What is Your Final Vote on Rex Ryan?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by The Dark Knight, Dec 18, 2013.


What Would You Do With Rex Ryan?

  1. Keep Him

  2. Fire Him

  1. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    I would love to see the ages of the people who voted. My guess is most fans 25 and under say keep him due to the recent success, while a majority of fans who have been fans for 25-30 years and are impatient say "can him".
  2. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Wow, 75% want Rex back, 25% want him gone. I would have predicted it to be more like 60/40 Rex fired. I agree to give him one more year. We will see what Woody thinks.
  3. Unhappyjetsfan

    Unhappyjetsfan Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2013
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    38 years old - I say "keep him". I've never seen a coach with shittier QBs win more consistently. He does lots of things I hate, but I see a lot of "great" coaches doing a lot of things I hate. I want to see what he can do with an average QB (or god forbid, better than average).
  4. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Yeah, that's where I'm at too.
  5. mwojet

    mwojet New Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    I'm kind of there, too. The NFL is a QB league, and Rex is bringing knives to gunfights.

    I agree that he shouldn't have a lot of say in the draft room - his record for "buying groceries" isn't great. But he can sure cook, especially on D...
  6. JdotGriff

    JdotGriff Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    39 here and voted to keep him.

    He has shown he can win with average talent I like the others want to see
    what he can do with what has so far appeared to be a future minded GM in office.
  7. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    103 people OK with continued mediocrity at best. SAD
  8. Aewhistory

    Aewhistory Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    This sort of attitude is like the one people have when dating. You date until you find "the one." Everyone is so afraid of changing coaches that they don't realize that continuity for continuities sake is pointless. The ONLY way to find "the one" is to keep searching. And, just like in dating we only need to score one. So how do we do this without change? And why the fear of change? Is it because we fired some promising HC's too quickly int he past? Which ones? Was it Herm Edwards or Mangina? Coslet? Walton? Perhaps we gave up on Richie Kotite too quickly! Al Groh, BB, and BP all chose to leave the HC position, so that was never a choice for the jets to make. so that leaves Pete Carroll. that's it folks. For all the twittering about that is the only coach in roughly 30 years that may not have been given a fair shake out. Otherwise the jets have given their HCs a reasonable amount of time. We lost nothing by maintaining "continuity" with those other coaches. So why did continuity suddenly become more important than actual performance?

    Also, remember that half a decade is a long time for an NFL coach. We know RR's strengths and weaknesses. More importantly, we know that his regular season record is only slightly above .500. If it weren't for his two magical runs then he'd have been fired long ago. But think about this folks: he won a few games unexpectedly. So what? That is the hallmark of the RR Jets. They win the tough games and lose the easy ones until they reach a point where they are simply overmatched. suddenly those early playoff runs don't seem so magical to me anymore. This is who he is and who he has been for all five years. He is a very good, but replaceable, DC who is our HC. It is time to move on now....l
    #108 Aewhistory, Dec 19, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
  9. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    I have to step in. Jesus Christ.

    Ryan's defense got PROGRESSIVELY worse? Just what the fuck are you smoking?

    For the love of God, look at the fucking offensive turnovers and the performances for the past five years, for crying out loud. And tell me the defense got worse progressively. How many times does the defense have to stop the turnovers in their own field to save their faces? Take the Broncos game two years ago for instance - Sanchez single-handedly cost the game. The defense more than did the job. Broncos started at the Jets territory THREE TIMES in 3rd quarter - and Jets D held them scoreless. That's not good enough for ya? Holy shit. [And we all know this defense never had a blue chipper at the LB or S position for the entire duration. And that doesn't count either, right? What counts as a kick-ass defense for you? When the defense can pin their ears on the opposing QBs, who HAVE to throw because they are trailing?]
  10. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    That stat is directly related to turnovers. The Jets give the ball away a lot and rarely take it away. Seattle is the opposite.
  11. ukjetsfan

    ukjetsfan Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2005
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    I regretfully voted to fire Rex. I love the guy, but the team has regressed on his watch. A lot of the excuses being made for Ryan are the same as those made for Sanchez - how could anyone do well with the level of talent he had to work with?

    But five years is a long time in football. This team is a mess everywhere except the defensive line and at running back.

    Perhaps my vote should have been 'whatever Idzik wants', because this team needs a strong guiding hand. If Idzik is okay with keeping Rex, then so am I, I guess.
  12. ukjetsfan

    ukjetsfan Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2005
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    Your argument is weakened by the fact that you picked a defensive performance from two seasons ago. They have undoubtedly got worse since then. Even if you throw out the defensive rankings, which show a steady decline from the top of the league to mid table, this team has regressed as a defense.

    Holding the poor offense accountable for the defensive performance only goes so far. Many times this D simply fails to make a stop on third down. The defensive line is the clear strong point of this team - it is potentially a great one - but the overall defense is average at the moment.
  13. JetsFan

    JetsFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2002
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    It's hard to believe this is 3 to 1 to keep the bum. He inherited a descent team and was given control on who to pick and who to hire. Every year since his 1st this team has gotten worse in ever category. Not in any area is this team better today after five years than it was compared to the 1st year. He has run this team in the ground and should have been fired last year.

    He when from the guy who didn't come here to kiss BB's rings to the guy who kisses everyone's ass just to save his own neck.
  14. Fleetwood

    Fleetwood Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    Monday, 30-DEC-2013 10:00am press conference. Buh-Bye Rex, you empty sweater.
  15. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    which is sad b/c the fans that have followed the team should know better, I thought w/ age comes wisdom but I guess not.

    Very few times?

    vs. NE
    at Mia
    at Den
    at Cle
    vs. Hou
    at NE playoffs
    at Pitt playoffs

    but yeah the run game carried us all year:rofl:

    we NEVER had a dominant run game, not in 2009 or 2010. It was very good at times in 2009 but the only times it was dominant was against bad run Ds or backup players.

    In 2010 LT had a great first month then averaged about 3 yds a carry the final 11 games.

    The O was put on mark's shoulders most of 2010 and that is the biggest reason we won 11 games.

    In 2011 the myth was we were becoming a passing team but that wasn't the plan, we HAD to throw b/c we couldn't run and we'd fall behind early b/c we couldn't run then the pass O would bring us back.

    Let's look at the facts:

    2008 w/ Mangini, similar talent, weaker sched, no Brady and HOF QB leading us we miss the playoffs

    2009 w/ rex we have a rookie, lose our dominant DT and best weapon on O and make Championship game.

    The man can obviously coach, he's one of the best coaches in the game. Not many coaches could have got 6 wins out of this team or last years team.

    I am ok w/ change but not for the sake of change. Fans ALWAYS want the next QB, HC, GM. That is what makes fans fans.

    after 2006 NYG fans wanted Coughlin and Eli gone b/c fans need someone to blame when things don't go well. After 2010 NYG fans wanted Coughlin and Eli gone. That's 2 SBs they wouldn't have if they made change for the sake of change.

    We loaded up and had top 10 talent in 2009 and 2010 and we won, the talent has eroded since but we are building up the talent again and despite the lack of talent the last 3 years we have been in the playoff race in December each year. THAT is GREAT coaching.

    What will happen when we fire him is we'll bring in the next "hot" assistant then in 2-3 years we'll get impatient and fire him and the cycle will continue...

    The best franchises have STABILITY.

    You think Pitt is going to fire Tomlin this year? they have missed the playoffs 3 of the last 4 years too. There is a reason franchises like Pitt are never down for long and compete for championships while we yo yo and never compete for championships.
  16. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    He looks like a beaten man this week, like he knows it's coming. "I know I'm a good coach" etc.

    That's great Rex. You can use that line in an interview to become someone's D.C... You might try New England - maybe Belichick will hire you if you kiss his rings..
  17. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Rex's Records:
    2009: 9-7 (2-1 in playoffs)
    2010: 11-5 (2-1 in playoffs)
    2011: 8-8
    2012: 6-10
    2013: currently 6-8.

    First 2 years, obviously great. 2011 had an 8-5 record and then collapsed the final 3 games. 2012 was a doomed disaster in so many ways. Ended up 6-10. Now in 2013, they had to begin to rebuild from the 2012 disaster and actually have done a decent job, despite the same number of wins so far. It makes me ask the question, "Is there even a chance Rex gets fired?" Maybe not. Clearly the Jets realized they had to start over in 2013. Fired Tannenbaum, hired Idzik, and decided to move forward with Rex Ryan as head coach. They had to know 2013 was not going to be an amazing season for the team. I think Woody and Company are behind Rex for the foreseeable future, including the 2014 season.
  18. Mitch_Dumstein

    Aug 28, 2013
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    Fortunately Rex will be back as HC of the NYJ for the next 3-5 seasons about two days after the Miami game


    Because he is a terrific HC.

    Firing Rex would be the second dumbest coaching decision in Jet history behind only firing Pete Carroll to bring in Rich K-----
  19. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Look at what happen in Houston this year. Now if Rex had a team similar to the Houston Texans, I would understand why fans would want him fired. That team was stacked defensively and offensively. The coaching didn't get the best out of the players - everyone under-performed. You give Rex Ryan a team like that and more than likely we are in the playoffs past the 1st round.

    Put Gary Kubiak and that Texans coaching staff on the Jets, and they would be lucky to win 3 games this year. We had no skill position players that are in the top 100, TOP 100. Defensively, we had injures in the secondary and young players have continued to develop.

    If Rex gets fired, you ruin the development of Coples, Wilkerson, Richardson and Millner. It's not worth it. Some of you believe Geno deserves another year, what does giving him a new OC do? Ruin his development.

    I swear morons think firing a coach that can actually coach is the issue. Continue the course, get some offensive talent and we will become a better team.
  20. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I posted earlier this week about a possible middle ground of brining Rex back for one more year, but giving presumably Marty the responsibility to draw up the rebuild on O. The Jets may still do something like that, since I think even most of Rex's supporters would not want him to get a multi-year extension.

    But the more I think about it, the more I want him gone.

    First of all I do not buy at all that he has little or no responsibility for the current state of the offense. Both in terms of roster input and changes Rex has admitted he has made to the O, such as emphasizing runs and so-called mistake free football to the detriment of downfield passing, he does not show the vision necessary to improve the team's offensice production.

    Continuity is another supposed reason to keep Rex. Continuity is not an end in itself, but is a residue of success. Those speaking for continuity have it backwards. Successful coaches are not fired - that is the association of continuity to success.

    And Rex has had continuity - 5 years of being HC, during which the team has declined.

    I like many am hopeful that the team's improved cap situation and hopefully better scouting and drafting can be turned into a much improved team next year and the year after. But why should I think Rex is the guy to improve the O? There is literally no reason to think he is right for the job.

    If he is fired, I think it more likely he ends up as some other team's DC than HC. That right there tells me something, I think, and if he is fired and is hired as some other team's HC, I would be surprised by that.

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