a little off topic but does anyone have the hit target stats for Sanchez and Geno from the paintball competition?
i think boomer and cartin said its a new wu tang clan album cover shoot or maybe it was in the comments on the article. either way it was pretty funny.
"Everyone wanted Sanchez on their team because they knew he would be good at hitting the opposing team.
although we are all joking about this, i think it speaks volumes about the direction of the locker room. good stuff
Oh please, I have heard this crap for the last 4 years. How bout some play makers and some depth, that should help the locker room. This is nice but means zero, winning helps the locker room.
Yeah, because highly publicized fun activities always are a sign of team unity. This just looks like anothe PR stunt really. Real unity and binding happens internally. Maybe they are hanginf together after practice and guys on the team are getting into the team thing... but this shit reeks of PR crap.
. junc made a funny. I know that many people write you off, but you're a good guy and I enjoy when you show your sense of humor.
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. . . . . Motherfucker. . . . "