Tebow might get a chance to start after all....

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Concerned_Citizen, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    So now Clarkson speaks for all Tebow fans? His fans took him as gospel? Where is your evidence? A Tebow fan site? I'm sure you realize that these 10-15 individuals you are referring to are some of his more ardent supporters and not a microcosm of the entire Tim Tebow fanbase.
    #41 Backup QB, Apr 22, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2013
  2. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    First, it's not my board. I do not own it. I know you spend a lot of time lurking on the Tebow fan forum because you are not obsessed with Tebow at all.

    Second, I believe it is plausible that some of the things Clarkson said could be true. I certainly don't agree wholeheartedly with him.

    I will not take Elway at face value when he says Tebow chose the Jets. Tebow said he didn't have a choice, so I'll go with Tebow. Not because I think he is incapable of lying, but if I have to choose, Tebow seems like the more honest of the two. It's a he-said-she-said situation. I'm not going to say Tebow had no choice 100%, just that I believe him more than Elway. Funny how you think it is fact that Tebow had a choice just because John Elway said so. How do you know? Were you in the room with them? On three-way call with them? Should I start calling you names like Elbot or Elboner? Nah, I'll keep with my stance of avoiding childish name-calling.
  3. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    Tebow fans argue facts all the time.
    FACT: Tim started 0 games this year, was on the field for 0 points and 1 blocked punt.
    TEBOW FAN: Everyone is jealous of Tim and they hate him so they would not play him and only called stupid ass plays (neglecting that they acknowledge Tim as a power runner themselves, and QBs have scored on runs up the middle before i.e. Tom Brady)
    FACT: Tim only has 9 wins so far in a three year career.
    TEBOW FAN: Everyone is afraid to win with Tim because they are jealous of him and hate him. They also don't know how to win (Tebow fans must be unaware that the Rex Ryan currently coaching the Jets is the same coach the led the Jets to two AFCCGs with a rookie following the departure of a hall of famer, Mark Sanchez has 400% more playoff wins than Tim "Just Wins" Tebow.)
    FACT: Tim is a career sub-50% passer.
    TEBOW FAN: Andrew Luck threw incompletions, D. Thomas sucks, John Fox sabatoged him, the ball is too slippery for poor Timmy, Rookies always struggle (Tim was not a rookie in 2011, RG3, Russell Wilson, Andrew Luck, Ben Roethlisberger, Matt Ryan Mark Sanchez looked like shit as ACTUAL rookies...???)
  4. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    I forgot a few...
    FACT: Tim voted most "overrated" by NFL players AFTER being Top 100 earlier.
    TEBOW FAN: NFL players are jealous rapists/murderers so their opinions should not count.
    By the way BQB, you contribute to a board that believes there are enough Tebow fans that they could put the NFL out of business if they chose to follow Tim to another league. I am amazed how Tebow fans distance themselves from the craziness once they are called on it ("those are other fans, not me, I support what they say but I am different.") hahaha, just having some fun with you guys since you need to loosen up a little. Feel free to take shots at Sanchez, Kaep or Manning all day and see how not worked up people are.
  5. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    How do you know what that board believes?
  6. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    I read at least at a third grade level and I comprehend typed words well so I can understand what poster believe. Yet again, one of the Tebow faithful trying to throw his bretheren under the bus when called on their/his extremism.
    I understand it though. If Timmy can't succeed, then no one can *makes sad pouty face.
    Tim did jack shit in pro football last year and many more options are available again this year = struggle for Tim to find a place. Sorry...
  7. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    You misunderstood the intent of my question. I asked you how you knew because WHAT are you doing in our forum... lurking... sneaking... lol

    Strong stalking skills, brah.
  8. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Well, first of all, before you can sit there and tell me WHAT it is and WHO you believe, maybe you should understand what it is in the first place that Tebow said to beging with. Because if you think he denied ever getting the choice, then you are wrong about what is said.


    "Ultimately, I really didn't have any because the Broncos had all that power," Tebow said, adding that Denver was "gracious" in the way it handled the process. "I was just kind of watching and waiting -- kind of like everybody else. It was an interesting day."

    He was trying to sidestep questions on why he didn't choose Jacksonville. Tried to deflect them and say, "The Broncos had all the power." While true, he very well could have said he wanted Jacksonville, and the Broncos could have said, "tough shit, you're going to New York" if they so chose. But it didn't go down that way, Elway was vehment about it when it came out in the press, and Tebow did NOTHING to clarify his remarks. He wanted New York for the exposure, and he got New York.

    so yes, Broncos had the power. But let Tebow decide between 2 teams. When J-Ville and other Floridian fans asked, "WHAT THE SHIT!?!?" He blamed the Broncos and said they had the power. That isn't quite the same thing as saying "he had no choice at all." He DID have input. He wanted New York. He got New York.
  9. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Why do you know every single detail about Tim Tebow?

  10. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Could be all the high praises the "Sports Boob" gets and few people challenging the idea that the sky is falling for the NFL. The NFL was around LONG before Tebow, and it will do just fine in 2013, and will continue to do so long after Tebow is gone and forgotten and the mania dismissed as a bad acid trip.

    I gotta admit, I do find the hyperbole entertaining.

    This is what happens when children are allowed to eat paint chips. Just don't do it.
  11. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Dude, you DO realize it was huge news in Denver, don't you?

    Nice dodge. But that is what happens when your argument flops. make like your hero after a three and out and.... PUNT!!!

    BTW, are you still of the belief the Broncos would be AT LEAST as good as they were last year had they kept Tebow instead of Manning?
    #51 Concerned_Citizen, Apr 22, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2013
  12. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Brandi has her own views and is entitled to her opinions. But just because a member there has views doesn't mean that everyone shares them. And just to clear up the record, since most other people here don't stalk our other forum...


    What do you mean by "all that praise?" lol. You mean out of 10 people, 4 of those people take the time to comment and two agree and two disagree? lol.

    'O where 'o where did the Tebots goooo... 'O where 'o where could they be?
  13. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Why? Tebow was already gone and everyone in Denver was glad he left. Why was it big news in Denver?

    Yeah, so what?
  14. tt15fan

    tt15fan New Member

    Nov 4, 2012
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    Ummm, Brandi knows a whole lot more about most sports then the average guy. I do like a lot of her articles and do agree with her. She certainly can get a point across much better then most people on here can. She may not be right all the time and I might not agree with everything she says, however she certainly can hold her known IMO.

    Also, her opinion is just that. If you want to challenge her points, she does have a website that has a comment section that is open to anyone to respond to. I suggest that if you would like to debate with her, she would be more than happy to open the floor to you. I would like to see you debate with her.
  15. tt15fan

    tt15fan New Member

    Nov 4, 2012
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    Yup. Clearly, they are not reading the entire content. I forgot, we are both fans of Tebow, so therefore we will never disagree with each other. *rolls eyes* I guess it is a really slow news day again, it's time to pick apart the fans rather then talk about football... again.
  16. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    lol. Right on.
  17. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    No, not EVERYONE is glad, and we STILL have a bunch of whiners that haven't let the trade go. Seriously, on the Broncos Country site, we still get guys (who claim to have been life long Bronco fans, though they must only be 3 years old) that were screaming "sabotage." Easy to dismiss them as random crazies. But then some coach looking for his 15 minutes of fame screamed it, and I see a bunch of Teboners lap it up. Once he started to back off from the sabotage comments, many Teboners kept running with it.

    And it is funny how you changed the subject when shown that maybe it was Tebow who wasn't honest. All his comments did was say the Broncos still had the last word in it, but they didn't neccessarily mean he didn't get to choose. New York provided a bigger platform, and he and his advisors were out to get as much exposure as possible.

    I do admit though. He did an awesome job keeping a low profile while he was training the last few months. Couldn't keep the Dallas church controversy under wraps, but good job nonetheless. People knew about his workout in Arizona, but few knew what that was all about. More took that as a sign that the Cards were about to make a move for him.

    Just think it is hilarious that you seem to think Tebow on the Broncos is somehow = or > than Manning on the Broncos. Fucking Hilarious, and most would probably think you were in need of a CAT scan after that statement.
  18. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Hmmmm...... ..
  19. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    ...and please stop with this stalker nonsense. I and other members of this site get brought up over there all the time. Though some is moved to the Cadre room, but I digress....
  20. tt15fan

    tt15fan New Member

    Nov 4, 2012
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    SO YOU ARE A MEMBER! Bahaha! Knew it!!

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