How to get Tim Tebow back into the league as a starter.

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Concerned_Citizen, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Dennis, you seem to have a continuing problem with understanding facts and calculating/measuring statistics. You messed up all kinds of numbers in trying to prove a point to me about Tebow's TD/per touch ratio. You're making all kinds of errors in this discussion with D9, helping his argument more than yours. At what point do you just throw up your hands, admit that you hate Tebow and leave it at that? Because all this "proving" of your points is clearly way beyond your abilities and you're doing nothing but making yourself look foolish spouting information which you have no idea is correct or not.
  2. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Yeah, you guys love to cling to a positive comment from a player or two. there were just as many if not more that didn't buy into that nonsense too, so I call it a wash.

    But if you looked at the Broncos toward the end of the season, it wasn't one that played with a lot of confidence. Even after the sucker punch against Pittsburgh, they were flat against the Patriots and Champ Bailey himself said prior to the rematch of the Patriots earlier this year that he didn't feel the roster had 52 guys that believed they could win it. So what happened if they were all so ready to go that extra mile for Mr. Intangible?

    I'm sure a few players DID get inspired and loved the guy. But his intangibles alone aren't going to carry the day if he's still a shitty QB and I think that eventually wore on the team when the luster wore off.

    Champ Bailey was also the one that commented on how it seemed like every two minutes, they were heading back out there. He was speaking about all the short drives on the offense. Bailey was never the type to throw a teammate unter the bus, but it was hard to NOT read his comments a shot at the offense. Who was in the driver's seat again?

    Some players might indeed think very higly of him as a person, but it isn't long before frustration with the the three and outs, much of it from his ineptitude, starts to kick in. All that alleged "extra spring" some of them might have had that made them play just a little bit higher still amounted to pulling a few squeakers against shitty teams, which still required some sort of a miracle fluke to give them that last chance.

    You need your QB to be something more than the lucky rabit's foot on the team.
    #202 Concerned_Citizen, Feb 4, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2013
  3. Dennis

    Dennis New Member

    Oct 1, 2012
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    To be fair to Tebow, I think he's really trying to go down that path and avoid the media now. He left NY and that media spotlight. He avoided Florida where he's a local deity and headed to the wilds of Arizona. The media trailed after him somewhat, but I think that the reporters will soon tire of the heat, arid landscape, and lack of new material. The media will soon abandon Timmy and head for easier pickings.

    Good for Tebow. I hope he gets on track and makes someone in the NFL feel like he's worth taking a chance on him.
  4. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    The thing about Champ and some others is that they realized and understood that they had a young QB leading them. You make allowances for that. For example, in another thread, Mark Sanchez was being discussed and I defended his performance his first year and said that he did just fine for a young QB. If a "vet" QB had put up the same numbers and performed the same, the judgment would have been different as there's higher expectations for a vet.
  5. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    I gather it started to wear thin as the season went on. Even all that youthful exhuberent leadership will wear thin if he'd failing to produce, and it showed during that 1-4 stretch. Really, that kind of spark might last a few games, but you simply can't rely on that alone to carry you. After awhile, they get tired of an offense that doesn't move, and other guys simply got tired of answering questions about him. Willis McGahee was one of the bright spots on offense in 2011, and he was on the Jim Rome show and said as much. It wasn't that he didn't like Tebow, it was more that he and a lot of guys in that locker room were getting tired of the media asking them about him.
  6. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Looks like Tebow and his handlers got a hold of my first post in this thread. I kid, I kid. But getting the hell away from the constant media coverage was my FIRST STEP outlined in my inagural post of this thread. At least it is starting to sink in that being in the spotlight had done little to no good for his devleopment as an NFL QB.
  7. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    That 1-4 stretch was actually a 3 game stretch and Tebow only "failed to produce" in 2 of those games.

    And yes, if the team is losing, I'm sure that guys got tired of it being about Tebow. When he was taking them to victories, it was much less of an issue, even if he did play like hell for 55 minutes.

    Are we actually debating a point ?
  8. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    This is yet another thing that you have mixed up. Believe it or not, Tebow doesn't seek the spotlight. I'm sure that he likes the attention and he doesn't go out of his way to avoid it, but that's a different story.

    Example: He might walk out his front door to get his mail or newspaper. He's not going to have someone call the press to come talk to him. Rather, he's just going to go about his business.

    BUT, if the press happens to be camped out at his house, he'll still go about his business and when they ask questions, he'll be more than happy to answer them.

    To sum up, there's a difference between being a media friendly person and an attention whore. You seem to think that Tebow is the latter, which is wrong in my opinion.
  9. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    I disagree on that one. When he CHOSE the Jets over the Jaguars, even though they were pretty much home town for him, he actually commented on New York providing a bigger "platform" for him. He did admit at one time that he was using the NFL as his platform to spread the word of his religion or something like that. Seriously, his first couple years it was like he was on some personal mission to stick his face in front of every camera possible and say, "God Bless." Personally, I didn't have a problem with the message, but I can see why many would.

    So, since I think it was his biggest reason for choosing New York, I would disagree with you that he wasn't seeking that out.

    But then, he's had media around him ever since his high school days and all that "chosen one" nonsense.

    Plus, as the article states, a lot of that is on the PR staff Tebow has. I think the writer has it right when he says his advisers are telling him to go out and get as much exposure as possible. So if he's taking that advice, and I think he is, it kind of IS his fault.

    I mean, if I advised Tebow to step in front of a fast moving bus and he actually did it, is it on me for advising it, or him for actually signing off on it and doing it?

    He could turn away a lot of the exposure, and I think it is dawning on him that he's gonna have to. But I truly believe there is some vanity there for his love of media attention. He tends to like to get cute with them at times. Like that time he was injured in Florida, came in at half time of a basket ball game, and says "I'm back" (or something like that) while tossing his sling off. I remember seeing that on the news cast and rolled my eyes at that, and I barely knew who Tebow even was at the time. (I'm not a huge college FB guy.)

    ...and of course, the media was all too willing to go along with it
  10. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    There's a difference between frequency and distribution. That NY is a larger market, and that might have been a more attractive "platform" doesn't mean that he's going out of his way to get in front of the media.

    See, here's the kind of shit from you that irritates that hell out of me, and also happens to make you look really stupid. You referred to Tebow being at the basketball game, taking his sling off and saying "I'm back" and you cast it in a negative light. That Tebow is out there grabbing the lime light or whatever.

    Wow, imagine that, a freaking school set up a little "ceremony" to honor it's National Championship football team during half time at the school's basketball game. And horror of horror, Tim Tebow was there along with some players and coaches. And this is somehow an example of Tebow driving his exposure ?

    Dude, you are a fucking joke.
  11. Dennis

    Dennis New Member

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Without getting into whether or not Tebow likes being the center of attention, he does go out of his way to get in front of the media.

    Because he's on a mission as a Christian.

    He's raising funding for his charity to do things like build children's hospitals in Manila - where his parents worked for years as missionaries. He's continuing a family cause.

    He's also preaching the Christian message in his own way. And it's pretty persuasive.

    Tebow has some powerful altruistic reasons for seeking media attention, but he is definitely seeking it...
  12. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I have never in my life seen Tebow run towards a microphone like we've all seen with other players.

    This is like someone earlier this year who claimed that Tebow would run around trying to find a cameraman, and then drop down to Tebow and pray.

    Of course, what actually happens is that Tebow takes a knee and prays, and camera guys flock to it to get a picture.

    I think you have it exactly backwards. He likes the media attention, but he doesn't go out of his way to get it. Just look at this year. I can't think of a single time where someone else was being interviewed, that Tebow came over to get some face time. BUT, there were plenty of times where the reporters were just hanging by his locker waiting to get a chance to interview him.

    Or look at the Dailey News in AZ recently. Tebow is out there training. He didn't call reporters up out there and hold a press conference. Nor did he tell the NY reporters that he was going to be out in AZ. They hunted him down, but once they found him, he had no problems talking with them and answering their questions.

    That that comports more with what I'm saying that what you are claiming.
  13. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    What do you think a "platform" IS?? He's LOOKING for that kind of attention.

    THAT is EXACTLY what he did. I kinda felt the same way Jim Rome did when I saw it... I think Jim nails it right on the head with this one... Tebow pretty much acts like Ray Lewis has over the last month of self-serving self promotion there.


    What say you, Demos? You gotta admit, he gets a little carried away with it and LOVES the spotlight a bit too much.

    ....and you're gonna sit there and tell me he doesn't really seek out that kind of attention, that it somehow finds him? Even AFTER that video I just posted? Dude is so high on himself it makes Charlee Sheen look humble.

    You sir, need to quit getting high off of the fumes from Tebow's jock strap. Dude is every bit the attention whore Ray Lewis has been, and he's been getting blasted for it for the last few weeks. What makes Tebow's antics there any different?
  14. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Already alluded to this when I mentioned frequency and distribution (amplitude). If a "message" is going to be broadcast, it makes sense to do it on a larger platform to reach more people. That's not the same as going out and getting in front of the media all the time.

    What I meant is that it wasn't a "Tebow special" where he walked out by himself, for no other reason, than to be in the spotlight. He did what he did in the context of a scheduled event honoring the National Championship. Was it cheesy or cheddar as Rome put it ?> Sure. Did he enjoy it and really work it ? Yeah. But, it's little different than when guys are standing on the sideline, the camera comes up to them and they say "Hi Mom".

    Sure, I've never said that he didn't like the spotlight or the attention. I'm making a different point, one that apparently is sailing right over your head.

    As I said, he's not the one creating the events. He's just hamming it up once he's there. It's not like he called the Athletic Director up and said "Hey, I want some attention, how about letting me go out to center court during half time of a basketball game. He was there as part of a scheduled ceremony.

    And you need to get your head out of your ass and actually think about the stupid claims you make, before you make them.
  15. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Or you can simply admit Tebow is a bit of an attention whore and has trouble saying, "No, i got work to do." I mean, really, when someone approaches him with these things, does he have to agree to them? You almost act like all this is accidental, that he's being ambushed by these events.

    Dude is looking for as much exposure as possible. When his NFL career is over, he will still be out there in some capacity hamming it up in front of any camera in the same zip code. It's what he does, that's who he is. nothing wrong with it as long as it isn;t dividing a locker room or running counter productive to his team, but I think it is.
  16. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    You are frakking delusional as have previous admitted as much:

    Seriously dude, you're sad.
  17. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Awwwwww, poor baby.... the angry tone in your posts betray you. Don't go away angry just because I proved he likes the limelight a bit too much and is an attention whore. I take it from your response that you don't believe Tebow can say, "No."

    You tried to say he doesn't seek these things out because he doesn't go running for every microphone, but in fact, he lives for that kind of thing.

    true the media seeks him out, but it is a marriage made in heaven. They love Tebow and Tebow loves them.

    Which is why all the hooplah surrounding a high school caliber passer has gotten blown out of proportion the way it has.

    You won't even admit THAT much.

    But it looks like the Tebow camp has taken note though. Maybe he will actually work smarter rather than harder this offseason and improve enough to be taken seriously as an NFL QB without the media distraction. That and some media outlets have gone out and said they were going to cover him less because he's less of a money maker for them sitting on the bench all the time.

    I'm optimistic he might actually be able to do somethign this offseason. Too little too late? We'll see.
  18. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I'm not going away angry CC, rather, I'm laughing at your dumb ass.

    You continuously overstate the case with all your claims, then I, or others, come in, smack you around a bit and prove that you don't know wtf you are talking about.

    Then, you try to dodge, twist and spin the situation in order to save face, and make it look like you were right.

    As I said, completely pathetic.

    It's like your claim about the basketball game. You thought that Tebow took it upon himself to seek out the limelight and interject himself into that halftime.

    What is the truth ? IT was a frakking SCHEDULED CELEBRATION to honor the football team's National Championship.

    Whooops, egg on your face. So then you decide to spin and and claim that you were talking about Tebow's propensity to get cheesy and ham it up a bit. That wasn't your initial complaint Sunshine. It's what you drifted to after I once again demonstrated that you were wrong.

    ANd now you once again claim that I won't admit that Tebow enjoys the attention ? I did that in one of my very first posts.

    Like I said CC, I'm not mad, I'm laughing my ass off. I mean, here you are yet again, LYING like you usually do. At some point, one might think that you would get tired of the shame and humiliation of being called out so often. But, being that the truth is not something you worry about, it's not surprising that this has no effect on you.
  19. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Really? you dropped the whole debate in that last post and went straight to the name calling. = angry. Deny it all you want, but the truth hurt, Tebow is an attention whore.

    I made no such claim. All I said was he lives for that kind of exposure and won't miss a beat. Even if it makes him look like a self serving attention whore.

    Trust me, he's gonna stick his face in front of any camera possible. He may not be going around hijacking microphones, but this last episode in Arizona might be the first sign I've seen that he might actually be avoiding them for a change. Might actually help him out this offseason. A year on the bench because the coaches don't believe in you will do that to ya. Especially when he's getting the boot from his second team and future employer doesn't seem evident.

    Ahhh, the age old tactic of laughing at people when you don't have a case. Let's throw a little giggle in there for ya to make yourself feel superior, shall we? A lot of people talking politics do the same thing when they don't have a case. You went straight to name calling, so face it, you stepped on your own dick, you are defending an attention whore by saying he really doesn't look for it.... even though he accepts just about every invitation to make an ass out of himself possible. Priceless!!! You're pissed. The truth hurt. Tebow is an attention whore. You can admit it.

    I'm sure your fellow te-baggers will support you though and tell you it isn't so.

    That first part sure. The point of that video was to show how he hams it up and just how much he enjoys the spotlight... like any attention whore does. Not only is his act getting rediculous, but he's a backup that has his own press conferences. Why? because he and the media adore each other and he just can't say, "not today."

    Must be rough knowing in the next year or so, he won't be the media darling he has enjoyed being the last couple years. Then again, there's always reality TV. He'll get on television one way or another, bank on it.

    Funny part is, all that attention wouldn't be a big deal if he didn't suck.
    #219 Concerned_Citizen, Feb 5, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2013
  20. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Like that time he was injured in Florida, came in at half time of a basket ball game

    Lying yet again. I didn't drop the debate. I took time to point out that you continuously overstate the case, then lie and spin. I then proceeded to show once again how you did just that.

    Bullshit, you made it out to be like him walking out on the basketball court by himself, for no other reason than to say "Hey, I'm Tim Tebow and I'm back".

    Here was what you said:

    You completely left out the FACT that the reason he was on the court in the first place was that it was a University ceremony celebrating their National Championship, and that he wasn't alone, but was with some teammates and coaches.

    Again, you are full of shit. Tebow spent some time last offseason working with Noel Mazzone and Tom House at UCLA. Those sessions were off camera and he didn't do any interviews while in California

    In 2012, during the freaking season when he was winning games, guess when he gave interviews ? Post game and mid week leading up to the game. Same interviews that most other QBs give. That's it.

    Wrong yet again. It's the age old tactic of having already proven my point, and demonstrated that you are a liar and you don't know wtf you are talking about, instead of wasting more time proving it again, instead, I laugh at your ass and call you out on it.

    Now you are really getting frakking stupid. The ORGANIZATION set up the damned press conference. What ? You think Tebow could just walk in and take over the field house and have it set up for a press conference ?

    Just to show how frakking stupid your assertion is, let's dial up the wayback machine:

    Hey Genius, see where it's the NEW YORK JETS who set up the press conference ?

    Oh, wait, there's more:

    Hmmm, THE FRANCHISE wanted a press conference for TV. Oh, btw Genius, that "FRANCHISE" was the New York Jets.

    But hey, what do you do ? You whine and bitch like a little girl and want to blame Tebow for it.

    Seriously dude, this is getting to be way past pathetic.

    Not rough at all cupcake. What must be rough is you having to go through life knowing that Tebow was indeed the starter for an NFL team, that he has a winning record, and even has a playoff victory.

    Regardless of what else might happen, that's a history that no one can erase, you even your ignorant ass.

    See above :)

    Have a day Sunshine.

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