Jets to consider releasing Sanchez - Adam Schefter of ESPN

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JetsFan, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. ConcordeChops

    ConcordeChops 2018 International Poster Award Winner

    Mar 24, 2010
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    I don't but it depends if he's happy to be $20mn and done. There won't be too many GQ covers in the future if he does a 'Gholston'.
  2. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    What will happen???? Easy - Sanchez will perform fine, 275 yds 1 TD 1 Int, Geno will chart the game and learn, Chris Ivory will go for 100+ yds and 2TDs and Sheldon Richardson, Coples & Wilkerson will destroy Josh Freeman and the NYJ will bitch slap the bucs. That is exactly what will happen if Nacho gets the start.
  3. NJBeliever

    NJBeliever Active Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    LOL. His GQ days are on pause no matter what! But he is not done. He will get picked up by one of many teams (AZ, Cle, Buff, Oak would all sign him in a heartbeat). So I think he takes his money which he deserves (he negotiated a phenomenal deal) and hang out all June until he gets picked up before camp.
  4. NJBeliever

    NJBeliever Active Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Now that I have seen your prediction for Sanchez' opening day, all your other posts on the draft make sense.

    Sanchez won't even be on the team week 1, much less getting eaten up by Revis island.
  5. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    They have to pay him regardless. May as well let Mark take his licks as Smith learns from the bench as the JETS improve the team around him..... instead of throwing him to the wolves on a shitty team........
  6. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    1,588's time to put the circus on the train and run it out of town. No way will the Jets be stupid enough to have Sanchez and Smith in camp together.
  7. Nesquik

    Nesquik Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    I hope Sanchez stays Geno isnt ready id rather not see him start day 1. Besides we are on hook for the contract anyway, just let him sit and learn from Garrard (preferably not Sanchez, hopefully Sanchez doesnt say a got damn thing to him) and start maybe somewhere later down in the season
  8. Noam

    Noam Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    Sanchez would have no chance of making Buffalo or Arizona's roster. Buffalo has Manuel, Kolb and Jackson. 3 QBs all clearly better than Sanchez. Arizona has Palmer, Stanton and whatever rookie they draft in the coming rounds. Again 3 QBs much better than Sanchez. Cleveland has Weeden, Campbell and whatever rookie they draft in the next 3 rounds. Again no room for Sanchez. Maybe Oakland they have Flynn, Pryor and oh wait they will likely draft a QB as well. Jacksonville has Gabbert, Henne and whatever QB they draft. Again no room. Sanchez will have to look elsewhere. Minnesota might be a possibility and his best chance of resurrecting himself. His problem is there are not many teams where he can even compete for the number 2 job and normally the 3 is for a developmental guy. He will have a hard time making a NFL roster once he is cut.
    #48 Noam, Apr 27, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2013
  9. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    I understand the logic behind what you are saying, but i dont think it would really play out that way. Beyond just wanting sanchez off the team, i think there are a lot of positives, and it makes sense on several fronts:

    1) money wise. if we cut sanchez, dont use a june 1 designation, and eat his entire salary this year we would take 1 year of financial hardship while really setting ourselves up with a ton of cap room next season. if we dont, then we are still on the hook with a cap number from him next year.

    2) I dont think he really creates competition for Smith. if anything he just creates a distraction or media circus. is gerard any worse then sanchez? competition wise i think gerard provides the same push without the hoopola.

    3) sanchez starting just pushes the rebuild back further. the wideouts dont like this game and haveny been shy about it. we need him out and we need to turn the page and move on. we arent winning the SB like you said, which is why we need to see what we have and develope the guys who might help us try and get there in 3-4 years
  10. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    How would you condition the average ticket-buying fan to accept a guy they have no confidence in at QB while a high pick stands on the sidelines?

    I'd go with your scenario if we were talking Jon Kitna or Kerry Collins or David Garrard as the starter. It's harder to see it happening with a deeply unpopular incumbent who will spark outrage with his inevitable mistakes.

    I understand your thought process here but some things, particularly in the world of competitive entertainment, just don't allow for logic above all else. Millions of fans can't think logically when they are simultaneously being poked in the eye.
  11. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    those would be the last teams to pick up sanchez. teams with terrible QBs who have had a carosel of starting quarterbacks the pasy 5-6 years arent going to want to continue that by brining in the leagues worst starter. they want to improve the position, not continue sucking at it.

    if mark catches on it would likely be as a backup on a team that already has a veteran starter who is playing well. there is some value to sanchez as a backup. a guy with 4 years experience who would only need to play due to injury. and someone you could try and work with during practice and not have his flaws hurt you in real games
  12. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    yes, but Garrard will most likely win the starting job....... as SAD as that sounds
  13. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I hope we get rid of him. I was all for Sanchez, but he really messed that up last season.

    We need to start on a fresh page with Geno. We have a new GM, new OC, and two new faces at the QB position. We have 2 new RB's and possibly a new WR or TE after the end of the draft. Purge the offense. Greene is gone, Keller is gone, and now Sanchez needs to go.

    If they don't want to start Geno immediately, then put Garrard in. Let him run the offense. We need this circus bullshit out of here. Tebow and Sanchez need to go. It's the cold hard truth
  14. Call me crazy, but if the Jets release Sanchez I'm not sure he doesn't just retire. I don't think he likes or really cares about football.
  15. JoeWillie130

    JoeWillie130 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2003
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    I don't want to see Sanchez on the roster. If he's starting week one the fans will be calling for geno the opening kickoff. I would say that doesn't matter if Sanchez had the support of he team but I think the faith the team has in him is about as low as it could be at this point. Idzik can cut him and admit the previous GM made a huge mistake.
  16. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    It'd be a good thing if Smith WON the starting job. Next best is Garrard taking it and Smith sitting for a bit.

    Marty M is going to have to do a good job of evaluating where Smith is by the end of camp. There's no shame involved in having Smith sit for awhile and watch a clearly more prepared QB implement the new offense. If Smith is more prepared or an injury vaults him into the starting job so be it.
  17. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    It's pretty clear at this point that the contact has gotten the better of him over the years. Whatever else you can say about Sanchez he clearly was not a well-protected QB the last few years, by the Jets or the officials.
  18. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Won't miss him but I think they should have started more weapons or protection for the qb this year and them started his replacement next year and cut him then.
  19. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    Gone before I hardly knew ye, Drew Stanton.

    Sanchez is probably odd man out, it's a shame that Tannenbaum tried to keep the baby from crying for asking about Peyton by giving Sanchez more money. Whether it's June 1st designation or not, is up to Idzik. I don't know what the cap looks like this year anymore but I'd imagine June 1 because we can move some $4M to next year and not take his entirely stupid contract entirely against '13s cap.
  20. ArmandJ

    ArmandJ Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    I would have an orgasm if this happened, no joke.

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