Tebow might get a chance to start after all....

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Concerned_Citizen, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    I was actually fine with the switch when it happened. I didn't like Orton any more than I liked Tebow. Didn't like Quinn either. wanted someone else.

    But I couldn't help but notice how the defense played well enough in several games after the switch to carry either inept QB. 15 points or less allowed gives pretty good odds on winning. Besides, Tebow ended up finishing 1-4, going 0-3 down the stretch when the playoffs were in doubt. Lost to Buffalo and a 7 to 3 game against Kyle Orton and the chiefs.

    They both sucked and I'm glad the Broncos went elsewhere. Picked up some dude cut from his old team.

    But it was more than a small handfull of those that thought Tebow did enough to earn the job. Orton could have played those final games. Most indications were that he wasn't injured for those last ones, but at that point there was no reason to go back to Orton. So they spent it on getting a look at their first round draft pick they gave up so much to get. but Teboners usually try to make more in favor of Tebow than there actually is and more than just a small handful truly thought he did enough to warrant starting the next season.

    I didn't find him all THAT impressive. I saw a really raw rookie that needed a lot of work. he looked like the same raw rookie in the Jets preseason, which was the last time we really got a decent look at him running whole drives and not just coming in for a play or two.
  2. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Wow... this conspiracy stuff is really starting to take off ever since Clarkson went to that card.

    Teboners of course are lapping it up. Are you guys really that desparate for Tebow to take these lunatic rantings and run with them?



    Okay, the shots at Sanchez are fair.... but then he talks about sabotage and deliberately trading him to a disfunctional team out of some fear that Tebow will come back to haunt them?

    I think I see the light now. Tebow got a raw deal, and I guess it is time for me to admit the entire planet is out to get him. Dude just wants to play, is a REALLY good QB and just needs a .... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! I can't do it.

    What a crock of shit!!!

    Has if ever crossed their minds that maybe he just isn't that good?
    #22 Concerned_Citizen, Apr 18, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2013
  3. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    Steve Clarkson wants his 15 seconds of fame by stating the obvious about Sanchez, and making a BS conspiracy theory. He is craving attention. Also this guy helped many great QBs like Matt Lienart!!!
  4. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Well then, Tebow should be well on his way to greatness.

    Isn't it pathetic that Tim Tebow apologists have to resort to this crap? Wow, I've never seen this kind of idiocy over one shitty QB before, and we are likely never to see that again.

    These Teboners may be the finest people I ever met. I'm REALLY gonna miss them when Tebow's career is long gone.
    #24 Concerned_Citizen, Apr 18, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2013
  5. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    Yeah, a lot of Tebots are still clinging to the idea that he is a great NFL QB because he beat the Steelers in the Playoffs! LOL, then Sanchez must be better than him because he beat the Patriots on the road in the playoffs! Also Sanchez won 4 road playoff games, yet Tebots never know this.

    I agree with one thing the Tebots say, Tebow is better than Blaine Gabbert, but not by much.
  6. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Your Pavlovian following them from board to board demonstrates just how true that statement is, as does your post count in this sub-forum.
    #26 catsigater, Apr 18, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2013
  7. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    You're wrong there... I really am gonna miss these nutjobs who have provided entertainment with all the dillusional rants. This latest conspiracy crap they are clinging on to is the best. Let me explain it another way with a Full Metal Jacket spin...

    Hey.... Photographer.... Want a Real picture? Come here...

    These are my Tebros. This is their party. They're the guests of honor. Today, is their birthday.

    I will never forget this day. Today I came from Denver and fought one million Tebow cultists. I love the little brainwashed nuts, I really really do. These whack jobs are as hard as Tebowed kool-aid drunk drill instructors...

    These are great days we're living, bros. We are jolly green giants, walking the Earth with keyboards. These people we wasted here today are the finest human beings we will ever know. After we rotate back to the REAL world, we're gonna miss not having anyone around that's worth poking fun at and kicking in the face for their myopia.


    I really AM gonna miss those guys... This latest spin of the Tebow saga is just classic. It ain't gonna get better than this one that just went main stream. It isn't even just some random blogger. Even funnier, seemingly every Teboner swallowed it whole.

    Hoping they latch on to another overrated mediocre player and continue the struggle.

    BTW, I'm glad to hear that Clarkson "repaired" Tebow's throwing mechanics in three days when nobody else could do it in three years. Well done. He should turn Tebow's career around just like he did Matt Leinart.
    #27 Concerned_Citizen, Apr 18, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2013
  8. ppls17

    ppls17 Member

    May 19, 2010
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    I find it very entertaining reading these tebow boards thats 90% are tebow bashers complaining about tebow fans. Constantly calling them out for every statement they make. Wether you think tebow will be a good qb or not is fine either way.Bashing people because they support him no matter what is no better than hating him no matter what. Might be worse because there are alot more Tebows hating nuts than tebow lovers in this forum. Just my 2 cents
  9. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    at least they admit its a guilty pleasure, and usually have the sense to see the man objectionably (has a lot of technical problems, failed to impress in camp, was able to do decently when starting and took advantage when he needed to)

    tebow fanatics... they have trouble getting passed their rose colored perception of reality of what was and can be, and are thus easily exploitable targets.

    thats of course a broad generalization, I'm sure some of his fans are of sound enough thought to know that while he has potential nothings guaranteed for his career given some inherent obstacles and nobodies out to get him, even if he's had a very moderate amount of success before.

    but some seem to really be forcing themselves to double down on why they like him to illogical levels. the whole talk of sabotage is just the latest part of that, it goes with the idea that Rex only benched him because he was too good (as coaches are known to do) or that the jets want to ruin his career so they don't look foolish for not using him.

    with that in mind theres also the complete lack or denial of knowledge over how the NFL works in a paranoid fit used to defend their favorite player. for some its entertaining to watch them defend him in this ignorant fashion.

    really its just people shamelessly poking the down trodden base of fanatics with a stick. Tebow fans kind of walk right into it really, its fun for some to watch them go.

    they're jerks alright, but they know it and aren't one bit apologetic about it.
  10. danangmarine68

    danangmarine68 New Member

    May 18, 2012
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    I take it that by the reference to "nutjobs" and "dillusional rants." you are including yourself in that blanket statement. Just look at your post count, you have jumped in and pretty much dominated these threads filling them with insults and name calling. Whose the "nutjob"?

    I like it that you reference my favorite Vietnam era movie but I see a double standard there. I wonder if you would have had the "guts" to put your feet on the yellow footprints and be willing to make the sacrifice my brothers and I made. If you haven't reached 36, there's still a chance. Want me to locate your local recruiter for you?

    @TonyMac There is a double standard here in these forums whenever statements are made about Tims shortcomings. If a Tebot makes a reference to what Tim needs to improve then that is an excuse, however if a Savior of Truth, Justice, and the American way, like C_C makes the same statement then it is a fact and justifies that Tim will never be a QB. He will remind us ad infinitum and that is why his post count is up. If you look back at all of the posts in Tebowmania over the past 18 months there were only about twenty or so of us "Tebots" who came here to cheer for Tim and the Jets. Most are either banned or have grown tired of the hate that drips forth from this forum. I myself have decided it's more fun to lurk over in the main NYJ forum and watch the long time fans self destruct over the other NYJ QBs.
  11. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Someone else already covered that line.... Don't care.

    First, I already served. There is no reason to get into a pissing match on that, I'm not interested. It was only a movie quote, so lighten up Francis...


    Few Teboners acknowledge Tebow's shorcomings. The excuses are when everyone else is blamed for his shortcomings. Poor blocking, poor playcalling, dropped passes, etc. ... none of which would be as big a problem if he wasn't a piss poor passer.

    Exhibit A on the double standard you whine about. Are you suggesting Teboners haven't been dickish through the whole debate since Tebow entered the league? It is a two way street. Don't complain, you're bretheren has been every bit as nasty.
  12. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Looking more and more like this Clarkson guy was looking for attention.

    ....and Teboners swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.


    When some came out to point out that Tebow actually chose the Jets, Teboners went from the stance they had months ago that he merely tried to dodge the media question to saying he had no choice at all and Elway was lying.

    Dude was looking for attention, and like clockwork, Teboners took the bait and are left holding the bag. :rofl:
  13. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I don't believe that.

    EDIT: I shouldn't question that. Thanks for your service.
    #33 Backup QB, Apr 22, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2013
  14. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Where are you getting your statistics from that "Teboners" took the bait? Have you conducted a poll? Researched the numbers yourself? I like how you make these assumptions based on no empirical evidence.
  15. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I think you guys apply the views of the extremists to the main body of Tebow fans. I think most Tebow fans just like how he plays the game and think he's a decent guy. I think that Rex Ryan was stubborn and just wanted to be proven right that Sanchez is the Jets QB of the future and Tebow was not worthy of a shot. If he started Tebow and Tebow did well, then that would have made Rex look foolish. But for me, that is where the "conspiracy" which is not really a conspiracy stops. In my mind, Rex really believes these things. It's not as though he believes Tebow is great, but just doesn't like him. I sincerely believe he thinks Tebow sucks... and probably doesn't like him either.

    But I don't see why everyone labels Tebow fans as the problem. Think of how many anti-Tebow articles are written, or at least articles that bash him in some way. NOBODY says anything about that. I.e. Jeff Garcia dissing him. Barely made a splash. But the ONE article in recent times in which someone supported Tebow (this Clarkson dude) gets tons of coverage. Then everyone says that Tebow fans believe this guy 100%.

    It's completely one-sided. You have 1,000 articles dissing Tebow and it's cool. Then you have one article defending him and OMG! OMG! OMG! How dare someone defend this guy!

    I agree though that Clarkson is trying to grab attention for himself.
  16. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Take a loot at your own board and note the guys that agreed wholeheartedly with Clarkson BEFORE he started backpeddling with those comments about Elway SABOTAGING Tebow by trading him to the Jets while forgetting Tebow actually CHOSE the Jets.

    As for Clarkson's take on Tebow being improved. Well, to be honest, that ain't hard. Tebow had the bar set pretty low. But then, that is why I am not surprised Tebow doesn't seem to be a hot commodity around the league when a box of Tampons would be enough to get him in a trade.

    Completing 49% of his passes (still under half) is technically an improvment. ....and, no. A decent completion percentage over a season with only six pass attempts is NOT what I would consider proof positive of improvment,
  17. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    I have seen plenty of articles out there that say Tebow deserves a chance, is the most misunderstood QB/player in the league, and all that. So it is more than Clarkson.

    The PROBLEM with Clarkson isn't that he defended Tebow. It was the load of horseshit that came with it. Not only did he try to take credit for "fixing" Tebow when he only spent 1 - 3 days with him while he was secretly working with these others for months, but he also went to the "sabotage" card, which was flat out REDICULOUS. ...and yes, Teboners embraced the guy like he was gospel. I hadn't seen a single Teboner across the internet call him on that, in fact, I'd seen some say they took his word over the used car salesman in Elway when it came to Tebow having a choice between Jacksonville and New York.

    Now that Clarkson backpeddled on those comments about sabotage, Teboners are like, "um umm... well, we should just focus on what he said about Tebow's improvment, after all, he came away impressed. Liked what he saw..." Yeah, let's just sweep the sabotage horseshit under the rug and pretend it never happened...

    But at least even you can see Clarkson was out for himself and none other. Yeah, Tebow really needed THAT drama surrounding him when looking for another team.... *sarcasm.*
  18. tzinc

    tzinc New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Tebow haters always choose to ignore facts. Tebow fans always stick to facts. That is the big difference. The haters say Tebow sucks the Tebow fans says he is an okay QB who needs to be given a chance. That is the big difference the ridiculous claims about Tebow come from the haters not his fans. I love that the haters number 1 fear is Tebow being given a chance BECAUSE then there is actually a chance they will be proven to be incorrect. All their arguements center on Tebow must never ever start.
  19. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Actually, I kind of dread the day Tebow is gone. If you read what I said above, you'd see I'm gonna miss the myopia that has entertained me for the last 3 years. I'd definately miss seeing Tebow look like a fool out there and watching his fanbase scamble for the next excuse with idiotic conspiracy theories and blaming tatoos.

    We'll never see this level of myopia over a single shitty player gut overall good guy again.
  20. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    I don't even go that far. I say if he can fix the issues he has so that he can get up into the mid 50% completion rate (about 3 more completions per game), then he may just be a very effective starting QB, especially given that all of a sudden the "gimmick" zone-read playbook is now catching fire.

    He's running out of time, that's for sure.

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