Tebow speaking at "virulently anti-gay, anti-Semitic Megachurch"

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Donttasemebro, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    As are tens of thousands of churches in America, very likely including the church Tebow grew up in and the church he attends now.

    It is nothing of the sort. Why would speaking at a church very similar to one you grew up in be "bad judgement"?

    Thankfully, there are some people still left in this nation who care less about their image than they do about standing up for their beliefs. I believe Tebow has demonstrated on multiple occasions that he is one of those people.


    It is likely that he supports at least some of them.

    I wouldn't bet your life on it.
  2. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    errr... how about because of the politics that surround that particular church, for one...

    Puhleeze... This is the same guy whos handlers threatened a broadway chick with a lawsuit because she posted a pic of Tebow with a bunch of slutty looking chicks. They had it yanked off the internet because he made a really good living off his squeaky clean image, and we can't have anything out there contradicting that, can we?

    He's every bit worried about his image... though you're probably right. In the context of his religion and speaking in church, that probably ranks higher.

    But don't tell me he couldn't care less about his image. He wouldn't have lied about choosing New York, otherwise.
  3. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    "that particular church" is no different in their beliefs than tens of thousands of other conservative evangelical protestant churches in the U.S. If the pastor of that church hadn't come out and endorsed a Republican Presidential candidate, we the public wouldn't be hearing "boo" about this speaking engagement from the Lib media.

    So, tell me again, how is it "bad judgement" for Tebow to speak at that church?

    I didn't say he wasn't worried about his image, I said he is more concerned about standing up for the things in which he believes.
  4. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    This particular one is actually FAMOUS for being anti gay and anti-sematic, for starters. The one he spoke out at comes across as a bigotted one. ...and Tebow went and participated with that group.

    Tens of thousands of churches don't go around making themselves famous for bigotry. He could have chosen any one of those who don't get involved with that kind of crap, but he chose THAT one. It DOES make it look like he endorses that kind of message.

    ...and that's fine if he does if that is his opinion. Just don't feed me that crap that it doesn't matter which church he chooses to speak at because they basically the same, because they aren't. not all of them get involved with politics, and not all of them practice bigotry against gays or jews. They CERTAINLY don't make themselves famous for it.

    ....and BELIEVE me, I'm giving Timmy the benefit of the doubt on that one by saying, "at worst, it was bad judgment in his choice of speaking engagment."
  5. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Yeah, they were so "famous" I'm pretty sure you had never even heard of them until the story last week.

    The only reason this story is getting any play at all is because the pastor endorsed a Republican candidate for President. Black pastors of black churches can have campaign events on Sunday morning inside their church and endorse all the Democrats they want to, but if a white pastor of a white church endorses a Republican, the Libs in the media have a hissy fit.

    Since you are clearly ignorant of this, maybe you'd be interested to know that some of the most politically active people in the nation are people of strong faith - both Republican and Democrat.

    And are you saying that because someone believes Homosexual behavior is sinful that that makes them a bigot? By making a sweeping negative judgement about an entire group of people you obviously know nothing about, you are actually being a bigot. Good job, that really helps your argument.

    And yes, tens of thousands of churches in America believe many of the very exact same things mentioned in the original article. They may not get all the notoriety of one of the biggest churches in the state of Texas with a pastor who endorsed a Republican presidential candidate (not in church, by the way), but they espouse many of the same beliefs nonetheless. Since you clearly are out of your depth in knowledge of these issues, you might want to put your shovel down before that hole gets too deep.

    Before you say anything more about this issue you might want to read this article about the situation to get your facts straight:


    It is very clear you know nothing in detail about the situation at all since you think Tim already did this speaking engagement. He hasn't, it's scheduled for April.
  6. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    I realize that. And I have no problem with people voting their faith. But when churches go out of their way to endorse candidates. You might be shocked that I'm actually a Republican. I actually share a lot of the ideals many people of faith share. I have nothing against people of faith.

    However, that isn't the point.

    This isn't about what candidate they support. This is a church that has publicly slammed a couple of ethnic groups. It's quite frankly none of their damn business what homosexuals choose to do as they are not part of their flock. So what business is it of theirs? Plus, while your article says the pastor DID NOT in fact slam the jews, it says he limited it to Mormons and Muslims... :lol:

    i guess we can cound on a blog called, the "RIGHT scoop" to be completely unbiased about anything, right?

    :D You just slammed me for saying a sweeping negative comment makes me a bigot, RIGHT after a sentence where a whole group is getting slammed for sinning by the group you are defending for making negative sweeping comments. Good job.

    A lot of chrurches make it their business to get in the faces of those that aren't in their flock and don't share their beliefs. One of the reasons I no longer participate in organized religion. They seemed to spend more time blasting everyone not in their congregation than they did spreading the word. ...but I digress.

    This isn't about who endorsed what candidate. I REALLY don't care. We have a church being run by a bigot, and Tebow took part in it.

    All I said is that it probably wasn't a smart move on Tebow's part pal-ing around with pastors and churches known for bigotted remarks. That's all. There's plenty out there to speak at that don't carry that kind of baggage.

    I'm sure the "Right" scoop would NEVER spin facts... :rolleyes:

    I'm relieved to hear that he didn't make sweeping negative remarks about the Jews, ...at least according to whoever this blogger is. (You'll have to excuse my skepticism from a site called, "TheRIGHTscoop." Yeah, they won't slant anything, right?) So if I am to believe this guy, I guess I stand corrected. Apparently the pastor only limited his negative sweeping remarks to Mormons and Muslims beign from the firey pits of hell.... :lol: while careful not to include the jews... according to the article. (Who is Jeffreys to judge that anyway?)

    I guess that's okay since it was ONLY Mormons and Muslims, and who cares about them?

    Then it isn't too late to reconsider and pick a church that stigmatized for bigotry due to negative sweeping comments (something you just chastised me for) about a whole group of people who simply have different beliefs from them.

    But like I said, since Tebow's public image is ALMOST everything to him, this might be bigger and he likely won't care this time. I think he could choose better. I'm still giving Tebow the benefit of the doubt that he's not an anti-homo or bigot. I've seen nothing from him that makes me think he is. However, too many of these might change their minds.

    It's like Obama and his Reverend Wright controversy. Goes to that guy for 20 years, even called him mentor, and had NO idea of his anti-American leanings? Riiiiiight... Sooner or later, people are going to think those views are a reflection of your own. (I'll keep my opinion on where Obama really is on that to myself.)

    The main point I'm making here isn't that I think Tebow is a bigot homophobe. It is just that I think he can make a better choice here. There are a lot of "mega churches" he can speak at that don't have that baggage.
    #26 Concerned_Citizen, Feb 19, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2013
  7. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    CC, it doesn't surprise me that you're a Republican. There are lots of Republicans in America who act like Democrats. I'll bet I know what your favorite African pachyderm is, and no, I'm not talking about an elephant....

    lol at you talking up being a Republican and then slamming anything written at a sight with "Right" in the name.

    It is very abundantly clear that your issue isn't with the Pastor of Dallas' First Baptist Church. Your issue is with what the Bible teaches. Period. End of story.
  8. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Not surprised that in your haste to type up another attack, you missed my point... again. I may support conservative ideals on a lot of things, but I'm not so blind that I am not aware that both sides have their spin job artists. You ARE aware that there are plenty of them on the right too, aren't you?

    Nope. My issue is with organized religion itself. Not with God or the Bible. I don't like how some use it to justify judging other people for their choice of lifestyles or their choice of religion. There was this part in the bible about judging others that seems to have been missed by the most outspoken of churches.

    If you don't believe in homosexuality? Don't engage in it.
    Don't believe in abortion? Don't get one.
    Don't believe in the Mormon faith? Great!!! Don't join.

    It is when churches make it their business to try to tell everyone else what to do is where I have a problem. It isn't God or Jesus or what the Bible says... some of the followers and those that lead them leave a LOT to be desired when it comes to practicing what they preech. you're right, this one is not as bad as the one protesting military funerals, but surely there has to be a better choice for Tebow to make his inspiring speeches.
    #28 Concerned_Citizen, Feb 19, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2013
  9. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    It might behoove you, if you want to talk about what the Bible says or doesn't say, to actually read it sometime. Go ahead, give it a shot. I think you will be amazed at how misinformed you are about the things the Bible actually says and teaches. That is a frequent problem when people claim to have knowledge that they really don't have.
  10. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Are you really asking CC to know what he's talking about before he actually talks about it ???

    Good luck with that one :)
  11. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    I know, Crazy, huh?:lol:

    Right now he is probably searching furiously for some writer or Bible commentator, somewhere, to support what he thinks the Bible says. And he'll probably find what he's looking for. He'll trot that out as proof that he's right. And he'll still be just as wrong as he was before.
  12. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Actually, he'll probably find something that doesnt actually support his view, but he will lie about it and try to spin it claiming that it does.

    It's both laughable and sad.
  13. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    I've read the Bible cover to cover, multiple times (as with the Quran and Veda), as well as having taken undergraduate courses on Religious History. The Bible is quite possibly the single most contradictory historical work ever written. It is a translation, of a translation, of a translation, compiled hundreds of years after every one it's stories had supposedly occurred. In short, it is hilarious, and was written as a control mechanism for the powerful over the poor, as most religions tend to be. It is the most powerful work of fiction ever created.

    Now since you are so adamant about calling someone else out about not knowing the Bible to the extent you do, do you following it's teachings? Do you take the Bible as the word of your god, or is it more of a guidebook that you and your organized religion get to pick and choose the sins that actually matter out of?

    Do you only recognize the New Testament as valid scripture, or do you recognize the evil, murderous, jealous god of the Old Testament? Do you really believe that an old man who lived to be 900 years old, built a giant ship by himself, and stocked it with every animal on the planet? I sure hope you've never worn polyester, as it is considered an abomination.

    Now if you still feel like challenging someone on their knowledge of the Bible, and just how wholesome it's teachings are, I'd be happy to enlighten you about a few things that the Bible are not only a-ok with, but blissfully endorses. Things like murder, rape, and pillaging, slavery, beating slaves, and human sacrifice, are just a few examples of the teachings of this wonderful god of yours. There are hundreds of other examples of murder, rape, vengeance, and genocide if you would like more.

    Judging from your egotistic tone, I am also fairly sure that you are unaware of the literally thousands of contradictions in the Bible. Here are just a few:

    There is an unpardonable sin - Mark 3:29
    There is not unpardonable sin- Acts 13:39

    God dwells in chosen temples - 2 Chron 7:12,16
    God dwells not in temples - Acts 7:48

    Hell, they don't even know who Joseph's dad was:

    And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. - MAT 1:16
    And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli. - LUK 3:23

    So how about you get the fuck out of here with your high-and-mighty 'you should read the Bible' shtick, because an atheist that knows infinitely more about your religion than you do could prove quite embarrassing.
    #33 phaytal, Feb 19, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2013
  14. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    There's no way Tebow isn't into the cock.
  15. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    I'm surprised you took the trouble to read, from cover to cover, something that is so "hilarious", "contradictory", and such a "work of fiction". Thank you for providing evidence with this post, for about the 1,000th time, that your problems with Tim Tebow are rooted in issues that are way, way more important than football, and are you issues, not Tebow issues. Your problem is with God and the Bible, not Tebow, you just can't stand what he represents as a Christian.

    I'm not interested in debating whether what the Bible says is right with someone who is at such enmity with God as you are. My point was simply that this pastor in Dallas is teaching the Bible. CC denies that, but since he hasn't read the Bible, he doesn't really know. He has the same problem as you. His problem isn't with Pastor Jeffress, it's with God and the Bible. There is still freedom of speech, thought and religion in this country, and you both are perfectly free to think that way if you so choose. Just don't tell me that this particular church is teaching something different than tens of thousands of other churches in America teach. From the Bible.

    By the way, the only thing embarrassing is how bitter, angry and maniacally obsessed you are with Tim Tebow.
  16. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Feel better after getting that off your chest?
  17. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I think he's projecting.
  18. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    He should stick to speaking at virulently anti-gay, anti-Semitic Megachurches. He's much better at that than he is at quarterbacking football teams.

    That's a future he could perform at the highest level with and make similar if not more $$ at.

    It also doesn't hurt his "brand", as it falls right in line with the feelings of his fanbase yippee!
  19. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    What the hell, how in the world is this not a trolling post ? Yeah, I'm straight up calling you out on it.
  20. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    There was not one mention of Tim Tebow in my post. You were the one that ignorantly advised someone to 'read the Bible', and 'understand it's teachings'. I simply pointed out that the book that you seem to hold so near and dear to your heart, is, in fact, a crock of shit. I also knew you wouldn't address a single one of my points.

    As far as Tim Tebow goes, his NFL relevance is already over. Dust in the wind, my friend.
    #40 phaytal, Feb 19, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2013
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