simms has a nice arm and can zip the ball in where it needs to go. mcelroy sure is smart but i think ill take simms physical ability over the noodle arm
Yea and Tebow won TWO NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS so he MUST be better than all of them!!! Yea - a big arm helps a lot in the NFL and Simms can make throws that a lot of current NFL starters cannot! Obviously a lot of other things are necessary too. That's why you call them projects - that's what you want in a 3rd string QB. BTW, I hear he might have some good genes too.
Definitely this! I would like to find out what this 'upside' is that Simms has. As for the so-called "noodle arm" that McElroy has, the individual that keeps talking about that has not watched him play. Not in college or in pre-season, when it's there, he can throw the long ball... accurately.
McElroy has a noodle arm and does not have a future as a starter in the NFL. I've seen McElroy play since Alabama. Why do you think McElroy has not competed for the starting job? He has several physical limitations.
I agree that Smith and Simms have much more upside in the pros. Both are extremely raw right now though. Sanchez probably gives us best chance to win games early on, but also gives us best chance to lose games unfortunately. For every great drive, there is a disaster play. Unless he's 100% healthy, i wouldn't start him against Tampa. That leaves McElroy as the only other guy with some experience, and that is good at protecting the football. He's had a good camp and preseason (pre-injury). I'm actually really bummed he isn't healthy enough to audition on Thurs. He might just be our default week 1 best option, albeit hopefully not the starter for any significant time beyond week 1.
Do you think they are really holding Geno as a precaution or bc they want to see Simms with the starters in game action?
the long ball isnt based on arm strength... look at his intermediate and sideline routes, the guy floats 5 yard outs... not gonna cut it against nfl corners
i think the 'starters' for this game are more or less the 2s anyway, so i think they just want to keep everyone healthy for the season. if simms shows something hell pass mcelroy and be the third option
I don't think I'd use that term "starters" so loosely. The starters that do actually see the field will likely only see it briefly.
A couple of weeks ago there seemed to be a lot of fans pulling for GMac to get a shot at the job. Now all of a sudden some people are more hyped on Simms. This is just the usual stuff that happens when you don't have a clearly dominant QB on the roster and everything is up in the air. Whatever happens, I just hope they wind up picking the best man for the job and sticking with him because if our QB situation becomes a revolving door all season it could be as unwatchable as last year... and last year was about as unwatchable as it gets...
Agreed...this is STRICTLY for Geno's health. After the media shit storm that Ryan had to put up with concerning Sanchez he's not about to open up that "Can" by getting Geno hurt when it's more than likely he'll start game 1 in lieu of Sanchez's health issue.
Agreed to a certain extent. Outside of Tennessee and the fans of teams they may play a lot of us had never seen Simms play. I think the minute we all saw the first pass and how HARD it was to track it because of the velocity we started to think....and drool a bit. Let's face it, after having a decade of, essentially, average to noodle armed passers we were all a bit pleasantly shocked. From what I'm hearing accuracy is Simms big issue. Accuracy can be fixed. With that cannon if you can work in some accuracy and further his professional football smarts we could have a viable QB. Hey, at the worst develop him into ideal trade bait.
McElroy is going to give us a one way ticket to a high draft pick :sad: Way things are going, I only see 2 QBs staying on this roster Geno and Simms
I hear you Mezz, no doubt it's only natural to get a little hyped when you see the new unkown quantity come out and flash some skill, I'm not knocking you or anyone else for that. I'm just having trouble feeling anything other than depressed about our QB situation at this point...
Thursday I want Simms to come out and lead the team to a score every time we get the ball, and then still see us start Geno game 1. Then keep Graham Harrell at #3 who has just been signed so we can try to slide Simms to to PS where a team needing QB depth will get him for totally free. That is the Jets way I've become accustomed to. Truly I do want Simms to be so good that even if Sanchez can't play game 1, Woody will push for Simms so the Jets will get all the media love in NY.