness with 3 offensive coordinators all struggling to get good results out of below average talent. So they need to spend some money and effort on that side of the ball to bring the offense back to an acceptable level.

    On defense they've had cap hungry CB's forever and that has limited the amount of money that could be spent elsewhere. Now they have at least two guys on that DL who are going to be expensive and a possibility of a third if Snacks can build some on last year. Something's got to give and I think Idzik has decided the something is going to be the CB's long-term. This puts him on a collision course with Rex, however I think Rex will get enough out of the talent he has to avert that collision.

    So moving forward:

    Offense - more quality draft picks, more money spent on new players.
    Defense - less quality draft picks, more money spent on existing players, less money spent on free agents.

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