Top 50 Free Agents

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by James Hasty, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Obviously the Cowboys might decide they will not trade Orton. But they are in the opposite situation to that of the Jets. Their starter is a vet who has been both injured and has fallen short in big games. Romo has not led them to the playoffs since 2009. He has been injured each of his last three seasons. He will be 34 in April. But I don't think the Boys are going to transition from him to Orton, either. It makes more sense for them to keep Romo and get a top Qb prospect. If they do, Orton is tradeable.

    But as I said in my previous post, despite that analysis Dallas may decide to keep Orton. In which case they will.

    But if they are open to a trade, I think that would be a way for the Jets to upgrade Qb quite effectively.

    FA Qb's are in a position to demand a larger contract than one who is traded for, who is already under contract. It is far from clear as a general rule that going FA compared to a trade is always the better approach. And perhaps a trade need not involve shipping all draft picks to Dallas, either.

    I would also think Orton would relish the opportunity to be the starter, and play next year showing he deserved a contract extension.

    As for Smith, I personally feel the Jets should not have any great commitment to him. If Orton was on the team and Smith could not show he should start, so be it. And of course it would give Smith time to develop, or not, while a superior Qb was playing. I don't see this as a problem.
  2. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    Hill is under contract so he will be in camp unless he gets traded or cut; the latter being highly unlikely prior to camp. If MM becomes the long term OC, I can see Hill eventually moving on. Poor hands aside; he's just a really bad fit for the WCO. The guys that succeed in this type of offense are precise route runners and good RAC guys. I could see him ultimately becoming a solid #2 in a vertical passing attack like the one Sparano "attempted" to implement but not in the WCO. Come to think of it that's probably why he was drafted.

    Ducasse definitely could be another Slauson situation. I would resign Ducasse and not Colon to compete for the RG spot. With his run blocking prowess, the right side is the better fit for him. Last I checked Colon led the league in total penalties and penalties per game which was what derailed Ducasse after showing signs that he was coming on. Colon will be on the wrong side 30 and coming back from yet another injury. We endured all the pain associated with Slauson's development for the Bears benefit. I would hate to have it happen again. Provided he doesn't shake the penalties bug, he would, at worst, be a younger cheaper version of Colon minus the vocal leadership. That is to say we'd have a punishing run blocker, who will get beat occasionally in pass protection and get you a lot of penalties.
  3. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Slauson developed because he isn't basically retarded like Ducasse. You guys thinking Ducasse will ever develop into a solid, consistent backup, much less starter are deluding yourselves imo. He just doesn't have the intelligence to pick up all the intricacies and nuances of his position and can't think fast enough on his feet. He was a wasted pick. It's well past time to move on from him imo.
  4. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    Well damn, tell us how you really feel about him. Even if he is as stupid as you say, it had nothing to do with why he got benched. Ducasse got benched because of penalties and we had a thought to be capable draft pick replacement that was burning a whole in the FO's pocket. He seemed pretty fast on his feet when he was manhandling Wilfolk.
  5. Mangold Goldman

    Aug 3, 2010
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    This is borderline racist to me, but I'm not going to get into this as this isn't the place
  6. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    Can't lie that did cross my mind. I've seen similar comments made by posters towards Geno after a bad performance.
  7. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Ducasse is strong as an ox, and can definitely be an effective run blocker at times.
    The problem more so than the penalties though, he simply cannot pick up pass block assignments after how many years in the league.. throw in a dline stunt, or blitz an LB thru his gap, and it's a clear hit on the QB. that is why he was benched, and hasn't been able to win a starting job.
    He would be a huge downgrade from Colon in every way but penalties, where they are quite similar.

    I'd like to re-sign Colon, or upgrade with a signing like Asamoah, AND draft a guard in the early part of draft. let em compete. but i really don't see a roster spot for Ducasse any longer.
  8. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    LOL I'm not hating on Ducasse. He can't help that he wasn't born with a lot of smarts.

    I disagree with your assessment that his lack of smarts had nothing to do with his getting benched. What do you think causes penalties? They are mental errors. He got confused on his blocking assignment and as a result panicked and moved too soon or held on the play; or he forgot the snap count or play call and jumped too soon. Almost every type of penalty can stem from a mental error, either forgetting the rules and being too aggressive, not being able to process and react quickly enough, or forgetting some basic information. Yes holding penalties can be a result of being overmatched speedwise or physical strength wise, but usually sound fundamentals will help ameliorate those issues.
  9. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Get real. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with race. As a whole, football players aren't the sharpest pencils in the box. There are plenty of dumb football players of ALL races. Race has absolutely nothing to do with it. With the exception of some borderline talents in the NFL, every NFL football player is tremendously talented physically. Obviously, some are more athletic and more physically talented than others. By the same token, some are more intelligent than others. I think the reason that a LOT of players don't make it in the NFL at all, don't play up to their potential, or don't make it in more complex schemes is because of their lack of intelligence, or at least lack of football intelligence. They all have physical talent or they wouldn't be in the NFL. Ryan Leaf is a perfect example. Guy had all the physical talent in the world, but dumb as dirt.

    I think the fact that you jumped to that conclusion, indicates more about you and your line of thinking than it does me or my line of thinking.
    #129 NCJetsfan, Jan 9, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2014
  10. Mangold Goldman

    Aug 3, 2010
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    To say a guy doesn't have the feel for the game or just Isnt adept at the nuances of his position is one thing, but you're calling him retarded and saying he is an unintelligent person. You have no way of knowing that besides judging the way he looks or speaks.
  11. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The problem with Ducasse is that he just isn't quick enough to play on the offensive line in the NFL. He doesn't have the reaction time necessary to deal with the variables in play.

    If you run behind him, well that's a different story, but once you force him to react to the opposition he's a step slow and just doesn't have the reflexes.

    He's the kind of guy you maybe keep around as a jumbo TE for the big sets where he's just going to stand on the end of the line and try to run over a linebacker now and then.
  12. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    Colon I believe led the league in penalties. Sooooooo is he stupid as well?
  13. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Au contraire, mes amis. Again, you have absolutely no idea about that which you are speaking. You don't know me from Adam, and unfairly are judging my words and trying to twist them to fit some agenda of yours. There's a little test that all collegiate football players have to take when entering the NFL draft. Most knowledgeable football fans have heard of it. His score was in single digits and indicates borderline retardation according to several educational testing folks who have posted on several Jets boards I've read in the past. That alone is ample evidence. Factor in the fact that in spite of being more experienced, I think bigger and stronger, and almost certainly more athletic than Slauson and Winters, and an excellent run blocker to boot, and he still cannot remain in the starting lineup and be a good pass blocker because he can't learn to recognize and pick up blitzes and stunts is further evidence.
  14. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    He could be. I haven't seen his test score. At the very least, he's lazy and/or incredibly undisciplined. There is absolutely NO reason an NFL offensive player, especially an OL, should get penalized for false starts. Holding is one thing. Even the best get beat on occasion, and when their job is to protect the QB at all costs, then I can understand an occasional hold, but not illegal procedure/false start penalties. Those ARE stupid.
  15. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    All I am going to say is that the dude can't count to 21 without taking his pants off.
  16. John

    John Active Member

    Jan 6, 2013
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    FA pickups

    Howard, Folk, souple more im forgetting

    trade up draft sammy wakin

    this is dream pickups

    realistic i really want Verner and Byrd they can really make this defense number one in the league

    still wanna trade up and get wakins and maybe sign maclin cheap i think oropo is a luxury
    #136 John, Jan 9, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2014
  17. John

    John Active Member

    Jan 6, 2013
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    for real you guys are sleeping on Verner he is a top 5 cb and is only 25 him and dee would be awesome Byrd and put back with AA that secondary is nice

    maybe missing one OLB but you can draft one or pick up a cheap one
  18. rsmehta

    rsmehta Active Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    He scored a 13 on the wonderlic.

    I think that's more of the reason why most people say he doesn't have the intelligence. Not his race.
  19. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    Dan Marino and Jim Kelly each scored 15. Frank Gore scored a 6. I don't see the correlation between the Wonderlic score and football intelligence, which is what really matters, and/or retardation. I think the fact that Ducasse has not been playing football for a very long time and being an immigrant probably has more to do with his slowness in understanding the nuances of the game than stupidity. UMass is not a dummy school.
  20. rsmehta

    rsmehta Active Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    You're in a dreamworld if you think we are gonna get both Verner and Byrd.

    Even if we get one of the two, that would be insane

    They are both gonna demand monster contracts, and we need to spend money on some offensive talent.

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