What made the chant cool was it was created by the fans. Bad enough they started putting the words on the screen. What's next, the young boys in shorts carrying the Jet flags on the field when we score. The Jets organization just doesn't get it, this is NY, this shit doesn't fly here, its just another indication of how clueless the front office is. Its embarrassing. I was sick of Ed, but this is lame as hell. I knew they would try to find something to replace Fireman Ed chant, couldn't let the fans figure it out. Woody is an ass.
For someone "So tough" and "NY's Bravest" and a "Die Hard" all that and you quit on the fans and the team because someone hurt your feelings. "But my Kids"...yea..ok. btw, they will probably use the giant TV's to help coordinate and the JETS JETS JETS will be 4 everyone
You're too tough, Artee. I saw a show 12 years ago that confirmed that he was at least within 50 blocks of the towers on 9-11. He needed to be heralded as a hero. I mean, look at the resolve:
This seems like it's going to be disastrous. Maybe there'll be someone over the course of the season that kind of takes over leading the whole thing. I agree, Ed's act was getting old but I was also at all the games years back when he didn't come due to knee surgery or whatever and it was the most sorry fan experience at Jet games I'd ever experienced. The sectioning off of the letters is a dumb idea but I guess I can respect them trying to do something to keep the chant going. I'll still be drunk and screaming regardless.
It was some sorry shit. The "fans" seemed so clueless at the game (I flew up for the 1st Favre game... that sucked) This idea is stupid too...... essentially reducing the volume by 1/4 ??? Why cant they just play the air raid horn and flash the letters on the screen? Probably because some dweebs in the "marketing dept" that weren't even football fans before they got the job. What ever happened to the 2 dudes in Klecko jerseys up in the 317 (?) section that used to run that shit before Ed got his mug on TV?
I loved going to games and seeing Ed in action. Some people can get fans loud, but what was most impressive was how he could get everyone so quiet before the chant. Best chant in all sports. I'm really sad that experience is now history. I dont know how anyone could be mad at Ed, he was obviously a huge fan.being angry at him for any reason is just sour grapes.
It doesn't. The year he was out for his back surgery (or whatever) the crowd was just lame. People in the audience tried to start it but no one focused on the chant like when Ed did it. Rag on him all you want but he literally was the fan's cheerleader. I'm indifferent to what he does and what people think of him but no one can lead the Jets chant like he did. Like it or not, the crowd will not be the same. ^This
Is Ed still going to the games, though? If so and he sees this team in action with Geno or a winning Sanchez, Fireman Ed will make that historic come back, right?
They always showed him on the big board anyway. I'm just saying from experience, if there isn't anyone leading the chant it won't happen.
This was a little before my time, but I've heard about it a lot from my dad from back when he still came to games with our tickets (we were in 315). I remember him saying that they were actually the guys that started the whole chant. I believe they called themselves "Gang Green" before that was a popular nickname for the team.
Why is there any hate on Fireman Ed? Dude has been keeping a tradition alive for years and loves his team. Dont we all? Its fucking sad that some jackasses ruined everyones good time with their venomous BS. More than half of the stadium is wearing something Sanchez related, are they gonna berate them too? I want to watch the opening day Bucs game on CBS and hear J!..E!..T!..S! in the background. Fireman included.