Are You SURE You REALLY Want Sanchez Off The Jets ??

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JetsKickAss, Dec 23, 2013.

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  1. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    we don't need QB ratings to tell us how good he was in postseason. #s only tell part of the story, he was vital to our title game runs. We won being a D first team but w/o his quality play we don't get close to a title game. It's hard to find a QB you can win w/ in postseason, we have one and will be getting rid of him.
  2. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Sanchez's success 2014 and beyond will be bittersweet for me. Bitter because he isn't doing it for my Jets, sweet because I will be happy for him.
  3. Ajitator

    Ajitator Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2011
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    No I based that on watching him play and win those games. Playing a game manager roll well, And throwing the ball twice in an entire game are not even CLOSE to the same thing.

    So because the game plan that they drew up for the game was to run it hard and make plays where he needed to through the air, and because he made those plays when we needed him to, It's not a good performance?

    So what you're saying is individual stats and performances is more important to being a good QB then actually winning? Right.
  4. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Yeah, it's better to judge a QB with QB stats than team stats. I don't see why people don't understand that. Yes the Jets were able to win with him, but then the argument has to be the Jets also lost miserably with him, the argument goes both ways. If Mark gets the wins, he gets the losses too.
  5. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    No it isn't, this game is about wins and losses not comp % and QB ratings. You aren't winning consistently w/ poor QB play.
  6. feldspar

    feldspar Member

    Jun 1, 2012
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    He was pretty good relative to the overall game-plan, and it was the game-plan that excelled the most IMO, executed well by the whole team basically.

    But here we are THREE years later. Since then, I've seen Sanchez shit the bed many times. Those games at the end of the season weren't all that different from playoff games in that the Jets had to win them to even get in, and I've seen Sanchez play horribly in the them. So have you. Not like he's Captain Clutch, although he's had his moments.

    Mark has proven that he can win in the big games if everything else goes right, or close enough to it. So don't say "HE" won, because he was just a piece of the puzzle. You'll never see sustained success with Sanchez IMO, and I can't see actually building an offense around him. The Jets are built on defense as it is now, and that's obvious.
  7. feldspar

    feldspar Member

    Jun 1, 2012
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    I'm saying it's a team game, son. I thought I was clear. Just because your team won doesn't mean that your QB played better than the other one. I said that, and I figure that should go without saying.

    I have to ask how old you are now. I mean, how long have you been following football?
  8. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Yes and wins and losses depend on a team. You can't just use wins and losses for a QB, and if we do

    2009: 8 regular season wins with Sanchez (Kellen Clemens won TB)
    2010: 10 regular season wins with Sanchez (Brad Smith won BUF)
    2011: 8 regular season wins with Sanchez
    2012: 5 regular season wins with Sanchez (Greg McElroy won ARZ)

    So even if you credit QBs with wins, Sanchez hasn't won consistently with the Jets. At best he's slight above the break even point.

    But you can't just take wins, like any other statistic, you need context. Sanchez was really inconsistent game to game, the Jets rarely knew what they were getting game to game, half to half, quarter to quarter. Except in 2011-2012 we started to see consistently below average Sanchez. We wouldn't even get a quarter, we were lucky to get a good drive out of him. So even if we use wins, Sanchez has been on quite a downward trend since the end of 2011, picking up 5 wins in 15 games.

    Now if you blame that on the lack of talent around him, wait a second what about the talent around him when we were winning? It's a two way street, you can't give credit to Sanchez for the wins, ignore the losses, then blame the losses on talent, and ignore the talent when we won.

    As everything with football, winning and losing is a team thing.

    So to help understand how a QB impacted his teams wins and losses, we use QB stats along the wins and losses.

    Sanchez has been on a downward trend for a year and half and just got injured. He needs to be rebuilt as a QB, I don't think the Jets want to take that risk and Sanchez used up all the good karma he had from 2010 at the end of 2011 and then 2012. If the Jets keep him, cool, fine by me, I still want another QB with Geno/Simms/Sanchez. If the Jets let him walk, cool, fine by me, I still want another QB with Geno/Simms.
  9. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    And there's no guarantee if he has success with another team, he would have had that same success in NY on a rebuilding team with the media acting like vultures around him.
  10. ConcordeChops

    ConcordeChops 2018 International Poster Award Winner

    Mar 24, 2010
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    He's gone. In time he'll be remembered with more fondness (not possible in junc's case).

    Now kill this thread with sticks.
  11. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    That post went over your head if this is your response.
  12. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Coming on this thread is a constant reminder that too many Sanchez Fans really do not understand the game.
  13. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Of course you are right about depleting the offense...

    As far as Sanchez being the starter, I musta missed that memo. If Sanchez was clearly outplaying Geno, that would make Rex's decision to play Sanchez against the Giants one of the most boneheaded things a coach could do.

    If you think that starting Sanchez would have led to an 11-5 season, then maybe I'm not the nutty one.

    I predicted us going 8-8 no matter who started.

    I'm not sold on Geno, but I know what Sanchez can & can't do on the field.

    We would be successful with a qb that could move the chains and not turn the ball over. It's really that simple.
  14. Ajitator

    Ajitator Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2011
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    Long enough to have an adult conversation... Calling people "son" and being incredibly disrespectful really shows how mature you are.

    I still don't know what the point is your trying to make with all this. Mark won the games, AND played well throughout the playoffs.

    The games we lost we didn't lose because of Mark bombing. They were team losses.

    The games we won we didn't win just because of mark, They were team wins.

    But despite of all this, Despite having one of the higher QBR of any playoff QB. ( which is a made up stat I get, But it's a made up stat that the NFL community as a whole has accepted as a way of measuring a QB's impact ) You still think he's a shitty QB and can't win any games. You don't win games in the playoffs with bad QB play. And according to all of you mark Sanchez is not capable of anything BUT bad QB play. You can't have it both ways.

    All I'm hearing ( continuously from you people with huge egos that feel mark did you some HUGE injustice ) is that you still don't think it's worth it to give him a chance on the jets with the Marty as the coordinator and some fresh blood at the WR position,.. Mostly because you don't like him, or because he didn't turn into Peyton Manning in his 3rd year while we dismantled the team around him.

    This thread is such a joke.
  15. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Somebody has got their panties in a wad...
  16. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    I never said we would have gone 11-5 with Sanchez, but clearly there were 2 games, NE & PITT which were clearly winnable games and Geno shit the bed.

    I like Geno, don't get me wrong, but Sanchez isn't the crappy QB everyone seems to make him out to be.
  17. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Agreed. Pretty likely that he wouldn't have success, actually. Too negative of an environment now. Thus, Gang Green and the Nacho must move on and part ways.
  18. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Sanchez never shits the bed.
  19. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Now that is not to say Sanchez can't get better. A few QBs have jumped late in their career and become a good QB in the league. The hard part for Sanchez is that he's never been a consistently above average QB in the league. He went below average, above average, average, below average.

    That means you need to really give him a long look, a season worth look, because he has strung together some terrible games and good games, but it never gave a full look on how he did that season.

    The thing is that coming off an injury, we really don't know what Sanchez has. If we assume that Sanchez doesn't change physically, he needs to improve on quite a few things.

    The first is obviously understanding game situation and ball security. He seemed to struggle with that the past year and half, stretching back to around the DEN game and up to this preseason.

    I would say the second is reading the defense better. He started to telegraph way too many throws and looked like a rookie recently.

    The third is consistency. You argue if he was accurate or not or if cmp % shows that completely, but I think we can all agree he is inconsistent. Consistency would greatly help him as everyone would love a backup who can come in, protect the football ,and you know what you are getting with him.

    If he can hit those 3 basics, he hang around for a while in this league. The problem is that of course, it wasn't one year in 3 good to great years that he had problems, it's been a slide and he's coming off an injury. Odds are stacked against him
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