Hey, Im in Winston Salem. Nice to see a fellow Jets fan so close. You should hear the crap I take from Cowboys, Redskins, and Panthers fans.
I went with NJ because that's where I'm from and where I'll be living. I'm currently in Austin, TX for work for a couple of months.
Born in the Bx....raised in Manhattan.....got married & moved to NJ. Today own a modest home in Bayonne, NJ but still have a studio apt in Manhattan (which I sublet to var fam members). But no matter where I go, I'll always remain a NY'er thru & thru!
Cohoes, NY. In Albany county. The majority of football fans around here like the Giants, but there's a solid contingent of Jets, Bills, and unfortunately, Pats, fans, as well.
I get that same weird feeling every time the wrestling thread FITM started gets bumped. Where are they now, I wonder? The internet makes for strange relationships. If you don't hear from a friend for a long time, the thought that maybe he died never pops into your head. But here...you just never know.
I'd prefer that to having to wait up until 1am for KO. After a days work and a few brewskies its pretty killer