He MUST be lighting it up in practice cause I didn't think they'd have the guts to even think about this. It's Schefter so I doubt he was talking to the ballboy.
The key here is what the team considers "struggling". Geno is a rookie so he will have his fair share of bad games. When do you make this call to switch? If Geno is the guy going forward, I see no reason to unless we are in a blowout situation.
Schefter is very good at what he does but this one is hard to believe. I can't imagine anyone in the organization would prefer Simms over Geno, makes zero sense. Not making light of what Simms did in preseason, but Geno has to be the man this year. _
This likely means that Simms is the primary backup, not Brady Quinn, which is nice. But he's not going in as long as Geno is just having normal rookie struggles. Teams don't just bench a rookie quarterback for another rookie quarterback. Unless Geno completely shits the bed, like 3 picks per game for the next 3 games, he's playing. If Geno gets hurt, I think Simms having "support within the organization" means he's next in line. The interesting thing will be if Sanchez gets back does he jump in front of Simms? I'm not so sure.
Geno has way more upside than Simms.. Only reason Simms is in the NFL is because of his dad.. Non story... Next!!!
Because 5-6 games is not enough time to see what we have in Geno... We need a full season to really evaluate him and will then make a decision if we need to take a QB in next years draft.. Geno could struggle the first few games but then could make some impressive strides and improve in his game... Troy Aikman and Peyton Manning both played horrible their rookie seasons.. This kid Geno had poise and can make every throw.. He needs to get better with making his first reads, getting the ball out way quicker, and making better decisions.. That will all come in time.. You gotta give this kid the full year which is what I think the Jets are going to do.
Simms has a bigger arm than Geno. Plus he's white so he has that going for him (don't under estimate it).
I'm in no hurry to get off Geno. To me he's done nothing to not continue playing, in fact I like what I have seen. However, if change needs to be made, it's next man up and that Simms. No way do I want to see Sanchez play for the Jets. That ship has sailed not matter how the media wants to portray him as some sympathetic figure. Don't buy into that Jet fans! We only need to remembet the performances last year against NE, Arizona, and Tennessee, to name three.
What if Simms looks head and shoulders above Geno in practice? If that is the case it would be absolutely asinine to not give him a start if Geno is struggling several games into the season. What if Geno has a four interception first half? I think you put Simms in to finish the game. If he does great he starts the next week. If you give Geno the whole year and he struggles throughout, maybe with some improvement, what are you going to do in next years draft. You have to know whether you have a potential starter in your back-up QB before next years draft so that you don't use a first round draft pick and sink a ton of money into the QB position if you don't have to. This team has a potentially great defense this year, it is not far fetched that this team can make a playoff run this year with better play from the QB position. It is a waste to write it off as "rebuilding year" in the hopes that your second round draft choice QB will develop by starting the entire season, if you have a QB on the roster you can win now with.
Yes I agree, unless he absolutely blows chunks and we cant justify his being out there any longer. We are trying to find out about more than just Geno Smith this year. Make no mistake, I want Geno to be the future. He has a lot of work to do.
That is good news that means they are confident in Simms. But Geno has to really be awful for Simms to even see the field and I doubt that happens.
Who says the Geno era has to be over if they bench him? Maybe it's an acknowledgement that he isn't ready yet. Not every QB has to perform or else in Year 1, football fans have been spoiled in recent years with RG3, Wilson, Luck, etc to believe that these guys should automatically play right away and be ready or else. Besides, don't underestimate the Rex factor...he's coaching for his job. If the other kid's better than Geno in practice and the Jets are losing at some point he's going to say **** it and put him in. I wouldn't be shocked if he was the leak for this tweet in the first place.
Geno or Simms, I don't care who plays. I am just ecstatic that Sanchez is out. We literally are playing with house money this year. I love it. We are moving forward.
I guess it's no mistake then that the reason Simms is the number 2 and not Quinn isn't because Quinn doesn't know the plays.
So the #2 QB has support to play if the #1 QB struggles, shocking developments in the Jets organization. This 100% makes sense.