Omg!! I didn't even realize that. Haha And i read your post using tapa also. Yeah the board should have this.
Good job, chief. You even inspired me to finally pick an avatar. I saw it live - I wonder if anybody knows what it is?
Love this new look, amazing! Well done and thank you Petro. The emoticons suck balls though Sigs don't work?
Is there a way to turn off peoples avatars? I cant seem to find that function in the preferences and with the Adult nature of some of them its pretty neccesary. Thanks.
Maybe I missed it but what happened to the list of Jet articles from the various papers and web blogs that used to be in the right corner page when you're in the forum
Looks great on the PC at home, and loads nicely on the antiquated work BlackBerry. It's like having a new car, where you need to check out all of the new buttons and controls.
Maybe I'm just impatient and it will eventually load, but it seems like the Android App won't load the forums. I can see the news/twitter sections, but not forum.
Well this will take some getting used to....looks good though. Gonna make the Avatars a little bigger? Otherwise i'll have to keep my glasses on.
I'm on tapatalk so can't see any differences ill have to check out the new site later, nice to see the ganggreen working properly again.
Glad to see the site back up and running.... I saw a boob at work and got nervous a manager saw me haha.