Tebow's fans will be his end

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by LeonNYJ, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    The anecdote was a perfect example that was completely on point.

    I got passed over for a position that was promised to me.
    I went to the boss and bitched about it.
    I told him that the reason I took a job with that restaurant is because they promised I would be in the next server class. I told him that I didn't come there to be an SA, which was my current job.

    What I didn't do was quit or say that I wouldn't do my job. What I did was make my feelings known to management and expressed my disapproval with what they did.

    From the only "first hand" acct, that is exactly what Tebow did.

    As to what explanation gets us from step 1 to step 3, perhaps it's that Rex is an idiot who misinterpreted what was said ? Perhaps he's like you and thinks that if someone complains about getting passed over and that they didn't come here to be the WC QB, then that means that he's saying he won't do it anymore and demanding to be removed from the position ?
  2. usc1978

    usc1978 New Member

    May 29, 2011
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    Okay, so at least now we're paring down our options as to what happened.

    1) Tebow got angry about being passed over and asked out of the wildcat, as reported by the press.


    2) Tebow didn't ask out but Rex is an idiot who misinterpreted a conversation with Tebow and in an unfortunate coincidence, sources told the press that Tebow asked out.

    So of our two scenarios, what percentage likelihood would you put on each option? 99% likelihood of the first scenario? 110%? Or do you genuinely think the second, absurd scenario is more likely?
  3. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    You're forgetting that tebots are sure that Rex is an idiot since he didn't start Tebow. Obviously that's the only logical conclusion.
  4. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Welcome to life in the NFL.

    You act as if Tebow is the only guy in NFL history that was told one thing, but another ended up happening.

    With your option, you could always work at another restraunt. There are thousands within the same zip code. In the NFL, there are only 32 teams. An NFL team isn't going to give a shit if you think you are good enough for the top job if all you show them in practice is a whole lot of fail. I'm guessing if you are a waiter, and you keep dropping food and breaking dishes in the back area where nobody publicly sees it, you're probably not going ot get promoted to manager any time soon even if the guys sitting at the table unaware of your clumsiness think you are a swell guy and did an awesome job taking their order.

    Tebow expressed his desire not to be a WC QB, and Rex granted that wish. He may not have said he woudln't do his job, but he made it clear he wasn't 100% behind it. ...and that is fine, actually. Tebow has a different vision on what his career should look like, Rex isn't going to stand in his way. Good luck on another team. If I were a manager and I had an employee tell me they weren't happy with their role, then depending on what I thought of them as an employee, I'd either tell them, "tough shit, that't your job," or I'd elevate them to something better if I thought more highly of them, or the third option would be to remove you from that spot and put in someone that will put in close to 100%. The third option is what Rex did, and tebow is assed out.

    The old saying about the squeaky wheel getting the grease, I always thought was a poor analogy. squeak too much and don't have the performance to back it up, most just replace the bad wheel and not have to worry about it all the time.

    First hand info from someone who already showed a propensity to lie when it comes to protecting his image. Like he did when blaming Elway for his choosing the jets.

    I still think USC's first scenario makes more sense than THAT spin job. When it comes down to it. Tebow has a career to protect, and he sees it getting flushed down the toilet. I don't know why you are trying to spin it away, the only real fault from Tebow in this case is NOT that he bitched about it. He really should have done the complaining MUCH MUCH sooner, IMO. He has a hell of a lot more patience than I do, that's for sure.
    #104 Concerned_Citizen, Feb 13, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2013
  5. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    What I think is that Rex misinterpreted the conversation, talked about it with others in the course of his duties, then they leaked the info to the press.

    What I mean by "in the course of his duties" is that he woudn't have just gone up to Sparano and said "Hey, give Kerley some reps at WC". The decision would have come with some form of explanation. Perhaps "Hey Spore, Tebow's pissed and doesnt want to run the WC anymore, so, you'd better get Kerley some reps".
  6. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Ummm, Rex is an idiot for sticking with Sanchez for as long as he did. Surely, as a "LongTimeJetsFan", you are aware of many more stupid things that Rex has done, yes ?
  7. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    It isn't idiotic if the guys behind Sanchez are actually worse.
  8. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    You don't actually know that they are worse until you put them in the game and see what they can do.
  9. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    ...but if all the coach sees up to that point is a bunch of ineptitude, dirt missiles, and inability to read defenses in most cases other than simply hurling the ball downfield.... then you can't be surprised most coaches would steer clear of that guy.

    That would go for just about anyone else on the planet too, not just Tebow.

    No, Tim Tebow is one of those guys you gotta take on faith. Nobody can draw a picture on how he's supposed to win you games, people simply believe he will. He struggles to read defenses, he struggles passing, he struggles to move the chains as evidenced by his league leading three and outs.... yet somehow, people expect games to be won with this guy regardless. there will always be some sort of a miracle.

    No coach is going to stake their reputations on faith that despite how shitty he looks, it will all work out in the end. Expecting miracles like that all the time is like leaning on a big stick with a big crack on it with legions of people out there insisting that we should all keep leaning on it until it fails. Easy to say when you aren't the one dealing with the hospital bill when it inevitably breaks.
  10. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Sanchez was the best QB on the team. Can't blame him for sticking with his best chance to win. No, you think he's an idiot because he didn't start Tebow. You aren't bullshitting anyone here.
  11. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Every coach in the world is, or should be familiar with the concept of the "practice warrior" or whatever you want to call it. A guy that looks good in practice, but on game day, just can't get the job done.

    Similarly, coaches are aware of the fact that some guys just don't do well in practice, but come game day, they'll light things up.

    Sure, it's no surprise that coaches would tap the practice warrior for the starting job. BUT, once that guy has shown that he will fold the way Sanchez did this past year, you HAVE to put the other guys out there to see what they can do.

    Tebow had already shown that he can win games, as he has a 9-7 record as a starter, including a playoff victory. You guys say that this was largely because of the defense ? Just for the sake of argument, let's say that is the case. Guess what ? The Jet's D in 2012 was better than the Denver D in 2011. So put Tebow out there and see how he does with our Defense behind him. Mark wasn't doing anything to win games, rather, he was actually accelerating the losses with his turnovers and poor decision making.
  12. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Bullshit. Sanchez might have been the best looking passer in practice, but that doesn't make him the "Best qb on the team".
  13. usc1978

    usc1978 New Member

    May 29, 2011
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    Mark Sanchez also has a career winning record over many more games and went to two AFC Championship Games. He's terrible, too.
  14. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Sanchez has a larger sample size to look at, and he had success early, but he's also been trending downward in the last 2 years, where he has a record of 15-20 over the last 35 games.

    You expect your QB to improve as his career progresses. Doesn't seem to have happened.
  15. usc1978

    usc1978 New Member

    May 29, 2011
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    Tebow lost four of his last five starts.
  16. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    You're assuming the league sees Tebow the same way you do.... a guy who can't cut it in practice, but will light it up on Sunday and blow everyone away.

    Thing is, not everyone sees it that way on Sundays either. Sure, there were some W's in the win column, but there are people like me looking at the picture as a whole and not just through Tebow colored lenses the last 5 minutes, and it isn't like I'm the only guy on the planet who watched the games and thought he looked pretty horrid 90% of the time. Because that idea that the defense helped carry him, and there were heroes all over the Bronco roster during many of those wins was definately part of the Broncos success. Tebow was indeed part of it, but too many people are acting as if he did it all himself, and I think many decision makers find that annoying.

    The fact that Tebow CAN do something in the 4th is about the only real reason he's getting any consideration at all.

    But to say he's the "Sunday Warrior," well, not everyone agrees with that. There might be a couple of GMs out there that agree, but it doesn't appear there are many out there in a position to make that decision who agree with that idea.

    Tebow's biggest problem on the field for potential decision makers is that he just doesn't pass the eye test for most. they saw wins, but they saw how they happened too. they saw an offense that struggled to do ANYTHING when he was in the drivers seat. They didn't score much. They saw saw him really struggle to make mid range passes. They were dead last in passing in a passers league.

    You don't think they notice all this just because they somehow eked out some Ws' against other mediocre teams?

    I think the article had it right. Why go out and sign Tebow, who is still about as raw as he was the day he was drafted (due in part to lack of time invested in development) when they can draft some kid out of college who has the same road ahead.... WITHOUT legions of fans and media hacks telling them how to run their team?
  17. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    His overall record is 9-7. While, yes, it is a winning record, it isn't exactly mind blowing. Especially when more than half of those came against shitty teams, and scoring conditions were such where even Orton, (a guy constantly criticized for losing) posts a 23-2 record under the same conditions. (Most of it in Chicago with an extremely strong defense.)

    Of course decision makers around the NFL are aware of this, which is why they aren't exactly wowed by Tebow's record.
  18. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    And yet again, you ignore the fact that the Broncos ran what style of offense for 3 quarters, then, in the 4th, when they were behind, they changed their style and went to a Spread Offense with Tebow operating out of the Shotgun.

    You laughably claimed that teams went into "prevent defenses" and stuck with that until it was pointed out that teams went into Cover 2, or the Bears who went into Tampa 2. You next hung your hat on the fact that Cover/Tampa2 is a "Bend but don't break" defense, as if that somehow negates what Tebow did. Guess what ? The Bears run Tampa2 against EVERYBODY. It was their base defense. The Colts used Tampa2 all the way to the Superbowl. Brady, ManningX2, Stafford and Rodgers regularly face cover2 defenses. It's an NFL staple that just about EVERY team uses depending on the situation/opponent.
  19. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Yea like imagine if he were traded away for some trash and demoted to 3rd string QB? He'd probably be a forgotten man.
  20. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    And Eli lost 5 of his last 8. Your point ?
    Big Ben lost 3 of his last 4 starts.
    Jay Cutler lost 3 of his last 5.
    Aaron Rodgers lost 2 of his last 3. Hell, his first year as a starter in 08, he lost 5 of his last 6 games

    So I ask, were you under the mistaken notion that you actually make a valid point ?

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