Tim Tebow Landing Spot: One Answer

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Br4d, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Dennis

    Dennis New Member

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Of course Tebow has a lot of career choices outside of football. But a lot of the interest in him is based in the sport.

    Kind of like Michael Jordan's salary from the Chicago Bulls was almost an afterthought compared to the huge money he made in endorsements. After MJ retired, most of that other money went away because he wasn't kept in the public spotlight as a sports star.

    In order to maintain his high public profile - which powers all of those "million other things he can do" - he has to remain some sort of a professional athlete.

    Seeing as there is no discernible interest from ANY OTHER NFL TEAM, Timmy only has a couple of options available -

    1. Play in the CFL - problematic as the CFL gets very little coverage in the US to drive Tebow's celebrity status
    2. Play in the Arena Football League - could show that he won't give up "the dream" and more likely to result in substantial US sports media coverage that would far outstrip the sport's popularity
    3. Change over to a Running Back - would probably salvage his NFL career and give him the highest possible visibility. But Timmy appears to have quite a lot of ego invested in remaining a QB. He may be too stubborn to take this step...
  2. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Michael Jordan didn' benefit from living during an era of reality TV. It is far easier for a non athlete to remain in the spotlight. Look at the Kardashians. They don't sing or dance, they are famous for being... famous. That sort of phenomina is a lot more common place nowadays than it was during Jordan's era.

    So based on that I disagree that Tebow even needs the NFL. You think he's a rock star now, just wait. There is no way his handlers will allow that money machine to just disappear. I mean, it is too bad NFL careers are extended by talent and ability rather than just popularity, but there will be plenty for him to make himself famous for after the NFL.
  3. greenbeanz

    greenbeanz Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2007
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    your jordan example is awful and wrong. his endorsement money is larger now than ever. the JORDAN brand is a massive financial success.

    i get your point as you need the stardom to get that money, and that in most cases it goes away when you are done. just feel that jordan is the exact opposite of that. he has grown leaps and bounds as a business man and a brand since his playing days ended.
  4. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    I really don't think he needs to be in the NFL to remain popular and make money. I was at a speaking event at the Broadmoor this past weekend and everyone seemed to love to hear about his college stories and a handful of interactions with Champ Bailey and Troy Polamalu. The crowd (2,000+) seemed to be enthralled; Tim was a like a war hero retelling well known stories from his perspective and dropping the occasional name while tying it back to his "great commission." People will eat that up (an pay handsomely) for years to come. Remember, if Tim is shit canned from professional football, he will also have that subtle martyrdom subtext. He will be the "great hero the world could not accept." That's pretty compelling shit.
  5. Dennis

    Dennis New Member

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Oh, Timmy will remain popular to an extent once he leaves the NFL - like Danny Wuerffel.

    Danny Wuerffel does good Christian mission work. He still does good things. But he's not a big deal anymore. Like Tebow, he was a star at Florida and a mediocre backup QB who bounced from NFL team to NFL team until he retired. While he does good and important work and undoubtedly draws SEC fans who remember his glory days, he has an impact that is a flea bite next to what Tebow generates right now. And Tebow generates that national buzz because he's still an NFL player.

    Wuerffel is Tebow a few years down the road...
  6. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    He'll be especially popular with the women. A lot of them can't talk about Tebow without mentioning how easy he is on the eyes for them.

    But yeah, Tebowmania has taken on a life of its own. I honestly think that if it has remained as strong as it has since he last played, while sitting on the bench for a year, then it ain't going away any time soon. That whole martyr angle will be an awesome cart for Tebow Inc. to play after he is out. People love "victims" and since no Teboner can accept the possibility that he just doesn't have the skillset for the NFL, they'll run with that for years. It'll make Tebow a lot of money and he won't even have to do anything. The Teboners will run his PR campaign for him and he can just sit back and collect while charging an arm and a leg for more war hero speeches.

    Play the victim angle. His Teboner cultists will lap it up. His failings are always someone elses fault after all.
  7. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    The martyr shit will play well into 2020. His fans will gather and pay to show how much they love their Timmy. They will gasp and laugh as Timmy tells his stories just as the crowd at the Broadmoor did this past weekend. As a matter of fact, about
    .000000012365% of the football discussion even mentioned that he was a Jet. You would have thought he was still a Bronco planning on leading them to an AFC West 3-peat. He and his handlers are excellent at crafting his appearances to emphasize the positive and ignore what is not going well. That show will play great in about 37 states for years to come.
  8. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    I also noticed how sensitive Tim's lady fans are in real life. Whenever you claim they like him because of his looks (I personally prefer the stubblestache the Tiajuana Turnover Machine sports), they get pissy and spout off all the dumb shit we see here. "He just wins, he is the only QB in history to beat the Steelers, blah blah blah blah. It is funny
  9. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Never stand between a woman and her crush. They'll rip your balls off. I've seen life long friendships ended for that even if the relationship or crush only lasted a few weeks.

    I see the Teboner following much the same way, though that crush ain't ending any time soon.
  10. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    Are the Teboner worse than say the Belibiers and the Directioners?
  11. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    I suppose that is the way it is when dealing with ANY cult. Watch out for the fanatical followers, even if the messiah himself is pretty cool and doesn't act like the followers. They're acting on PURE emotion.

    Had one cultist ask me a month or two ago on this site why when we watched the same games, why our opinions on what we saw were so completely different.

    It is because most of us watched the games objectively, saw the glaring problems, saw that he had a few good moments, but overall just wasn't very good.

    The Teboners? Many of them were already emotionally invested in the kid before he ever set foot in the NFL. From his days as a gator and weren't going to be objective in what they saw. They decided they'd only focus on the good things even though those good things only manifested themself maybe 5 - 10% of his plays. They already decided he was a good or even great QB, so they were just going to focus on the few positives as building blocks and sweep the rest of his game that everyone else saw under the rug and pretend those happened in a vacuum, pretended it didn't exist at all, or just blamed it all on someone else.

    Most NFL fans saw him for what he was, which is why not many are wanting him on their team. Many think he probably should have gotten a shot last year, and that might be tough to argue against considering how poorly Sanchez played, but I can't help but laugh when they think putting him in early on would have no doubt put them into the playoffs. Wins will somehow be automatic with Tebow.

    I think most Jet fans would probably agree that Sanchez wasn't the only problem that offense had. I'm guessing just the switch from Sanchez to Tebow wouldn't have fixed the rest of the problems.

    But beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder. The guys screaming for him are a VERY LOUD minority. Loud enough to make a lot of teams avoid him though.
  12. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    I think the delegates from Tebstonia are way worse than any other group of followers.
    1) They will lie about being emotionally invested in his career even though their posts say otherwise. That is why they melt down with the "fuck you, fuck this, etc." It actually alters their mood to know Tim is not in a team's plans and others think he sucks.
    2) They are dishonest about their motives. They say they just want to be part of a team's community but all they care about is their boy leading the charge. That is why they are calling for Rex's head and claiming the NFL may not be around in a few years if Tim doesn't play (saw it on another forum, swear to god), they call everyone stupid if Tim doesn't succeed. They give 0.00% shit about the league or the team, Tim is their only concern.
    3) They are delusional. I saw some familiar from this board claim that Tim is the "most popular player in league history." They claim that Tim could single handedly lead the USFL ahead of the NFL and put the NFL out of business.
    4) Their devotion to Tim hints at character flaws. His followers HAVE to be right no matter what. They are so devastated that Tim has not had more chances to "serve crow" to the haters. In reality, they went around telling everyone how great Tim is and how he will have sustained success. Tim has gone and made a fool of these guys and they are emotionally destroyed by it so they lash out and argue incessantly.
  13. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    They will also argue any point with a Tebow slant.
    NFL players vote Timmy "most overrated." = NFL players are all jealous of Tim and they are rapists/murderers/thugs who should not be trusted anyway.
    NFL Personnel People avoid Timmy = They are stupids who refuse to win with Tim since it is embarrassing (saw this on here, seriously), they know less about football than the Tebow contingency.
    Jets BENCH Sanchez in favor of McElroy = Rex personally hates Tim and is jealous
    Jets have not yet traded Tim = Jets are "holding him hostage" in order to ruin his career
  14. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Yep, there was one on another board that said that the fact that "I" (Concerned Citizen) might get the last laugh in this debate in fact pisses him off more than ANYTHING. I'll probably live rent free in this guy's skull for the next decade at least if not more. Severely scarred that guy for life that will result in therapy. I kinda feel bad about that...

    100% true. A lot of that is just Gator worship, but they have assimilated others into their nomadic fandom.

    A lot of people will say they like Tebow, and they legitimately do. He is extremely popular as a person. As a QB? Not so much. I took a look at some of the message boards from teams that might land Tebow and there is almost zero talk about wanting him. Those brave enough to start a thread are usually met with about 10 "Hell No's" for every one poster that is somewhat open to the idea. Tebowmania in the NFL might indeed be dying.

    ...and yes, I think I know who and what you are referring to with the USFL. Quite the propagandist they have over there. These people act as if there wasn't already a multi billion dollar institution out there otherwise known as the NFL before Tebow came into the league. people like him, but nowhere near the point of being bigger than the NFL or capable of carrying the USFL to anywhere near what the NFL is, let alone past it. At best it will be another farm league for NFL rosters.

    #34 Concerned_Citizen, Apr 17, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2013
  15. JetsDfc

    JetsDfc New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    lol this is crazy, but I'll go way left field and say he will stay on the jets. He will become starter due to some crazy turn of events and do well, not great. Somewhere around an 8-8 season.

    there is more or less a media blackout and alot of stuff going on in the shadows right now.
    only one thing is certain and that is that nothing is certain.
  16. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    Honestly, I think they are trying to trade him and also giving him an opportunity to see if he is worth their time. I think Garrard will get injured in Preseason/Training Camp (again).
  17. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    After an injury to Garrard and Sanchez well just being himself, Tim Tebow will be our starting QB.

    2 things can happen:
    We solidify the coming of Teddy or Johnny Football by getting the number 1 pick.


    Rex gets roasted for his failure to evaluate offensive talent that Tim brings.

    I personally don't care which happens, just so long as Sanchez fades away to backup oblivion next year for the raiders or browns.
  18. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    What coach in this league is going to see him throw the ball into the dirt or into the parking lot in practice all day is going to give him a passing grade?
  19. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    Why would Rex get roasted for Tim doing well? If Tim does well, Rex will get credit for making the switch and coaching up a terrible QB. Anyone who gives Rex shit for Tim succeeding in 2013 is making a ridiculous leap that Tim was performing well behind closed doors in 2012. Mike McCoy got a head coaching job because many in the league believe he is such a good coach that he squeezed a few good games out of the Broncos offense with with Tebow at QB. This may not be true but it is perception.
  20. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Yeah... that's another thing coming from Teboners that has has me shaking my head. There was an article on this site about a QB coach in Clarkson who seems to think it was some sort of a conspiracy that the Broncos traded him to the Jets in order to screw both Tebow and the Jets. I thought Tebow actually had a choice, but I digress.

    But a lot of the Teboner views are predicated on Tebow actually being a pretty damn good QB. But they also have some belief that John Elway, Fox, Ryan, and any other decision maker that has had control over Tim Tebow actually KNOW that Tebow is good, but just don't like him so they are out to get him. They are supposedly terrified of Tebow succeeding elsewhere and scared that he might actually succeed for him.

    It is mind boggling, but they actually believe that horse shit. Hate to break it to them, but the only people that actually believe Tebow will prove people wrong are Tebow himself and his Teboner following. Period. Most other Jet fans clammoring for Tebow to start are only doing so because they are sick of Sanchez and want something different. Sanchez fatigue. Bronco fans went through the same thing with Orton. Very few are wishing we kept Tebow starting in 2012.

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