When will Jet fans turn on Idzik, Geno Smith

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by rajensen088, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. fozzi58

    fozzi58 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    This fanbase is getting worse and worse as time goes on.

    Great, lets run Idz & Geno out of town before OTAs even start. Great idea.

    I have another great idea - lets cut Mark June 1st and get Geno to start game one this year so we can ruin ANOTHER potentially good QB like we did with Sanchez.

    The smart move would be to let Mark & Garrard fight it out for the starting spot and let Geno ride the pine a few years so we can PROPERLY develop this QB instead of fucking him over like we did Nacho. But no - this fan base will boo Nacho day 1 even though the smart thing is to keep Geno on the bench. Way to keep the short-term "what have you don for me lately" mentality going and sink your own future.

    Get some goddamned weapons on the team, get the OLine fortified, and develop your QB. There's no Reggie Wayne or Calvin Johnson on this team so even adding Edwards to the WR core would make the receivers mediocre at best.
  2. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    As long as Idzik delivers on bringing this team back to respectability, the fanbase will stay with him. No publicity stunt hirings, no crazy predictions, no controversy. So far, Idzik is taking the long view about rebuilding this team and if he can get the fans to buy in on this, his tenure should be a productive one. We can only hope that Woody Johnson just stays out of the way and lets his GM rebuild. I would imagine a 3-5 year window sounds about right.
  3. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Well, as an example: Joe Flacco had very similar support to what Sanchez got in his rookie year. How did that work out? The Ravens won 2 games in the playoffs with Flacco along for the ride and then lost to the Steelers in the AFC championship game when being along for the ride was less than what they needed out of the QB.

    In year two they went into New England and won a game with Flacco literally just hanging out on the field and handing off for them. Then they went to Indy where Flacco could not contribute enough to beat Peyton Manning at home.

    Year three they beat KC on the road with Flacco playing very well but no great QB on the other side of the field. Then they lost to the Steelers again as Flacco could not keep up.

    As long as the defense and running game were topflight Flacco was good enough. As soon as they ran into a team where that was not enough they lost.

    BTW, Flacco's play through year three in the playoffs was not great, it was barely manageable at times and yet the Ravens went 4-3 on the strength of their defense and running games.

    The Jets won a bunch of games in the playoffs in 2009 and 2010 despite the fact that Mark Sanchez passed for just 665 yards in the 4 wins. They did this despite hm throwing just 5 TD passes in the 4 wins and leading the offense on only 10 TD drives in those 4 wins. If Shonn Greene does not break two long TD runs the numbers for that offense look really anemic.
    #23 Br4d, Apr 30, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2013
  4. ArmandJ

    ArmandJ Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    Fans won't turn on Idzik unless he, too, gives Sanchez a moronic extension.

    They won't turn on Geno unless he's an idiot like Sanchez.
  5. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    No, But Sanchez did fumble the ball in the Pittsburgh game that was returned for a TD that put the Jets in a deep hole.

    Regarding the drives, If Sanchez does his job and extends drives and scores points, you know what a QB is supposed to do, it's not on the defense to have to be perfect at the end of the game, or for that matter for the defense to have to be perfect all through the game.

    Regarding how many QB's have reached 30 wins as fast or faster than Sanchez...the answer, A LOT. In fact of the 15 QB's I took the time to check all but 5 of them had reached 30+ wins in the same or shorter time frame. Which really isn't that fantastic of a stat really, Sanchez has 33 wins, over his career....that's 8.25 wins per season, not exactly a tall order to match or beat. And Sanchez, ulike some of the other QB's, came in to a playoff ready team.
  6. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Flacco was pretty bad though until recently in postseason. If Bal had Mark from '08-'12 they would have made at least 2 SBs.

    Flacco's first 7 postseason games vs. sanchez's 6:

    98-184, 1050 yds, 4 TDs, 7 INTs, led O to 18.6 PPG, 4-3 record, D allowed 15.3 PPG

    95-157, 1155 yds, 9 TDs, 3 INTs, led O to 20 PPG, 4-2 record, D allowed 18.7 PPG

    Flacco won a game wher he completed 4 passes

    switch the QBs and we don't go 4-2 and Bal is in multiple SBs
  7. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    This thread is STUPID, and anyone that really thinks the new GM or their rookie 2nd rd draft pick QB is the reason that they're NOT making the playoffs is equally as stupid
  8. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    You say Flacco was pretty bad, and then you show how Sanchez's and Flacco's numbers were similar. So, doesn't that mean that Sanchez was bad too?
  9. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Hey Junc, you might want to double check that Flacco statement,
    Flacco's first year he went 2-1 in the playoffs, second year 1-1, third year (noticing a trend here?) next year 1-1, next year 1-1, the next year 4-0.

    Translation Junc, in his first two years in the League Flacco had the Team to two consecutive Playoffs AND had a record of 3-2 in those first two years.
    So he sucked in the playoffs with 1 less playoff win his first two seasons? Since you grade so hard on QB "W"'s, even though that's a team stat, Flacco had 32 wins at the end of his 3rd season, you know 1 short of the total number of Wins Sanchez built over 4 years.....

    Flacco has thrown almost 2 TD's for every 1 interception and has NEVER thrown more Int's than TD's, and he's only been under 20 TD's once in his career, his rookie year. Flacco has NEVER thrown more than 12 interceptions, Sanchez has NEVER thrown less than 13.
    Flacco has 2 times in 5 years been under 60% completion ratio, 57.6 and 59.7%... Sanchez has NEVER completed even 57% of his passes

    Flacco has NEVER missed the playoffs, Sanchez has missed them each of the last two years.

    So Don't go trying to even remotely compare Sanchez to Flacco, Its laughable

    I Swear to god you make up more stats than a politician running for office.
  10. Tballlz63

    Tballlz63 Active Member

    Apr 27, 2007
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    I see this year as a rebuilding year and i hope most other fans do as well. In a rebuilding year you need patience because theres going to be a lot of new starters and they all need time to play together in order to gel.

    I hope we sit geno this year and have Sanchez or Gerrard start. It'll be a legit competition for the qb spot for the 1st time in Ryan's tenure with the Jets so the best player will play, and if that's Geno so be it. But I'd love it for Geno to sit and learn while the o-line sorts itself out. Then next year Geno can start with a gelled o-line and an established running game if Sanchez/Gerrard blow this season (which is probably what will happen).

    If Smith comes into a situation like that instead of this mess he's got such a better chance of succeeding. I just hope we develope him correctly and don't make the same mistakes that we did with Sanchez. At least wait till the middle of the season to throw him in a game so that the o-line has time to gel and play together. That way he doesn't get killed and become shell shocked like Sanchez is.
  11. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    When will Jets fans turn on ignorant threads like this one?
  12. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    you might want to try actually READING what I posted. I wrote:

    "Flacco's first 7 postseason games vs. sanchez's 6"

    first year: 2-1
    2nd: 1-1
    3rd" 1-1

    what does 2+1+1=?
    what does 1+1+1=?

    if you said 4-3 you're right!

    the #s I gave you were PLAYOFF #s and Flacco has had MUCH more talent from day 1 AND a better defense that doesn't always choke in big spots.

    In 3 title games for Flacco his D allowed an average of 17 PPG
    In 2 title games for sanchez his D has allowed 23.5 PPG

    switch the QBs, Bal wins more playoff games and we win less.
  13. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    This is a nuts comment.

    The reason that Baltimore did not make the Super Bowl in any of Flacco's early opportunities is that you cannot carry a QB to the Super Bowl. It's that simple.

    Nothing that Mark Sanchez did in 2009 and 2010 represented anything more than taking advantage of being carried most of the way by his team mates and not screwing things up in return. That's the sum contribution from 2009 and 2010 for Sanchez.

    Even in the Patriots game, if the defense had not set the tone early and forced Brady out of his rhythm and given him happy feet for much of the game there is no way the Jets win that game, none at all.
  14. NFL

    NFL Active Member

    Apr 2, 2012
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    I'm not saying that Mark doesn't come up big when its needed. Point is, without the defense Mark wouldn't have been in that situation. Also, Mark has cost the Jets more games than he's won on his own. He has come up big on some parts, but he's also fell short many times.

    I'm not in the group that wants Sanchez cut, I want him to compete and if he wins the competition, I want him to start..

    You can't be a QB that only comes big in those rare occasions, you have to at least not lose the game for your team by throwing multiple picks. If Mark hadn't thrown so many interceptions in some games last year, we would of win more games. I really can't think of any other games that he won for us this season other than the first Bills game. Now compare that to all of which he lost for us, and you have a very bad ratio. If Smith could be the QB that at least doesn't throw the game to the other team, then of take him over Sanchez any day of the week.
  15. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    yep and Bal was trying while our QB was a HUGE part of our success.
  16. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    And now to rip apart the other Stats.
    Flacco's Raven offense, over 7 games scored 144 points, that's an average of 20.57 points per game, not the 18.6 you claim.
    The Sanchez led Jets did score 20.3 points per game, BUT....
    It's worth noting that only 1 playoff win for Sanchez came where the jets D allowed more than 16 points. Only 1.

    and it bears repeating, If Sanchez Doesn't fumble against Pittsburgh the Jets win that game...not lose it.
  17. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Who have Jets fans NOT turned on? They are never happy. Especially with GM's, offensive coordinators, or quarterbacks. So at some point, no doubt, they will turn on both.
  18. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    I did count the first 7 Flacco games dillweed.

    27+13+14+_33+3+30+24=144/7=20.57 in the playoffs
    oh now it's just the title games...lol, you are aware that at least 7 of the points the Jets defese allowed in Tital games were direct results of Sanchez Turnovers (referring to the fumble against Pittsburgh that was returned for a TD). Pittsburgh had 299 TOTAL yards against the Jets defense. TOTAL!. The Sanchez fumble was the last points the Steelers scored in the game. The Defense allowed NADA after that, if Sanchez doesn't fumble that ball the JETS WIN, PERIOD.
  19. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Forgot to add, switch teams and Baltimore doesn't make the playoffs nearly as often so that's really a Moot point since Flacco makes his teammates better and Sanchez, well he's Sanchez...bottom 1/5th of the league QB. period.

    Sanchez will be best remembered for two fumbles. The one that Cost us a superbowl appearance and the Butt Fumble.
  20. BleedGreenDaily

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Probably by the end of week 2. Geno has a large order on his plate come this season.

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