Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Sanchez was one college year removed from his last High S hool start when drafted.

    His curve is a little longer than most.

    How many years did Rodgers sit behind Favre at the Pro level?

    3. The next year he went 6-10. The year he turned it around...year 5.
  2. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    You really crack me up with this choking nonsense. I don't care what he did in 11 playoff losses. If you think we were beating the 2009 Colts in thier building by scoring 17 points, you're crazy. Recap for me all the Colt playoff games where Peyton failed to put up 18 points in that dome.

    Yeah, 30 is more than 21 ... but you're completely ignoring the idea that if we were up 21-6 with the football, we'd be in complete control of the game. All the pressure would have been on the Colts and we'd have a world of options at our disposal on offense and on defense. At 17-13, not so much. Maybe we try to convert that 4th down to start the 3rd Q instead of trying a 50 yard FG. Maybe we just punt and pin them back. Maybe we score on that drive and it's 28-6. We'll never know. But if you've watched football you know that the difference between 17-13 and 21-6 is night and day. Failing to score after that fumble and leaving Manning 2:00 on the clock is the main reason we lost that game.

    And your point about Greene just proves what everyone on here has been trying to bang into your skull --- Sanchez didn't "lead" us to 2 AFCCG's ... he RODE the running game and defense. Anytime he's been asked to step it up he's shit the bed.

    So that's YOUR recipe for success? Let's keep him and hope the defense and running game play well enough to make our quarterback as invisible as possible week in and week out. Let's keep devising game plans that hinge on tryng to prevent him from being the sole reason we lose the game. Just what you want from the #5 pick in the draft. Yeah ... let's stick with that.

    Or, here's a crazy idea ... Instead of hoping against hope that Sanchez suddenly becomes someone he's never been, maybe we can actually find a different person to play QB. Maybe someone who isn't ranked at the bottom of the league in every meaninful category. Seems reasonable, no?
  3. xmscott

    xmscott Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    Anyone who thinks "Hollywood Sanchez" has had it easy his professional career has not been paying attention.

    He was raw not unlike that Hill kid. But the Jets are no place to develop a QB. Sucks.
  4. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    You know what, I respect your view, unlike some others who just seem to have on blinders. At least you seem to admit that he had a bad season and some of our failure does fall on him... I guess the main difference in view point, between at least you and I, is that you think he is salvageable and I do not.

    Also, I understand that he showed some "bright spots", but the major flaw in his game up until 2012 was consistency. Some times he looked great... And that's why I defended him until last a quarter of the way through this season. I dont think he ever really was consistently a top 10 QB. He might have put up a couple of back to back very good games, but surely not the majority of the season- only having a few down games. During that time period he still turned the ball over a ton... Honestly, IMO what made him likable by fans was the fact that he seemed like a gamer that had a lot of confidence/leadership qualities and turned it on in big spots. Thats what he had going for him. He wasnt very accurate, or didnt have the best arm... Thats what he had going for him in his "prime". Now, he seems like he has lost most, if not all, of what he had going for him... Leadership seems gone, confidence is shot, didnt turn it on in big spots... I just dont see him coming back from all he's been through, at least in NY.

    At this point, with great coaching and talent, I see him as an Alex Smith. We'll see how things play out though... I sure would love to eat my word and have him turn into a great QB, but reality tells me otherwise.

    Yes thats true. Qbs have bad plays. But I can't remember the last time I've seen Brady, Manning Brees or Rodgers triple pump to the player they are going to throw into... They also dont throw into triple coverage or a DLman's hands on a screen.

    I dont expect him to be any of those players, but those plays cant happen.

    And also, yes I can pick out plays here and there... But the fact of reality is, is that those plays symbolize the majority of his last two seasons. If those plays were few and far between, then no one would be complaining. Thats just not the case though. I got to a point last season where it was almost expected and it simply just became a comedy on the field.
  5. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    But Rodgers didnt play those 3 years... Like Sanchez did. The Rodgers and Sanchez comparison is horrible... So every offseason are we going to do this? Last offseason Sanchez was coming off a poor year and then it was Eli and his SB win in year 4 to instill hope in the fanbase. Now its Rodgers? Whats next years comparison, Alex Smith?

    Sanchez is not turning into Rodgers. Not even close.

    Stop making excuses that he only played one year of college. Thats no one's fault but his own. His own coach advised him to stay. He made the decision, now he has to deal with the effects of that decision... and consequently so do we and the Jets.
  6. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    That might make sense in his 1st year, but after being a 4 year starter, it's just another lame excuse by you Sanchez apologists. It wouldn't matter how many years he sat. He'll always be exactly who he is ... a guy with no field sense at all, who panics and makes idiotic, mind-boggling decisions with the football ... CONSTANTLY putting his team behind the eight-ball.

    Here's all anyone needs to know about Mark Sanchez:
    After that humiliating turnover-fest against the Pats on Thanksgiving ... in particular, the infamous Ass-Fumble ... you would think there would be ONE major thought on his mind going into the AZ game --- "Don't turn the ball over"!! ... Right? So after having 10 days to prepare, he comes out and throws up a balloon off his back foot ... Picked off by Kerry Rhodes on the FIRST OFFENSIVE PLAY OF THE GAME! Are you freakin' kidding me??

    You can't make it up.

    That's who Mark Sanchez is.
  7. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Yes, sitting on the Bench while learning Mike McCarthys offense for three years, is so much more detrimental than getting drafted and thrown into Schottys Schitty.

    I never said he would turn not Rodgers, I merely pointed out that he came alive in year five.

    And, as has been pointed out repeatedly, this is the first decent OC he's had since he got here. His body of work, in the face of adversity merits a shot with MM.
  8. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    My feelings exactly,,,,,you worded this pretty damn well
  9. feldspar

    feldspar Member

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Wow, this is post #5,429 in a thread debating whether Sanchez sucks or not. Guess what? He does.

    Football is the ultimate team sport. Some people think there is some magical mathematical formula hidden in there to explain it all, but this ain't rocket science. People get so caught up in the details that they can't see the big picture...can't see the forest from the trees.

    When has Sanchez EVER played consistently well over any real period of time? Never. Not really.The TEAM that won 4 playoff games doesn't exist anymore...not really. Yeah, Sanchez needs help. He always does, more so than any QB worth anything IMO. But the real question is do you really want to build your team around him? That ship has sailed.
  10. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    There's plenty of idiocy to go around in this thread but it's not from the Sanchez defenders, it's from those who don't have a clue about this game that want to throw out every player/coach/GM after a bad year.

    That's not true and mark only had ONE bad year, it's not like he had 4 bad years.

    Flacco & Sanchez are similar, mark was better w/ lesser talent. mark has never had the talent Flacco has had and until this year was a much better big game QB but Flacco has one great run and now he is "elite", Sanchez has one bad year and now he sucks.

    Yeah we should focusd on what he did against Denver in the reg season rather than a playoff game at home. My mistake.

    Peyton Manning in 11 career playoff losses has led his O to an average of 14.8 PPG. 17 is more than 14.8, right? he's only led his teams to more than 20 pts in losses 2 times(and only 1 time in Indy). we had an 11 pt lead late in the 1st half, the D allowed a quick scoring drive to change that game then we lost Greene and fell apart.

    You do know we ran it 3 times after that fumble recovery, right? should mark have handed it off differently?

    Greene was our only running threat at that point, you are asking a rookie on the road against 2 premiere pass rushers in a dome to win a game w/o any run game? Is that fair?

    We don't need to hope against hope, we need to rebuild the talent around him and we will win w/ him again.
  11. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    has anybody here actually tried to say mark didnt have a bad season in 2012? cause i cant recall anyone saying that, in fact, i can recall many times where the people you are most likely referring to reference the terrible 2012 season.

    nobody is saying that mark doesnt need to improve, just that considering his career in context, he deserves a shot in a legit offensive system.
  12. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    No one has said that, everyone knows he sucked in 2012 but the bashers need to make stuff up to try to bolster their weak arguments.
  13. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    the sad thing is that they will still back up sanchez and make up new excuses or tell us about how great he was before he lost his weapons and then he was ruined.

    ive seen it happen, there is one particular poster who still to this day says how great herm edwards was. even after he left the jets in shambles and went to kc and took a perennial playoff contender to 4-12 and they have never recovered.

    he seems to have drummed up some supporters though, its quite surprising.
  14. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    yes, Herm left the Jets in such shambles that they were 10-6 the year after he left. We were 4-12 in 2005 BECAUSE OF INJURIES. We had talent, we started a 4th string QB most of the season along w/ a 3rd string RB. We were incredibly beat up. We won 10 games in 2004 had injuries then dipped in 2005 then were healthy and won 10 again in 2006. It's not rocket science but it was all Herm's fault!

    I really don't believe that some of you guys watch football.
  15. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    You have a point but most of the people defending him prop him up using overall bad to average seasons in 09/10 that ended in playoff success while ignoring that the same logic should declare his 2011 tank job a bad season if you're talking about wins. They say that he led the team when the team was winning in 2010 yet when referring to the 2011 collapse that was a "team collapse".

    Bottom line is some people like the guy and are going to ride with him even after he is a backup on some other team. They will still pretend he never got a shot.
  16. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    he wasn't bad in either '09 or '10, in '10 he was very good but the average fan only sees rankings and doesn't understand what they are watching IF they watched.

    No one said HE led the team, he was part of the success of the the first 2 years like he was part of the failures of the last 2.
  17. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Weak argument? Ha. If anything the supporters have a weak argument that is based on hope (hoping he turns around his career), while those who see it differently are just looking at the reality of the situation and his recent career.

    Or you can take your approach and claim that those who dont believe in him dont watch the games, like you do, and only look at stats. Talk about a weak argument man.
    #5437 laxin, Mar 7, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2013
  18. Testaverde

    Testaverde Active Member

    Dec 9, 2011
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    I love how you only use stats that you think fits your argument. Truth's point was about playing the Colts in their building and needing to put up more than 17 points to win that game. You then use how many points Manning put up in losses but leave out the fact that only two of those losses came at home before 2009. How many points the Colts scored on the road in NE or any other road game is irrelevant since the Colts were playing in their house.

    If you really wanted to see if Truth's statement has some truth to it, you would look up how many points Manning led his O to in home games.

    I took the liberty to do it for you. Manning has led his O to an average of 27.3 PPG in every home game prior to playing the Jets in 2009.

    17 is less than 27.3, right?
  19. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    He doesn't "deserve" anything. What makes him "deserve" another chance? He hasn't had a good season in his 4 years in the league. He's regressed since his solid 2010 campaign.

    The Jets made him the starter and to make him comfortable there was no opposition to his starting position. Then they bring in Tebow which in itself should have motivated Sanchez to step his game up instead he plays like shit as usual.

    2010 was his best season. You're really overrating that season, he wasn't even anything special that year, he was solid and he had his moments where he made clutch plays, THAT Sanchez is long gone.

    You always say people "do not understand what they are watching" if people are watching the game and he is failing the eye test, then the stats back up what we are seeing then how can we be misguided in our view on Sanchez being not good?
  20. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    It's clear that if you guys do watch you don't understand what you are watching when statements like " Andy Dalton would win 10 games w/ this team" are made.

    we had an 11 pt lead late in the 1st half, peyton is a legendary choker. 17 shouldn't have been enough but if our D plays like a big time D we have a much better chance but they allowed Indy to take momentum into the locker room and they took off from there.

    Actually Peyton was only 5-3 at home in postseason heading into that game. Overall now he is 6-5 at home in his playoff career, not exactly Brady who is 11-3.

    I am confused, were you looking up home playoff games or reg season home games in 2009? either way your #s are off. Peyton is a legendary choker, we had a double digit lead on them and we blew it. In the SB he led his high powered O to just 17 pts so it's not crazy to expect him and his O to score 17 or less.
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