17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Doesn't surprise me.

    And one has to ask... "Why would they be doing that this year when they never did that before?"

    And the answer is... "Well, they certainly aren't doing it because they feel like being nice. The only reason they're doing it this year is because PEOPLE AREN'T PAYING THEIR INVOICES!"

    Honestly guys... if you are staying a STHer in the stadium (and I don't care where you are located and whether or not you have paid your bill yet), CALL THE TICKET OFFICE tomorrow, or Saturday, or Sunday, or Monday or Tuesday even. Or all of the above.

    These people are under strict orders to put asses in seats no matter what. People have bailed and people are still bailing and not paying and they are in CODE BLUE and the ship is sinking and pull out all stops and keep people in seats no matter what, period.

    Woody is beyond embarrassment. When somebody in Row One 40-YL walks away, things are pretty freaking bad. I'm not talking about an economic perspective. I am talking about the perception of the team and where this ship is headed for the next 5 years. People are fed up and bailing at a rate that has never been seen before by the FO. Front Row seats being given up and turned in? Name one franchise anywhere where that is happening! ANYWHERE!

    So, IF you are contemplating trying to do this for one more season (and that's a big IF), then whether or not you have paid your bill... CALL THEM UP AND DEMAND AN UPGRADE. And if they say no... they're aren't any better seats available, then you tell them, "Bullshit. Talk to your supervisor and call me back because I know ther are many, many, many STHers who are vacating, and I do know that you have seats availbale now EVERY DAY that are better than mine, and I have been with you awhile now and if you do not give me an upgrade, THEN I WANT MY MONEY BACK AND I WANT YOU TO CREDIT MY CC WITH THE AMOUNT I PAID AND I AM GONE."

    Believe me, you will get a call within 12 minutes.
  2. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I Am Begging...

    I am begging all board members who have (or had) season tickets (whether you paid this year's invoice or not), to call the Jets Ticket Office tomorrow, Saturday, Sunday, Monday Tuesday... whenever.

    There is mass defection going on now.

    Do you know the Stock Market addage that says, "Sell when everyone else is buying, and buy when eeryone else is selling?" Well, everyone else is selling, bailing, calling it quits, walking away, defaulting even on PSLs. The "market" (the Jets' prospects for the next few years) couldn't look bleaker.

    Time to sell also? Walk away? Call it quits? Not pressure them? Stay in your present shitty seats?

    No, it's time to call them up and tell them "I could be a player, but you're got to give me real good seats." If you get the right rep, you're going to get seats that should have gone to guys with 50 years "seniority."

    Serously guys, we put up with their bullshit since they tore down Giants Stadium. It's our chance now to get back what should have been ours from the git-go. Better fucking seats.
  3. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Ha ha to what U posted. Just maybe NYJ fans are finally waking up to the reality that they have better things then buy ST & to anyone that has bailed my hat is off to U since U are way smarter then the person who continues to hold on to there tix or pick them up this year :sad:
  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Well, according to this statement and since you still continue to hold 2 of your seats, that puts you in that category and means that you must be "way dumber" than anyone who bailed.
  5. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    You just keep forgetting those seats are for someone else who PAYs for them not me so it is his money that supports the NYJs not mine which IMHO makes me way smarter then those giving there own to the NYJs :sad:
    #17545 championjets69, May 17, 2013
    Last edited: May 17, 2013
  6. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    1) 227 - We once discussed here how they "held back" the best seats from us when the initial relocation occurred in 2010. I suspect your new seats were not vacated by others - The Jets kept them for emergencies like yours.

    2) This would be my 35th year and for the first time since '79 I have not paid my bill.

    3) They could get me back with an upgrade, but I'm comfortable "winging it" for seats via Craigs list, StubHub etc. I'm very curious about trying that. I live close by the stadium now, so I may just buy in the lot each week. Imagine the $ savings!

    4) Obviously there's chaos in Florham Park if they've extended the deadline. You sure they didn't do it last year?

    5) I'm going low-key when they call. I don't feel like raging. Last year the guy "thought" I'd be able to upgrade using their process after I paid. The seats available to me after I paid were equal to, but not better than what I had, so we stayed put. I didn't feel lied to - he was making an educated guess. This year when I return his call (he's called twice) I'll remind him of that experience, and I'll tell him I plan to look for a desperate PSL owner next year rather than continuing my account this year. We'll see how that goes over. I think they could win me back if they move me even to the 25 or 30 yard line. I've been EZ or Goal line my entire 35 year Jets career and am now near the 5.

    6) My "beef" isn't my seat location - it's the hassle of getting up there for ANY UD seat, and also the bang for the buck. I was paying $80 in 2009 for lower level. $125 to be near the moon isn't "bang" - especially for a team that's over-promised, under-delivered lately, and is in decline.
  7. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Anyone not happy with there seats, listen to 227. I did last year and i am on the 30 yd. line row 8 and very happy. Great to here that woody is losing STH's, no surprise at all. Just wonder how many PSL'ers are bailing
  8. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Those were definitely seats the Jets held back. I had told the Jets numerous times last year I would not keep my seats but the Jets still kept them in my account. They had offered me other seats but those obviously were not being used. At the time of the deadline I fully dropped everything. I emailed a guy I know there (not a friend by the way) and he lied his ass off saying the stadium was almost fully sold out.

    I then was offered several locations since I wanted a low row on the aisle and needed 3 seats. They then blurted out another location but it was four seats. I spoke with my father and sister and my father wanted seats that were more toward the sideline, my sister refused to spend over $100 a ticket, and I wanted first row on the aisle. They ended up selling me three seats and moving the other seat to another pair available in my row. They definitely hold back seats.

    Something else to note, last year they moved me to a first row seat, while I know you were not upgraded some people on here were. Then afterward they lowered prices in some locations. I have no crystal ball but maybe we will see that again. Between the 20s the upper primes stay $125 but goal line to 20 yard line get dropped to $105. I could be totally wrong but just taking a guess here.
  9. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    They definitely need to lower prices.

    But they choose to lower them differently than we figure they should. Soon after they "set the hook" on guys like me and all others who've now paid their bill, they go about accessing what it will take to get more asses in seats.

    That's when the "military discount" bullshit starts... and the ads on radio and TV... $50 seats, etc. then after they milk that, then they pullout the stops with no Preseasons, parking, etc.

    I know my Preseasons will be worthless. Why would someone pay me face for a Preseason game when he can buy an entrance for $20. Then after the game starts, he mosey's on up to 227s seats and sits FR when Security is fucking off.

    This is wy I have to calculate my total "meaningful" game cost by dividing the total bill ($5254) by 8 and not 10.
  10. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Anybody on this board win a gift yet? Maybe a ticket and parking reduction instead of the nonsense your marketing TEAM came up with to justify there jobs would help you sell tickets. You greedy bastard, everyone saw the hand writing on the wall including you. I am in the minority staying on for the current price and paying on time. So many old timers have called it quits this year. last year was unbearable and add the price per game ticket and the stadium experience, these people have had it, fans I would never expect to give them up. You are never getting them back Woody, ask the people who gave them up last year. No turning back now. Forget stub hub, if this team gets off to a bad start, no one's gonna buy secondary market but fans of other teams. I am trying, I am really trying, but it gets harder every year. A half empty place, with wishy washy Jet fans and only sold out with Steeler, Raider and Dolphin fans is gonna be like a major flashback to pick my nose Joe. 227 is right, now Woody and his marketing guru's are gonna scramble and start giving away the ranch after schmucks like me pay my invoice in full on time. I have no regrets, its not a ton of money, its the time and effort I question. Maybe its time to get there at 10 am instead of 8:30 and put the same effort that the Jets give me. Maybe stay home for night games instead of taking the next day off and wasting a day? The NFL is going to have to change the blackout rule because of the Jets. Geez, I hope Woody is freaking out right now. Betcha, all his bean counters are working this weekend.
    #17550 sec314, May 18, 2013
    Last edited: May 18, 2013
  11. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    I won nothing. I did get an invite on Tuesday for a "Town Hall meeting" on Thursday. I have to admit I actually enjoyed myself for the most part. They had a cocktail hour type thing with beer, wine and some ladies coming around with chicken, dumplings, hot dog weiners, etc. Then was an hour meeting type thing with Rex Ryan and Idzik. That part I find amusing since they talked up Goodson and he's now locked up. Then they gave us a tour of the Florham Park facility. I made sure to enjoy my free booze lol. It's not enough to make me say this event is worth keeping season tickets but it's the first one that I can say I didn't regret giving up a Thursday night for.

    As far as those prizes that was insulting. Would have been better off giving us the half off parking.
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Nothing so far for me either. But my upgrade makes me feel like I already won the lottery.

    And then the Buyer's Remorse sets in again. $656.75 to go to a single Jets Game? And watch them lose?

    I have to have my head examined. There's something seriously wrong with me.
  13. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    You left out "in the rain".
  14. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    227 is right. I have been trying to upgrade my UD tickets since the new stadium opened with no success. I have 33 years of seniority, but in 2010 ended up in row 18 of the upper deck sideline near midfield (but not the two middle prime sections) , which was miles from the field and a major downgrade from my UD row 5 seats in Giants Stadium. I tried to move down in 2011, but was told by my ticket rep that "nothing was available." Then we had the 2012 grand seat exchange that was based on, allegedly, on seniority and location and even though I went from 4 to 2 seats (my sons are now in college), I was only able to move down a few rows.

    Last season just plain sucked. The games were awful, the crowd just as bad, and the stub hub prices for tickets depressing. The kicker for me was two things. First, I saw on this board that a brand new first year season ticket holder got seats about two rows behind me after the grand seat exchange. The second was seeing a person I knew with far less seniority than me sitting in UD primes at midfield.

    I called my rep in January and told him I was considering not renewing unless I received a major upgrade. Then my rep left the Jets ticket office. When I got my new rep, I called and wrote and unleashed all my frustrations about the treatment of UD season ticket holders, especially those who have been loyal fans for decades like me. I told the rep I would not renew unless I had UD prime tickets before I sent my money in. The thing is that I meant it. I would not renew if I did not end up in the UD prime. The UD is just too damn high. And the game experience has been awful the past few years. I had grown tired of having to stand to see every 3rd down play and hearing "Tebow" after every incomplete pass and having different people around me every week instead of the regulars I had become friends with in Giants Stadium for 25 years.

    I was called back within minutes and now have UD prime in row 3 on the 40. Finally. Hope the issue with the bar is not a problem, but looking forward to being significantly closer to the field and being able to see the game and the players this season. It won't be the equivalent of row 5 of the Giants Stadium UD, but I am hoping it is not that far off.
  15. jetbo

    jetbo Member

    May 31, 2004
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    UD Upgrade

    You should have asked for row 5,6, or 7 and saved yourself $20.00 per seat per game!!!

  16. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Actually I'm suprised U did not wind up with any of my UD FR seats that I turned back to the NYJs the other day :sad:
  17. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Good job, JWWS. Nobody around here deserves that upgrade more than you do. I'm delighted that you got MUCH better seats than they initially gave you.

    I was in the same boat and your post could easily have been written by yours truly! I was given Row 16 Section 342 initially. But then when I saw how they had pidgeon-holed better seats and were giving them out to newbie knuckleheads with very little senioriy, that's when I got on my high horse and started hammering incessantly on this board. Talkig to them on the phone never got me anywhere, so the only place to vent was here!

    But like you, I got to the point (it was last year this time), and I called them up and like you, I WAS FREAKING SERIUOUS, I WAS LEAVING. So maybe that tone carried over to them (I wasn't nasty or threatening or loud, just told them I'm leaving and with all this seniority, I wasn't feeling very good about the Ticket Office in general... "not you, Roberto, of course) Hahahaha..).

    So I got the upgrade last year and then was still seething and called them again.

    So anyway, we may be close to one another. Yes, the rail is there, but I have sat in these front 4s before and you are going to LOVE them despite what people say about a 1" bar "blocking" your view. Don't forget, there are only 4 rows in this section, period, with a concret wall behind the 4th row.

    So the minor inconvenience of the rail is something you adjust to... you slump down or sit a little straighter and before long, you don't even notice it, believe me. And it beats the hell out of looking at some guy's 400-pound ass in yoor face on every play.

    As far as the crown around you, maybe... just maybe... they have wised up a little and maybe now we have some of the old timers back in the closer rows again and that will eliminate some of the Dolphins, Pats, Raiders, you-name-it assholes in these sections. Not saying we're imune to the transient Stub-Hubbers, but I don't think it'll be as bad as it was for me in Row 16 UD. AND... there's only 4 Rows, so if they get too out of hand, you just tell your Security Guard on the aisle to shut it down. most of that shit is going to still happen behind us, but at least there's a concrete wall and rail between us and the circus animals.
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Yeah he saves $20, but now he's got 2 rails to see through. I had seats in Row 9 in 335, but I was still unhappy. Too far from the field still and a lot of rails and people stillin front of you standing up, etc.

    And our first game in those seats was the Ravens opener and I though tmy son and I were going to have to fist-fight our way out of that section that night. My son had to keep telling me, "Just ignore it dad... just ignore it." It was only him and me (we're both 6'), but there were 4 Ravens lunatics right in front of us, and they kept standing up an turning around going "J-E-T-S Suck, Suck, Suck." These guys were harrassing women going to the bathroom, throwing shit, drunk as hell falling down.. and Security didn't do shit in that section that night. It was real animal show. And it lasted all fucking night long... down the stairs even.

    I started really hating the UD seats back then, even in Row 9. No, JWWS has real value where he's sitting now. THey should have done that for him from the git-go... he deserves Row Ones even.
    #17558 Section 227. Row 5, May 19, 2013
    Last edited: May 19, 2013
  19. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    I'm corner end zone so it's a different view in row 5 which is the first row. Last year I missed two games but it was still great. Any issues going on behind me I didnt notice ever. Only time was some kid tried to jump in front of me during the Giants preseason game to celebrate the Giants scoring a TD. Instead he dropped $10 that I never told him he dropped and kept it.

    Security is right there at the entrance to the section so all the ruckus is behind you and in your case there's only 4 rows so you have less issues to deal with.
  20. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    I was telling my father about the seats you got and he said he would have taken those in a heartbeat too. He would never even care about the ticket price for those.

    To make you feel better I just went on stubhub to look at completed upper prime listings for the Jets Steelers game.

    314 row 12 4 seats for $175 each

    339 row 2 5 seats for $299 each

    315 row 2 4 seats for $175 each

    315 row 3 2 seats for $200 each

    314 row 1 2 seats for $350 each

    313 row 1 4 seats for $249 each

    I don't know your section and this is the top seller but if you sold this game you could probably pay off one preseason game as well after seller fees. Either way if you enjoy going and your family enjoys going don't look back.

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