Jets to consider releasing Sanchez - Adam Schefter of ESPN

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JetsFan, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. JetsFan

    JetsFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2002
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    "With the second-round selection of Geno Smith, the New York Jets now have a surplus of quarterbacks, leading some sources familiar with the situation to say the team will consider releasing quarterback Mark Sanchez, Adam Schefter of ESPN reports.

    Sanchez counts $12.85 million against the salary cap. If the Jets cut him as a June 1 designation, which they can do at any time, the Jets would take a $12.35 million cap hit this year and $4.8 million next year.

    There is no offset clause in the contract, meaning they're on the hook for $8.25 million whether he plays for them or not.

    Nick Sanchez Jr., Mark's brother and agent, said the Jets have not yet asked the former first-round pick to take a pay cut or proposed a possible trade in the wake of Smith's addition.

    In a text to ESPN's Sal Paolantonio, Nick Sanchez said the Jets brass was in contact with Mark Sanchez throughout Friday, telling him in advance about the possibility of drafting Smith.

    Asked if Mark Sanchez wants to stay with the Jets, Nick Sanchez said: "I haven't asked him that question yet. He will comment at a later time."


    I hope we do release Sanchez and we start Geno day one. My other hopes are Sanchez catches on with another team and becomes the next Alex Smith, and Geno smith leads us to a 0-16 season. Lastly, I still hope we then draft a real QB next year. This team is the biggest joke in the NFL.

    I'm sure my phone wasn't the only one being blown up last night with friends sending shitty messages laughing at the circus which is the NY Jets.

    Woody can't send Rex packing because he would lose $6M, but we can take a $17M cap hit over the next two years and pay out $8M cash for a QB he will cut.

    After four decades I'm about to call it quits on this F@#KING team.
  2. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    You having asshole friends is not Jets' problem. Give Idzik a year at least. He is doing all the right moves. Chill
  3. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    Wow, you're an idiot with a rough life.
  4. themorey

    themorey Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2008
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    1,788 discusses the implications:

    Since I know its certainly a big topic of discussion with the New York Jets drafting a QB I wanted to discuss the possibility of cutting the other Jets QBs, though clearly the person on the biggest hot seat is Mark Sanchez.

    Mark Sanchez currently carries a cap charge of $12,853,125 which consists of $8,250,000 in base salary, $4,103,125 in bonus prorations, and a $500,000 workout bonus. The base salary is fully guaranteed with no offset provisions meaning the Jets are on the hook for $8.25 million in cash regardless of whether or not Sanchez plays for the Jets or another team. For the Jets to cut him they have to be willing to pay that money to Sanchez, likely within 30 days of cutting him.

    The dead money cost of cutting Sanchez is $17,153,125, which results in a loss of $4.3 million in cap space. The Jets restructured the contract of LT D’Brickashaw Ferguson on Thursday to create over $5 million in cap space that in theory could have been used during draft weekend in the event the Jets drafted a QB. The restructure was not done after the 1st round so the way the draft unfolded played no part in the restructure. It would have just been preparing for the possibility.

    To save cap room Sanchez could be designated a June 1 cut. If the Jets did that they would defer $4.8 million in dead cap charges to 2014. The Jets would actually gain $500,000 in cap space in 2013 if they made that decision, however with free agency all but finished it is hard to see the benefit of such a move. John Idzik and the Jets may simply be following in the mold of the Indianapolis Colts and Oakland Raiders where they take a year of financial pain to clear the books completely for next season. As I have discussed before the Jets could easily have close to $50 million in cap room next year by proper cap management, which began with the trade of Darrelle Revis.

    Before cutting ties with Sanchez the Jets could look to trade him. The market for 1st round busts has always been there and most teams would be willing to pay somewhere between $2 and $3 million for a player like Sanchez. Compensation would not be much but the Jets could save more money if they did that. If a team was willing to take him for a late draft pick on Saturday at a $2 million salary the dead money would drop to about $15 million in 2013.
    The Jets could also potentially restructure Sanchez’ contract. I cant see Sanchez being amenable to that scenario but it was a move the Jets made in 2006 with Chad Pennington where he was given a chance to compete and to earn his money back via performance. At the time the Jets were looking to start Patrick Ramsey, a 1st round bust of the Redskins, and after the Pennington restructure still drafted Kellen Clemens in the 2nd round. In such a move the Jets would prorate the money they owe Sanchez this year but he would need to take a backup salary from 2014 thru 2016 of $1 to $2 million year. Such a move really does not benefit either side as Sanchez’ dead money would increase in the future and his caps would still be around $4.5 million a year, too high of a charge for a backup. If the Jets did have offsets in his contract they would have more leeway in a paycut but they have no leverage now.

    Tim Tebow currently carries a cap charge of $2,586,875. The Jets have already explored that trade market and it does not exist. The Jets still owe the Broncos $1,531,875 from last seasons trade so if Tebow is cut that money is shipped to Denver regardless and impacts the Jets salary cap this season.
    The Jets paid David Garrard a $100,000 signing bonus to go along with a non-guaranteed $1 million base salary. If the Jets cut Garrard the only charge is the $100,000 signing bonus. Garrard has not played in the NFL in 2 years and is injury prone which could make the Jets cautious about moving forward with him now. ..Greg McElroy carries minimal cap penalties if released. His dead money is only $32,576.

    While the Jets did carry Pennington, Ramsey, and Clemens in 2006 there would be little to gain from this situation now. Sanchez, if named the starter, would have an incredibly difficult time at home with a newly drafted prospect sitting on the bench. The home crowd was brutal to Sanchez is his last two home games and it got so bad the Jets pulled him against Arizona and did not play him in their home finale against the Chargers opting instead to play McElroy who was not ready for the speed of a NFL game on that day.

    Logically the Jets should release Sanchez on Monday if they cant work a trade out for him on Saturday. It clears the books which is what the Jets are looking to do as they prepare to turn this all around in 2014, the same as the Raiders. John Idzik was around a situation last year where he had a mid priced QB in Matt Flynn, low cost rookie in Russell Wilson, and mid priced veteran in Tarvaris Jackson. That same situation to me would be Tebow, Garrard, and Geno Smith. One player is maintained after the summer and one is released or traded. Of course nothing would surprise me with the Jets and maybe the person to be cut is Tebow and the Jets hope they can still do something with Sanchez rather than to pay him while he plays elsewhere.
  5. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Lol so a 2nd round pick is THE reason why you quit as a Jets fan? Ok kick rocks.
  6. DeathByJets

    DeathByJets Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    I am not a fan of any of the first 3 draft picks, but I'll reserve judgement until I see how it works out. What will really piss me off is if we release Sanchez. Not because I am a Sanchez lover, but IMO his implosion the last two season was due to a poor supporting cast, an awful OC (last season), and a lack of competition. So far, Idzik's mantra has been competition, competition, competition. I don't see how Smith is going to have any competition if we release Sanchez. Let these two guys push each other. The best player plays this year....then we reassess next year. We aren't winning the Super Bowl next season anyway.
  7. neid92

    neid92 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2006
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    What team would even trade for Sanchez??????
  8. Benny the Jet

    Benny the Jet Active Member

    Apr 27, 2003
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    Like yourself, I am a very long suffering Jets fan, who's seen this organization make countless questionable moves....

    HOWEVER, how can you be so certain that Geno Smith is not going to be (in your words) "a real QB?" I'm not 100% sold on this pick either, but what I am certain about is that Sanchez is definitely NOT the answer for the Jets. There is enough of a sample size to see that Mark, while extremely talented, simply doesn't possess the skills and decision making necessary to be a quarterback who can carry an NFL team. With an outstanding supporting cast, Mark is more then sufficient, but unlike the Brees', Brady's, Manning's and Rodgers' of the world, Mark doesn't make those around him better. He's talented, yes, but he's also shown that he simply can't avoid making the "backbreaking" mistakes at critical moments of a game! That said, can you say with 100% certainty that, in time, Smith won't be able to carry this team and make those around him better? If so, please look into your crystal ball and tell me the winning #'s for this weeks $140 million mega millions drawing. I could really use some extra cash ;-).
  9. Cromartie's_kid

    Cromartie's_kid Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    I'm pretty excited about all of the doomsayers coming forward and moaning and groaning about how the Jets made the worst moves in professional sports this offseason and draft...Get off the ship, that's fine - pick another team and stop whining. The Jets will exist w/or w/out you. We will take some lumps but survive.
  10. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Sanchez would be too much of a distraction we need to cut bait ASAP. Let Smith, Garrard, and McElroy battle it out in camp and may the best man win. For argument sake if Smith wins the job then it's good to have 2 smart QB's (Garrard, McElroy) as his backups to help him along in his development.
  11. Noam

    Noam Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    I don't think we can trade with Arena league teams.
  12. JetsFan

    JetsFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2002
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    If it were so easy as that. It's the last two years which has been building to this after four decades of bad choices. This is not a franchize to be proud of with an ownwer who knows nothing, a coach who lost his balls when he lost the weight, and a GM who is trying to make them both happy but doesn't know which way to bend and face.

    If you believe Rex has had nothing to do with all the bad choices this team has made over the past two years, you're dreaming. He can't control the team, he's thier friend not thier boss and he has transformed from a defensive grizzly to a small soft teddybear kissing the medias A$$. His choices are so bad at the lowest level, our team is the only one which doesn't even have captains anymore.

    Rex has publicly backed every contract and trade this team has done, well until it doesn't work out, then its not his fault. He's a ball less wonder. If he tells a players your my guy, look out because you're F@#K'd. A great DC he might be, but a good HC, NEVER! He is his dad's son!

    I would list the mistakes this team has made, but there are two many and I don't have all day.
  13. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    At least see how things play out first. Geno may end up becoming a really good QB.
  14. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    this sounds counter productive to idzick's competition mantra. why no let him compete through training camp. the money is lost anyway,might as well see if they can anything on the return.
  15. NJBeliever

    NJBeliever Active Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Lingerie league maybe?
  16. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Possibly. This is the part I feel that people didn't get with Sanchez though... the Jets MUST put pieces in place for Smith. If they do not, then they are setting him up to fail, and it should come as no surprise if he does.

    They need to pretend Geno is the greatest draft prospect of the last 30 years and build around him. Its vital that they do this. It didn't happen with Sanchez, and we see the results.
  17. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Monday is the day I keep hearing too. They may get a trade for him with somebody picking up 2-3 million and if they don't they will just absorb it..they say there is always a market for washed up former starters..they may also get him to restructure so that they can stretch out the hit and that would help him from a tax standpoint..most likely though he is gone either later today or Monday no matter what.
  18. Noam

    Noam Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    1. Do you really want the media circus of having Sanchez around. Imagine the daily stories of when is he going to be benched? Way to much drama. Not to mention the fans will be calling for his head daily and booing him without mercy. If we want to shut down the circus we need to get rid of Sanchez on June 1.
    2. Sanchez is not a good role model for Smith to learn from. Garrard is an experienced, tough pro QB who works hard, plays mistake free football and will not lose the game for you. He is the perfect guy for Smith to sit watch and learn. Sanchez is exactly the type of QB that Smith should not emulate at all.
    #18 Noam, Apr 27, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2013
  19. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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  20. k311

    k311 Member

    Dec 27, 2005
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    So a bunch of you would be ok with cutting sanchez and having it cost ANOTHER $5 million on next year's cap on top of the damage being done this year? I swear, this is why everyone thinks our fans are idiots.

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