Jets to try to trade Tim Tebow

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Dennis, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. _Jet_

    _Jet_ Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Tebow wants to play QB. He won't sacrifice his QB career and play special team for Jets any more. He may switch position later, for another team. But definitely not now.
  2. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Tebow sucks at QB and it's not his choice unless he wants to be a subordinate dickhead. No one wants him to play QB in the NFL anyway, so he can either do what he coaches say or go to the CFL / UFL (or whatever it's called now)

    The Jets can save a little over a million in cap space if they cut him. So there's that.
  3. sunbeam

    sunbeam Banned

    Nov 15, 2012
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    I don't know if:

    a) The Pats are interested, or

    b) The Jets would trade him to that particular team.

    That said, I think it might be something good for both the Pats and Tebow.

    I think Tebow could become a drop back pocket passer. He's go the physical tools as far as athleticism, size, and arm strength go.

    But even if he did learn to do that, I doubt he will ever be as good at that as running a spread offense. Literally, the Pats run a pass oriented spread most of the time, but I don't think you are going to plug Tebow into that and get big numbers. Even though I think he can learn to play in that kind of offense, he will never be as good at it as Brady.

    That said I think it could be a good move for the Pats. If they did trade for Tebow, I'd hope they would put in a full blown spread package for Tebow to run. A secondary offense designed to run the ball more than anything, to put in as a change of pace and as a tool to use in certain situations.

    You know, something like everyone thought the Jets were going to do.

    A couple more reasons why I think this would be workable. The Pats seem to have guys that have a lot of football sense. The coaching staff could certainly handle something like this, and I think their players can as well. It'd give the Pats a running game threat, which is something no one really fears from them right now.

    Plus Brady won't be around forever. I'm pretty sure he won't be around in 5 years. When he does hang it up, they could plug in Tebow if he works out, or go in another direction entirely.

    But I do know this, Tebow sitting on the bench won't mess up Brady's head, if that was Sanchez's problem. I also think that organization could handle the media attention Tebow would bring easily.

    So I think it is a win/win. They get some use out of Tebow, Tebow could go to a team that would actually use him.

    And the Jets... well they can do whatever it is Ryan wants to do.
  4. Ozymandias

    Ozymandias Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2010
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    I heard a few weeks back that the Bears were interested in him.
  5. Organized Chaos

    Organized Chaos Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    Remember...that doesnt mean Tebow is good....
  6. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    $1.53M. That's a windfall for a team that's as tight against the cap as the Jets are. It's the difference between having to restructure somebody like D'Brick again and being able to squeeze by.

    If the Jets go get a vet QB like Carson Palmer or Matt Moore they'll need every nickel of cap space to make things work.
  7. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    i would love to see tebow go to the pats and see beli give him his own package of plays.

    unfortunately beli's smart enough to know that you don't take the ball out of tom fucking bradys hands and give it to tebow. ever
  8. Dennis

    Dennis New Member

    Oct 1, 2012
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    I'm sure they could.

    But Tebow has stated repeatedly that he is a quarterback. That is the role he wants.

    Now he did go along with "punt protector" and the rest of the nonsense over this past year. But the Jets at least gave lip service to Tebow remaining a QB. If they try to force an official and permanent change of position, I just don't see Tebow going along with it.

    And who knows how bad the whole Tebow-circus will get if the coaching staff and Tebow start openly fighting over a position change.

    The Jets organization looks to me like they've had enough of the uproar that follows Tebow everywhere. It's gotten to the point where even if they could convert TT to say, a RB on a par with Emmit Smith, that they would think working with Tebow isn't worth the bother...
  9. onefanjet

    onefanjet Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2005
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    THIS is exactly how he should be used . Why the fuck don't we use him all over the field. He's no QB, but has phenomenal football "set of skills"....:beer:
  10. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I was in this mindset last season during the year but then Tebow took the field as an H-Back and didn't look all that good. He may just be a misfit actor on the NFL stage.
  11. usc1978

    usc1978 New Member

    May 29, 2011
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    I'd wager any amount of money that he won't be a successful TE. This is a guy that changed high schools so he could play QB. Players that fail at being NFL tight ends have played the position their entire lives.
  12. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Please just get him out of here already! Nobody wants him and every day he is on the roster is another day of distraction and the continuation of the Tebow circus. I doubt I will renew my tickets unless and until he is gone.
  13. usc1978

    usc1978 New Member

    May 29, 2011
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    I don't think the distraction matters now, outside of annoying those of us that just want it to be over with. I don't think they will successfully trade him, though, since everyone has seen that he is a huge distraction and that his reputation of being the ultimate team guy was a fabrication. I can't imagine any team would bring him in unless they were just going to give him the starting job and I don't see why anyone would want him to be their starting QB.
  14. JET'S_my_name

    JET'S_my_name Banned

    Apr 28, 2012
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    How was Tebow any more of a distraction than all the other crap from the season?
    #34 JET'S_my_name, Feb 7, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2013
  15. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Bahaha this can't be real.
  16. _Jet_

    _Jet_ Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Tebow is not the distraction. The annoying media following Tebow is. Anonymous sources inside the organization didn't help too. Those clowns are circus themselves. They are manufacturing news out from thin air. They are milking Tebow story so hard that the overexposure is killing everyone, no matter supporters, haters or uninterested football fans. More and more people are getting tired of this BS, although Tebow has done nothing wrong.
  17. Organized Chaos

    Organized Chaos Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    Yeah, it didn't look like Tebow could run routes all that well.

    I think if you lined him up as a rb in the shotgun or pistol, or in some kind of 2 QB formation with a right handed QB, he could be interesting. If the ball is snapped and he rolls left (even without the ball) the defense has to account for him. He can run and pass pretty well when he rolls out to his left.

    Tebow won't fit the WCO imo. I think he needs to go somewhere that can be creative with him. He may need to get over the idea of starting to make it in the NFL. I do think he can easily stick with an NFL team as a special teamer/gimmick/backup QB while improving his QB skills.
  18. icicle1906

    icicle1906 New Member

    Jan 10, 2013
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    16 starts, 3,270 total yards, 29 TD's to only 15 turnovers

    How does the Jet not let him pass with those numbers in his first 16 starts. It makes no sense if you ask me. comes concerned typing as I hit submit reply to beat the same dead horse he has beaten all year. :rolling eyes:
  19. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    I not a Tebow fan but this is the biggest truth of them all, and they are still doing it. Leron Landry said the obvious, yet the media is milking the story till dry. The media wants clicks. Clicks give them ad money.
  20. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Even if they were, they couldn't admit it right now since he'still property of the jets, and they are not legally to put him on the trading table yet. So it is just rumor.

    Those rumors surfaced because the coach tutored Tebow at one point, so there is a connection there. However, that same coach has that connection with hundreds of aspiring quarterbacks over the years. Unless Tebow REALLY stood out for him as something special, which I doubt, then I don't think that connection will come into play for the Bears making a move for Tebow. Doesn't sound like he;s a big fan of the read option kind of game

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