I like what Winslow has done so far, but he had 1 rec last week (albeit a TD). It sucks to lose him but I think we can manage while he serves his suspension. We'll likely get a look at Sudfeld this week, and more Reuland of course. Not a great 24 hours for the Jets between this and the Cro injury.
Agreed. A loss, but a loss that can be overcome IMO. Hopefully Sudfeld can give us something. I think the loss of Barnes is much greater (granted it is for the entire year).
Not good. I don't think this is good at all. While he wasn't targeted much last week, he was pulling coverage away from Cumb and Kerley. Good WRs & TE's get respect by demanding more coverage and that creates opportunities for others.
this is what people do when their bodies can no longer take the beating. i'm sure i'd do the same thing, if it meant my career. i have sympathy for guys who do 'what they gotta do' to keep their careers going. there are plenty of ways to look at it. and i'm not saying what he did is right or wrong. but i understand it.
this is a huge opportunity for Cumberland to take the starting TE position and make it his own. With Winslow out for a month, JC needs a few more games like the one he had against ATL and Winslow could find himself "Pipp'd" just like Sanchez.
Probably knew he was gonna get busted, so he wanted to get all the touches he could get before the gig was up.
PED soldier. Anxious to see the Cumberland/Sudfeld duo though. I think NE gave up on Sudfeld too early and the Jets can coach him up.
Especially for a guy that has amazing talent, but never really had sustained success in the league. There is no way Laron Landry wasn't doing PEDs last season, because now that he has a contract he is all of a sudden injured every week again.
This hasn't been a good week for the Jets in player personnel. I mean remember when the worst thing NFL players did was knock up a Hooters girl, drive their cars into pools and get drunk. Now they kill people, take PEDs .... thanks Kellen.
Wonder who will take the roster spot for the 4 weeks. Personally I would sign Spadola and put him on the active roster and release Winslow if it is shown we can do without him. Was a one year rental guy anyway.
Ped's are a lot better than getting drunk and driving into a pool. PED's can't kill innocent people like drunk drivers can.
Winslow says "he's surprised he tested positive". What an idiot. Good thing for Cumberland. Time for him to get his!
what exactly did he take under the PED category ? It seems that anything these days would set off the alarm.
You want to see more Reuland? Man I was glad when that sucker wasn't getting any reps. Can Bohannon get in on the mix and do some H-Back, "Chris Cooley" hybrid shit? The man can catch and he's not bad at blocking.
I think all NFL players should be REQUIRED to take PEDs. We might actually get a Thursday night game or a pro-bowl worth watching.