How Tim Tebow Became the Least-Wanted Man in the Entire NFL

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Footballgod214, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    9-7 + 1 playoff win = "Tebow just wins"

    9-7 + 2 playoff wins
    10-6 + 2 playoff wins = "Rex doesn't know how to win?"

    I was confused at first until I started laughing. Thanks for the humor, you guys never fail to entertain!
  2. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    CC, you should know better than to "bet" on anything you can't prove. What you are supposed to do is "project" outcomes like Mr. Demos.

    You could say something like "Tebow tossed one dirt missile in the preseason, if you multiply the number of times he threw in practice this year, that is 2 or 3. Guessing and projecting is totally wrong...
  3. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Actually it was 11-5 in 2010, and all those playoff wins were in hostile road environments. But yea - Rex doesn't know how to win. Tebow sure does though. He'll probably will some NFL team to a superbowl from Montreal.
  4. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Here, let's add some context to your post;

    Tebow takes over a 1-4 team that had been 6-21 under it's previous starter. Went 8-5 with the team that year, including a playoff victory. Complete record with that same team was 9-7 as a starter. Yeah, that = Tebow wins.

    Took over a team that had a 9-7 record the year before. Goes 9-7 with them again and squeaks into the playoffs after playing 2 "gimme" games at the end of the season against teams that pulled their key players in the 3rd quarter of each game.

    The next year, the Jets again do well in the playoffs with the same formula. Great defense and a great running game.

    Then ? That is followed up with an 8-8 season, followed by a 6-10 season.

    Your side of the argument is hindered by the fact that Tebow didn't get a chance to start another season, as Peyton Manning was brought in. Due to this, he still has a winning record and a playoff victory as his last substantive work in the NFL.

    Rex, on the other hand, took over a winning team, made the playoffs with many of the players from Mangini's time, and the team's record has gotten worse instead of improving. You know, that whole "trajectory" thing ??
  5. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Mangini never won a playoff game as a HC here and he had a future HOF QB to work with. Let's not act like he built some stacked roster that any coach could win with. Rex was in the AFCCG his first season, with a rookie QB.

    Let's not put any context around the 8-8 or 6-10 seasons either, because that wouldn't support your ridiculous argument. Like - the fact that the Jets were 8-5 in '11 prior to Sanchez being injured, or the fact that the Jets were decimated by injuries in '12 including possibly the best defensive player in the league, had zero depth because they had a GM who treated draft picks like baseball cards, and had one of the worst offensive coordinators we've ever seen. The Jets depth was so bad in '12 that one of the best special teams coaches of all time couldn't even make it work with the scraps he was working with. The roster problems can mostly be attributed to lack of depth which literally has nothing to do with Rex. Not surprisingly, you guys want to blame that on Rex because - you know - he didn't start Tebow.

    You are shrugging off and avoiding the most important facts that really fuck up your stupid argument. That is that Tebow was traded for a huge loss after his season that you guys regularly jerk over, and was then promptly demoted to 3rd string QB and personal punt protector. How's that for a trajectory, buddy? Apparently it such a steep downward trajectory that it's buried a bunch of tebots heads in the sand.

    To summarize, the only facts you're interested in are the ones that support your argument. The important facts that blatantly go against what you're trying to argue are ignored, shrugged off and swept under the rug by tebots.

    We all know you aren't interested in truth though. You aren't bullshitting anyone here. Tebots are only interested in picking and choosing facts and creating a mirage out of them, like a flimsy house of cards. I don't know why - I guess you guys just can't stand reality.
  6. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Add a little bit more context, the defense gave up 15 points or less in 6 of those games. A loser like Kyle Orton was able to go 23-2 when that happened, so it isn't a surprise that Tebow was able to win a few games that way too. The bigger surprise is that Tebow is 0-1 when the defense gives up 7 or less.

    This is hilarious. Tebow getting lucky in a playoff game somehow proves his greatness in the making. Yet Rex getting to the conference championship TWICE where only 2 teams advanced further in each year should be ignored, and Rex written off as someone who doesn't know how to win.

    I knew you were wasted on the Tim Tebow kool-aid, but holy cow. Don't you think you are being a bit rediculous in your evaluation of Rex? I realize you are bent out of shape about Tebow not getting any starts, or any real opportunity, but get a grip, man.

    He didn't get a chance to start because he couldn't beat out Sanchez. you can't keep giving a coach a horror show in practice and expect to get the starting job. That pretty much goes for everyone.

    How many conference championships did Mangini take them to?
  7. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    If winning the final two "gimme" games of the year is "squeaking" into the playoffs, I would love to hear what you call riding a three game losing streak and getting in on a third tiebreaker in the shittiest division in the league. You guys are smart enough to avoid that landmine but it just speaks to Tebow fans' willingness to overstate his accomplishments and hold that up as proof of mistreatment and stupidity by others.

    Tebow is young but his individual performance regressed as the season went along. His fans argue that his only opportunity for improvement comes from game experience and reps. Yet, his second game against the Patriots saw him look even more confused and overmatched. You can't even argue that Tim learns and progresses from playing the exact same team let alone other teams and schemes. What proof is there from Tim's "trajectory" that he has not already hit his peak? He played a good game against Pittsburgh but fell right back into being overwhelmed after having several months of reps with the first team in an offense in which he was giving input against a defense he had already seen.
  8. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Hilarious, isn't it? How everything that was accomplished with Tebow's involvement is somehow golden, no matter how much the planets had to align for that to happen. it was all Tebow and his mystical powers of inspiration. Yet, going to the conference championships means the coach doesn't know how to win because they had an 8-8 season and a bad season that followed.
    #48 Concerned_Citizen, Feb 15, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2013
  9. Organized Chaos

    Organized Chaos Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    Why would anyone trade for Tebow (Other than Jacksonville) considering his salary when they know the Jets will likely end up just cutting him?

    Tebow would be a logical backup/developmental QB for any of the read option QB's in the league. Tebow can easily find a landing spot in the NFL, maybe not with his current contract and definitely not as a guaranteed starter.

    EDIT: Also from PFT:

    "I actually heard at one point that maybe the Arizona Cardinals would be interested in Tim Tebow," said Florio. "That was last year. We'll see what happens this year whether or not Tim Tebow is in the mix. But I'll tell you this -- Tim Tebow is better than any of the guys they have on their roster."
    #49 Organized Chaos, Feb 15, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2013
  10. usc1978

    usc1978 New Member

    May 29, 2011
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    The simple answer as to why a team would trade for a player that they know will be cut is exclusivity in dealing with that player. If someone really wanted a specific player, is it really worth holding on to that seventh round pick and risk them signing with someone else?

    As for why anyone would trade for Tebow, I have no idea. He's a proven distraction and a bad quarterback.
  11. Organized Chaos

    Organized Chaos Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    Sure, but in this specific situation the player is probably a bit overpaid, and there isn't a lot of demand for his services.

    Because he'd fit a read option system as a backup, and if you could get him to improve his accuracy and his ability to make reads he'd be a good QB. He also adds a nice wrinkle on special teams.

    Tebow has connections all over the league. If he's willing to be a backup I'm sure he can stick somewhere. I've seen stories that suggest he will be out of the NFL, but if he's willing to be a backup I doubt that happens.
  12. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    He'd fit that system, but there is another element present with Tebow that isn't with any other backup. The circus that follows him. a lot of teams don't want to be told by Tebow's stormtroopers and the media, how to run their team, and to keep being told that they must start Tebow every time something goes wrong. Especially when he isn't that good a QB to begin with.

    Also don't agree that he is better than everyone on Arizona's roster. They aren't the greatest in the world, but at best, bringing in Tebow would be a lateral move subbing mediocrity for mediocrity. Tebow fans would like it though.
  13. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Rex is a big fucking joke. He had numerous chances to redeem himself this past season yet continually kept Mark in there.

    he will make some team a great DC, but that's it.

    He will be fired next year.
  14. usc1978

    usc1978 New Member

    May 29, 2011
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    I agree in this, and other, situations, but you can exclusively renegotiate with the player if you have his rights.

    I don't believe he'd fit in any system that requires him to play QB. I think some Tebow fans would have you believe he set the table for guys like Kaepernick but the truth is Kaepernick's running ability is a bonus on top of a strong arm and accurate arm. If Kaepernick suddenly couldn't run, he'd still be effective.

    Running with the football is the only skill Tebow isn't terrible at, and now he's also proven to be a cancer for a team.
  15. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I was asked a question and gave an honest assessment. Tebow had one season of substantive starts and he has a winning record after that one season. IF you asked me about Rex after his first season or his second, I'd say that he was a winning coach as well, as the record at the time would have backed that up.

    BUT, Rex has an additional 2 seasons that have to be factored in, even with the injuries. It's actually much the same as with Mark Sanchez. 2 seasons going to the AFCC, but what has happened since ? Yep, 8-8 followed up by 6-10.

    Tell me, did I miss where you have been defending Sanchez over in the main forum. Oh, wait, this post pretty much tells us what you think about Sanchez:

    But wait, Sanchez won in his first 2 years didn't he ? Went 9-7 and 11-5 with 4 playoff victories ?

    Looking back at some of your posts from early in 2011, you had a different opinion of Sanchez than you do now. How could that be ?

    So yes, I stand by what I said about Rex AT THIS POINT. He really doesn't know how to win and he is in over his head as a Head Coach. But again, that's not to say that he can't/won't get better.
  16. Organized Chaos

    Organized Chaos Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    If Tebow goes to Seattle, Washington, Carolina etc, nobody is going to say he should start. There is a lot of pressure to start him if your QB is shit (ie, Sanchez, Orton), but even people who like Tebow realize that he shouldn't be starting over guys like RG3 or Wilson.

    The only one who might be better is Kolb.
  17. Organized Chaos

    Organized Chaos Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    Tebow is far from a Cancer. That is a joke. The Jets didn't lose this year because of Tebow, they lost because they were a bad team, especially on offense. Tebow had nothing to do with piss poor WRs, Sanchez Turnovers and below average running backs.

    Kaepernick doesn't have just a strong arm, he makes great reads, checks off at the line, etc. He is way ahead of Tebow, and if Tebow went there nobody would expect Tebow to start. Hell, Kaepernick could not run and he'd be ahead of Sanchez. He is really that good.

    The critical thing is to put Tebow on a team where he can develop, and the team will have no pressure to start him but if they do start him due to injury, the system plays to his strengths (running the ball, reading half the field off play action). If you put Tebow on a team like that, you can take time to develop him, and use him in a pinch (ie QB injury) without altering your system from the read option (except throwing less). For a team with a strong starter, and a strong running game (ie, Seattle, San Fran) it makes a lot of sense. Tebow would be a better (and cheaper) stopgap than Alex Smith, and still has the potential to develop into something better.
  18. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Shockingly you've once again failed to see the blatantly obvious facts of the situation. This must be some kind of defense mechanism that tebots have developed as their heads remained buried in the sand. A HC is going to have a hard time winning games when his QB blows and the alternatives are worse.
  19. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    You are of course referring to the QB that Rex really, really wanted ? So much so that they did a 5 for 1 deal to move up and take him with the 5th pick in the 1st round ??

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA> Thanks for helping to illustrate my point.

    Another point, looking at your argument, the same kind of argument can be made for Sanchez. Just look at the rest of the team around him these last 2 years, it doesn't compare to the talent he was surrounded with his first 2 seasons.

    But yet, you still went from having faith in him to believing that he sucks.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming you or faulting you. In fact, I agree with you completely. My point is that your evaluation of him changed over time, and that even though he looked OK in his first 2 seasons, you are factoring in the last 2 seasons as well.

    And, that's just what I did with Rex. As I said, if you had asked me after Rex's first or second season, I would have had a different opinion. BUT, after taking his third and fourth seasons into account, the opinion changes.
  20. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    You guys could learn something from this.

    Rex isn't responsible for the complete lack of depth on the Jets roster. You want to blame him because he didn't start Tebow. You aren't bullshitting anyone.

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