Can't wait for Rex to be fired

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by tomdeb, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. Joewillie78

    Joewillie78 Banned

    Aug 18, 2013
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    I agree to apoint but to be good in game manager, clock manager, and good with timesouts, you have to have a sense of the pulse of your offense and how they are or are not moving the ball, especially in crunch time. REX sits there and watches his offens, and either by toatal incompetence or not paying attention or stupidity, constantly mismanages the clock, runs out of time, has no times outs left to take one last shot etc, so his lack of in game management, and complete lack of the offensive side of the ball make him basically a DEFENSIVE COORDINATOR, disguised and being paid as a "HEAD COACH". Just his complete backing of one of the worst all-time starting QB's tells me the following:

    1. He is loyal to the point of killing a franchise
    2. He is stupid and doesnt recognize SANCHEZ is awful
    3. He just doesnt care as he is too busy making, and guaranteeing the defense will be top 5

    Sorry, when REX and SANCHEZ are finally gone, then IDZIK can finally move forward rebuilding the JETS!
  2. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    Yeah all you Rex defenders are correct--Rex CLEARLY has us moving the right direction--Let's see--10 wins in 2010, 8 wins in 2011, 6 wins in 2012 and lucky if we get 4 wins in 2013. Rex CLEARLY has us moving in the right direction--how could I have missed such a clear and obvious winning trend by starting this thread? I forgot Rex gets all the credit when we USED to win, but none of the blame when we lose. You Rex defenders are all correct--I should have OBVIOUSLY noticed that winning two LESS games every year is the mark of a great coach. Let's sign Rex and his favorite QB Sanchez who he loves to praise to a huge, guaranteed extension.
  3. FlashGordon

    FlashGordon Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    You're welcome.
  4. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    T-Rex becomes extinct after this year as the HC of NYJ. He will be a DC next year for Jax or SD
  5. VirAurum

    VirAurum New Member

    Aug 15, 2013
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    On the other hand, shortened field from turnovers would decrease the yards allowed, as teams would need to go a shorter distance to score.
  6. Blue Raven

    Blue Raven New Member

    Jan 4, 2006
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    This is a rebuilding year. As long as the team plays hard and doesn't quit on Rex, he will still be around
  7. Jeti

    Jeti Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    Honestly we need a coach who can manage the game, develop talent and lead the team

    Let the coordinators run the O and D(Harbaugh) style

    Give me Gruden next year when Rex gets canned
  8. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Human stupidity knows no bounds - it's true.

    He won it all with Dungy's team, and by cosmic coincidence, he played the Raiders at SB, where their starting C boozed deep into the night before the bowl game.

    After that, he lost the locker, and the team. By the end of his tenure, players despised playing for that tool.

    So he's a better candidate than Rex? Jesus.
  9. Jeti

    Jeti Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    Gruden IMO would come in and lead the team and manage the games

    You say he won with Dungy's team but in essence Rex won with Mangini's team

    Gruden would come in and change the culture similar to Harbaugh in San Fran and Carroll in Seattle
  10. Jets Esq.

    Jets Esq. Guest

    It would decrease the average # of yards to the goal for that drive, but it tends to increase the # of offensive plays you'll have during the game. The teams that have the highest turnover differentials also end up running a lot more plays over the course of their season, and that helps them get more yards. So on the flip side, giving up lots of turnovers gives your opponents more plays against you, and that should hurt you in both points and yards allowed.
  11. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    What the fuck?

    Dungy took the Bucs to the playoff for three consecutive years before Gruden came in. Mangini didn't even qualify for one before Rex came in. Bucs 2002 was fully loaded. Jets 2009? Hardly, if you had to compare with any SB winning franchise. If anything, Jets 2009 didn't even have a qualified QB that could handle the offense mistake-free.

    Jesus Christ.

    And didn't I already tell you? Players DESPISED him. Change culture? Yeah. He will change the locker room culture all right - from playing hard for the HC to despising one.
  12. Greatful Jethead

    Greatful Jethead New Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Vince Lombardi aint taken this team to the SB. No running game, and a poor passing attack coupled with slow linebackers is our problem. Love Rex's attitude and have no problem with what he does with our D. If our OFfensive coordinator can make some chicken soup out of the chicken shit he has to work with, then we will have a decent year. Other than that I agree . Rex is not the problem
  13. Jeti

    Jeti Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    Times have changed

    I think Gruden can have a Harbaugh-like impact on the team

    Remember he was somewhat young as a HC with his experience on the offensive side of the ball I think he'll come in and let someone control the D and he'd give input but he'd manage the game the right way which is a huge reason we lose a ton of games

    Also IDC about getting guys to play for YOU, The Hoodie gets his players to play at high levels period, The Harbaughs, Tomlim, Carroll, McCarthy, etc
  14. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Wow where is your common sense? I posted what if Woody said DC or nothing what would RR do? Are U saying Woody cannot do that? :sad;
  15. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    BTW RR dad took a DC position with the Bears when he flopped as a HC. JIC U have not checked it was a D that failed us in both AFCCGs yes the D. You do remember Peyton shredding us in the 2nd half & the Steelers shedding us in the 1st half? Was that the O or D fault? RR is the remake of his dear dad all bluster & no substance. Just a bit ago Golick took the NYJs to task. :sad:
    #215 championjets69, Aug 22, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2013
  16. Jeti

    Jeti Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    What did Golic say
  17. NJBeliever

    NJBeliever Active Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    The Coples move (which made Q the heaviest lb in the nfl by almost 20lbs) came back to bite him early.

    Undying loyalty to the worst starting QB in the league is ridiculous. When we still had a chance to go to the playoffs, he let Sanchez play through five turnovers against the titans including THREE in the 4th quarter! What does a guy have to do to prove he's no longer worthy of starting.

    Making Sanchez and Santonio captains were boneheaded moves.

    Not to mention his dumb comments and buffoonish behavior.

    And for people dissing Gruden we could easily say Rex took Manguni's acquisitions to the championship game.

    Rex has flopped and this year he'll play out the string until his contract is up. It's time.
  18. NJBeliever

    NJBeliever Active Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Manguni himself has acknowledged on mike and mike that he assembled a lot of talent that Rex inherited.
  19. NJBeliever

    NJBeliever Active Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Lets take a look at some of the players Mangini drafted/signed:

    CB-Darrelle Revis
    LT- D’Brickashaw Ferguson
    Center- Nick Mangold
    TE- Dustin Keller
    LB- David Harris
    RB- Danny Woodhead
    WR/KR- Brad Smith
    Sione Po’uha
    Eric Smith
    Leon Washington
    Calvin Pace
    Alan Faneca

    Aside from the Ghost Mangini did a good job. Who has Rex acquired??

    And let's not forget Rex 's first big move was trading 2 picks to Mangini for Sanchez.
    #219 NJBeliever, Aug 22, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2013
  20. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    It's hard to argue this point when the Jets best players in 2009 at the start of the season were Revis, Mangold, Jenkins, Harris, Jones and D'Brick. Ellis and Cotchery were previous regimes finds. Faneca and Woody were short-term solutions required by mistakes that Mangini, Tannenbaum and Bradway made.

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