"Official" Start Matt Simms thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Joeyd223, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. JetsNation06

    JetsNation06 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Be fair in your first paragraph. You're sounding like a pro Sanchez guy here. A lot of what you say here is exactly what Geno is dealing with this year. The Jets offensive skill position personnel is AWFUL this year too. They have no WR's, the running game is average, and no good TE. It's not like Geno has all these weapons to work with that Sanchez didn't so let's not paint that picture. Bottom line is neither Sanchez nor Smith look like decent NFL QB's. I really don't want to make this a Sanchez debate, tired of talking about him as he's done with this team.

    In regards to the unknown QB's, sure I have no problem giving Simms a shot IF Geno is absolutely awful this coming weekend.
  2. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    there has to be some common sense in here folks.....

    the defense of smith is warranted - he is a rookie and quite frankly should not be starting yet for this team at this point. i do not think that was the initial plan.

    well one shoulder later here we are with smith showing some decent things, a good arm, and some toughness - but below avg pocket awareness and no respect for protecting the ball.

    this is a jet team that attracts controversy like no other in the NY area and people are drooling for another controversy - as in QB controversy.

    at this point simms is only a relief valve, so geno doesn't shit the bed anymore. however simms has some enticing tape from preseason and APPEARS to be a bit more comfortable out there in the pocket. thats enough for people to wonder about the possibilities.

    so this shouldn't be too difficult for the jets - a shorter leash for smith and more reps for simms. however it plays out so be it.

    if i am the GM/coach - i give smith the first half this sunday and evaluate the performance. its gonna be a good defense out there so that has to be taken into acct. if we see a similar pattern with smith from recent poor outings then simms has to get the second half.

    but regardless - this is not a good match up for the jets so offense is going to be limited anyway. lets see who manages the game and protects the ball.
  3. JetsNation06

    JetsNation06 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    I don't think Geno is the long term solution anyway. Like I said, if Geno is absolutely awful this weekend then I'm all for giving the next guy a shot. And Simms has a big arm yet so does Geno so let's not act like Geno is a noodle arm. And Brunell got reps when Sanchez was sucking but that was typically when the outcome of the game had already been long decided. It's not like Rex put Brunell in there with the game on the line. Rex rode Sanchez to the grave which was a horrible msitake and it's why one of them will definitely not be here next year. And the other (Rex) may not be either.
  4. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    So I promised it earlier and since I can't sleep I'm delivering now...play by play of Simms two possessions:

    First snap - hand off to Ivory
    2nd snap - 4/3 alignment - delayed blitz by the LB - Complete to Salas
    3rd snap - 4/3 alignment - No blitz complete to Cumberland
    4th snap - run Powell
    5th snap - run Ivory
    6th snap - 4/3 alignment - Rush 5/blitz TD Cumberland

    2nd Posession

    1st snap - Big run Ivory
    2nd snap - Holding penalty - Full Blitz - Incomplete
    3rd snap - run Ivory
    4th snap - Full blitz incomplete
    5th snap - Complete to Salas
    6th snap - Blitz - Incomplete turn over on downs.

    So, for those idiots that said Simms got the "watered down" defense they are fools and want to rail against the wind to hear themselves talk. Simms was blitzed on over half of his 7 pass attempts. (1 pass attempt wiped due to holding penalty) 2 of the 3 blitzes were full 6 man rush with the one only being a 5th man delayed blitz.

    A point of note...when that last pass fell incomplete and our bid for a 3rd TD failed I made a mental notice of how ANGRY Simms was coming off the field. 37 - 14...no shot in hell...just lost the game...he only played 3/4ths of a quarter but acted as if he just lost us the whole game. Pointing it out...

    Back to the original point of this post...The Bills are an inter-divisional rival...they want to hammer us any chance they get. The people who figured that they would just fold up when we brought in the backup QB are insane and unrealistic...that is all.
  5. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    I was talking about practice reps
  6. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    interesting - very nice detail...it did appear that simms recognized the blitzes for the few plays.

    the trick for him would he be able to recognize the blitzes/looks throughout 4 quarters where the def coordinators mix and match stuff - as u well know.
  7. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I'm all for giving Simms some first team reps to see what he can do. That said this disdain for Smith and the idea that he isn't the future franchise QB of the Jets isn't mutually exclusive.

    Smith has done some really good things for this team. The Jets have 5 wins in part because Geno played pretty well in several of those games. The Jets have 5 losses in part because Geno played pretty poorly in those games. That's true of lots of players on what is essentially a rebuilding team with 1 good phase, The D Line, in a very mediocre league.

    To me Geno is a guy who has lots of skill and seems pretty tough minded. He could turn into a real good player. I think he needs to sit a bit to get his feet under him. I also think we need to see if Simms brings something to the table.

    The good and bad of the NFL is the rookie high draft pick QB is now a low risk pick financially for the team. The bad part of that is the investment in development is lower.

    Becoming a pro QB is not an even development. This guy has a lot going on in his head at the moment and much of it isn't helping him on the field right now.

    What I hate about this thread is it seems that many people believe Geno is a bust based on some pretty poor outings. I think that's incredibly short sighted thinking and not very productive thinking for the long term future of the NY Jets.

    Now does that mean he shouldn't sit for a game or two, not at all. Does that mean we shouldn't see what we have in Simms right now, not at all. It means the Jets management has to be able to do more then just walk, they need to be able to walk and chew gum.
  8. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    you show us a "detailed" look showing very few blitzes and neglect to mention the mindset of the Bills, the jets wave the white flag by bringing in a backup. That changes things in most games, defenses will relax whether they are blitzing or not and they clearly didn't bring it the same way they were all game long.

    and using your "detailed" log he completed 2 passes against a blitz and that was it so this proves what others were saying no matter how loud you scream and no matter how much you insult others.

    You are better than this but you made a foolish proclamation in preseason based on watching Simms face guys who are no longer in the league and you need to keep it up by pumping him in garbage time.

    fans always love the backup, remember the kellen Clemens craze? this sounds just like it.
  9. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Now Biggs...and to the rest of you on here. I am in NO WAY calling Geno Smith a bust. Some are...but I won't. There is no way I would doom a guy...especially a QB with such little "tape" so to speak.

    Having said that, Geno looks to me that he needs to sit now...before we ruin him. He simply looks lost and uncomfortable. Just like when you hear how if you play half-assed injuries can occur...well the same can be said for a deer in the headlights QB.

    Also, to be quite honest, I like the lower salary for rookies now...ESPECIALLY a QB. It allows a team to be flexible in rolling them out...as opposed to the past where salary dictated that they start regardless. Geno's salary puts us in a place to HAVE the conversation about starting Simms a few games...10 years ago it would be Geno or bust.

    So no....I don't believe Geno is a bust but I AM terribly down on the guy for his callous lack of ball control. BUT, that comes with the territory of being a QB in the NFL.
  10. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The entire team wasn't ready. Our O, D and STs sucked. To pretend like this was all on geno is silly. There have been games where if we got better QB play we would have won, the other day was not one of them. This was a total team loss.

    fans are funny, they always want a new HC and new QB. we have more access to info than ever before and fans aren't any smarter than before.
  11. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Junc, I only can trot out what facts we have. So he completed 50% of his passes against a blitz...and 4 out of 6 overall...with one drop I might add. But, I digress...YOU know how the Bills mindset was. You were reading their minds all along...you knew they were letting off the gas. I'll make sure to call on you the next Power Ball drawing so I can draw upon your fantastic psychic capabilities. Personally, I have no idea...I know when I played it was 100% all the time...but maybe that's just me.

    When it's all said and done I will stick by what I said before the season began and now. Even in "short" bursts he looks comfortable. Usually a backup QB comes in and it's hand off's and a cloud of dust...on top of looking like they all have their head up the ass. Wasn't the case with Simms...but that's just me talking.
  12. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I don't. I LOVE Rex Ryan and wished I had the opportunity to play for him. And, I'm not saying get rid of Geno either. What I'm saying is it is time for him to watch from the cheap seats for a few games and learn.
  13. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    you should know better than anyone. the mindset changes in garbage time, Simms may turn out to be good but we can't take anything from that ONE drive(he did nothing on the 2nd drive) in garbage time.

    It's impossible not to love his arm and in winds like Sunday an arm like that w/ a tight spiral is a huge weapon but there's more to this game than just an arm. late in blowouts it's like playground football, I don't take anything positive or negative out of them. I hope he's great, if geno has another stinker we'll get to see him play and I hope he tears it up if he gets that opportunity.

    Obviously I am not happy w/ geno right now but he's a rookie and he deserves to work through growing pains.
  14. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I don't necessarily disagree w/ that, if we had a QB they trusted he would have been sat down already. The problem is we are still 5-5 and in playoff position so he has played well enough in most games to help us get there. it's hard to make a QB switch in a playoff race.
  15. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Smith has no QB controversy to deal with, has a legit OC, has a better running game, has powell in year two that can catch out of the backfield, has Ivory running who is better than Greene, a better scheme, and offensive line that wasn't put together in the final days leading up to the season...Smith isn't failing because of lack of talent on the field he is failing because of lack of talent in his body. His three interceptions weren't the result of pressure or wind or a bad route. It was the same in to Holmes twice and a screen pass. The scheme in 2012 was awful - play calling was awful, the staff was lost as to how to use the players on the team. If Sanchez had Holmes all season, Kerley, and another veteran (Edwards/Burress) , Cumberland or Keller, with a pass catching RB without the Tebow garbage they would have been ok last season.
  16. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    And that last incomplete was to Hill -- he completed passes to Salas, Cumberland, was going to Hill -- at least he involves players. that alone will get offensive players fired up and get them into the game.
  17. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    In garbage time defensive players know they can't lose the game by being overly aggressive and making some highlight reel hits on the QB. It's a defensive players wet dream when they can pin their ears back and attack a backup QB and make sportscenter.
  18. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    when do we ever see highlights from garbage time?
  19. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I edited your post not because I didn't think it was all worth reading, heh, but just to highlight the parts I want to talk about. Before proceeding I also want to point out that the excellent points here made by Mezzavo, JayWayne and others were not really addressed by you insofar as they identified a major factor - the playoffs.

    What I hate is looking at this team, where it is right now, and failing to acknowledge that the season is hanging in the balance. I generally felt, back in preseason, that the Jets were unlikely to contend this year, and that the main goal would and should be to see what kind of development could be achieved with some key younger players. Maybe find a reliable Qb.

    But I did not foresee how great some players, especially on D, would play. I thought Marty would be a great addition, but did not know that. I was concerned that Colon would not hold up - so far he has. I didn't expect that Ivory would be the great addition he is, either.

    RIght now, the secondary concerns me, but the LB's are a much improved unit, with more speed in Davis, and Coples coming along, Harris playing better and even Pace looking relatively youthful. The DL is playing great. The Jets have a solid tandem at RB, Holmes back from injury and wanting to prove something, a nice rotation at TE now, and some promise that Nelson and even Salas might contribute at receiver.

    With competent play at Qb, this could well be a playoff team. To put it bluntly, there is not enough invested in Smith, not enough seen from him that is promising, to sacrifice a chance to win enough games to get into the playoffs.

    Now, i know the criticism from the pro Smith faction would go something like this - why expect Simms to be a success if given the start? Well, to be honest, I would not say I expect that.

    But I do right now see more competence in him than in Smith. Simms comes off the bench and moves the chains. Scores a TD in a game that Smith could only score one for the other team. Why is that not enough to give him a shot?

    Meanwhile I see some real issues with Smith. His pocket awareness is woeful. When the ball is snapped it looks as if he has to survey the field to know wht is going on, when he should have figured out most of that pre-snap and based on the routes the receivers were going to be running on that play. He takes too long to throw it, and loses track of the safety far too often. He only seems to throw with authority down the field with a man clearly open - not good enough to be a NFL Qb.

    In fact his turnover stats understate the problem, incredibly. Somehow he generates those ridiculous numbers without their including tipped passes - can't say that about most int totals for other Qb's.

    But most of all he looks lost out there, and is not benefitting from playing. We know the dreaded David Carr syndrome, and i fear it is happening before our eyes.

    Add in the accountability factor, and it is as clear to me as day that he should sit right now.

    And finally as for the seeing what players can do business, the Jets also need to see what Simms can do. If they go the rest of the season without having given him a decent chance to do so, and Smith continues to play like he has, they haven't even figured out if Simms could be next year's backup at the very least. So give Simms a chance, right now, before the Jets lose another one and the playoffs start fading even more.
  20. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Maybe not sportscenter but you know they show that in their defensive meetings and get all hyped up how they killed a guy, how they finished the game, how they made a statement.

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