How to get Tim Tebow back into the league as a starter.

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Concerned_Citizen, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    ...and where are they right now? Not hard to see why Fox steered away from the passing game. Also not hard to figure out why he's heading toward a similar fate.

    It isn't too late though. He still has his foot in the door of the NFL. Get away from the spotlight, do those kinds of things I mentioned, and blow everyone away in the next year or two.

    Or continue to bask in being a celebrity, and continue doing whatever it is he is doing that is sinking his career.

    There's always reality TV. Whatta ya wanna bet he stars in his own reality show within a year or two of him being out of the NFL? He'll find his way into the spotlight, guaranteed.
    #81 Concerned_Citizen, Jan 23, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2013
  2. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Hey man good of you to drop by . Let me be the first to offer my condolences on how bad your Broncos flamed out .

    Don't worry if you replace the staples in Peyton's neck during the off season you should be good to go for another 13-3 run and then another one and done .
  3. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    That's all I ever wanted from him or his fans.

    Instead we get suckage on the field, and his fans spinning every single stat out there trying to insist that he's really as good as anyone else.

    Meanwhile Tebow goes from NFL Golden Boy to most overrated (voted by players) to pretty much out of the NFL after 3 years.

    He's sure working hard though. Glad he's the only guy in the NFL willing to do so.
  4. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Awwwww.... look at him lash out! Tebow taking a swan dive on his career and Cowboysfan is gonna lash out at the team that recognized his suckage first.
  5. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Yep, picked and defended by the same brain trust of geniuses who you say are so smart that they won't bring Tebow in for a try.

    Tebow = 56% Win percentage

    Gabbert = 20% Win percentage

    Sure, those are pretty much the same. :rolleyes:
    #85 JFjets, Jan 23, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2013
  6. icicle1906

    icicle1906 New Member

    Jan 10, 2013
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    Ok I get why you still post here. You are hedging your bets. SMH. If Tebow somehow does the "impossible" and becomes a starting qb again, it is because he did what you predicted. If he doesn't then it is still what you predicted. Either way, you want to look like a genious and say "I told you so." Still think you are wasting your time in this forum and can't imagine an anti-Tebow Bronco fan posting so much in a Tebowmania Jets forum unless you are actually rooting for the guy.
  7. icicle1906

    icicle1906 New Member

    Jan 10, 2013
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    So you are basically admitting to the fact that if you really didn't care for Tebow you wouldn't be posting here everyday. So the fact that you are posting here so much tells everybody that you actually do care about Tebow and want him to succeed (probably because you want to look "smart") for some reason.
  8. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Whatever floats your boat. You gonna add to the conversation or just pound on the ground kicking and screaming as to why I'm here?
    #88 Concerned_Citizen, Jan 23, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2013
  9. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    GMs and coaches are far too smart to fall for those numbers. They actually know when a player is carried to wins while another one is surrounded by crap. Hence, Gabbert gets more time, and Tebow gets a ticket to Canada... if not the Arena league.
  10. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    2011 Jaguars Defense = #11

    2011 Broncos Defense = #24

    2011 #1 RB in the League = Maurice Jones Drew
  11. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Love the Broncos! I can't wait for next post season

    CAN'T WAIT !

    Btw that was a dig at jet setter being a closet Broncos fan pretending to be a jets fan. It was not so much about the epic flame out
  12. GB#15

    GB#15 New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    These guys are probably "CLOSET TEBOW FANS" They probably wear pink #15 underpants! :)
  13. Quientus

    Quientus New Member

    Dec 20, 2012
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    Just because that is your "thong" (yes, pun intended) doesn't mean everyone Else does the same :lol:
  14. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    ...and who did Gabbert have to throw to? Who did he have pass blocking for him? I had no idea he had an all pro offense built around him and Gabbert merely wrecked the ferari.

    Also, posting the overall rank of the defense for the Broncos that carried Tebow is yet another misleading stat that makes Tebow look a lot better if taken out of context. Going 8-8 with a defense ranking 24 sounds good until you apply context to that raw number. Their OVERALL ranking was bad because of too many games where 40 points were allowed. Makes people forget that they kept Tebow in 6 of his 9 wins by keeping teams under 15 points, had ANY of which allowed just another field goal, Tebow would have another loss on his record and NO playoffs. When teams allow 15 points or less, you're probably gonna win that game 9 times out of 10. Orton did. Tebow went 6 for 7. Lost to a team that only scored 7.... to Kyle Orton of all people.
  15. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    2011 Jaguars Offensive Pro Bowl selections - ONE (Jones Drew)

    2011 Broncos Offensive Pro Bowl selections - ZERO

    Do you ever stop to think before spouting off? Ever? Man, this is like shootin' fish in a barrel.:rofl2:


    How so? You want a stat that really makes Tebow look a lot better, and it definitely ain't taken out of context?

    Here is the list of teams (other than the Broncos) that went 8-8 in 2011:

    Jets, Raiders, Chargers, Eagles, Cowboys, Bears, Cardinals. SIX OF THEM (all but the Raiders) had a better ranked Defense in 2011 than the Broncos.

    You don't say?:rolleyes:

    Captain Obvious much? So, you're telling me that if the Broncos had allowed less 40 point games, their overall defensive ranking would have been better? Well thanks for clearin' that up for me, I was a little confused on that point.:lol:

    By the way, if my mother was a man she'd be my father.

    The facts are that the Broncos allowed 40 or more points in FIVE GAMES. FIVE. The next closest to them was Tampa Bay, who allowed 40+ points in FOUR games, and oh, by the way, allowed more points than any other team in the league in 2011. Ranked 32nd in that department.

    So, you're thinking that the low offensive production was the obvious cause of the frequent displays of Defensive suckitude that the Denver Defense displayed in 2011. You've made that very clear on numerous occasions. So, was it? Well, thanks, I'm glad you asked that question. Ponder the following:

    In 2011, Cleveland, Jacksonville, and Kansas City not only scored less points per game than Denver with Tebow, they scored way, way less.

    Their respective Defensive Rankings for points allowed were:

    - Cleveland - #5
    - Jacksonville - #11
    - Kansas City - #12

    Oh, and by the way, none of them had great 3 and out or 3rd down conversion stats, either.

    That sucking sound you hear is another one of your pet theories swirling down the toilet drain.

    Oh my. Pulling out the IF game again, which can make Tebow look just as much better as you are using it to try to make him look worse. Don't go there, it's a dead end road for the haters.

    If the Denver Defense kept Tebow in all of those games, as you say, then they also made sure there was virtually no chance of winning those 40+ point games. Of course, you only want to give them credit for the good games, not the bad, just like you only want to give Tebow negative credit for his bad games and no positive credit for the good things he did. Typical. Never changes.
    #95 JFjets, Jan 24, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2013
  16. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Fish in a barrel? Are you REALLY that dense? You really don't see a correlation in winning when a defense allows 15 or less and winning? You REALLY don't see how a 24th ranking is misleading?

    No WONDER you are blinded by the Tebow hype and a couple of stats...

    ...and how many of those had SEVEN games where the defense allowed 15 points or less?

    Even Orton won a lot of games with those conditions, so what makes what Tebow did so damn special?

    AYou make this too easy... So you mean to tell me an offense that spends more time extending drives than punting doesn't help defensive numbers. I know you don't have the BALLS to answer that one cuz you been ducking that one for months.

    You're an idiot. I gave Tebow credit for capitalizing in the 4th quarter. I just didn't let all that sweep 3 1/2 quarters of suckitude under the rug as if he wasn't a big part of why they were in the hole and playing from behind all the time to begin with.

    I also said several times in this thread alone that the defense allowed a lot of points in some games. I'm just pointing out that the #24 ranking is misleading when 6 out of Tebow's 9 wins came on a superb defensive performance.

    Not really sure why you are finding that concept so difficult to understand. I should consider the source though, since you think NOT getting it amounts to shooting fish in a barrel. You think a defense holding teams to 15 points or less are actually being carried by the king of three and outs. You think low completion percentages and 3rd down conversion percentages don't ultimately matter and don't hurt the team in any way. You don't even think punting the ball to Brady after 3 to 5 plays in ANY WAY hurt the Broncos defense who had to keep trotting back on to the field after about a three minute break.

    There just ain't hope for barrel fishermen like you. Did sniffing the fumes in Tebow's jock strap really kill that many brain cells?

    Yep, the stats who Tebow is great... and he's about to GREAT his way down to the Arena league. Unless someone in the NFL still thinks he's a good marketing gimmick.
    #96 Concerned_Citizen, Jan 24, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2013
  17. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    You REALLY don't see how stupid it is to say "if the Broncos didn't have so many games where they allowed 40+ points, they would have had a better defensive ranking"?

    If you keep going off half-cocked like that you're going to end up hurting yourself.

    For starters, it was six, actually, not seven. Secondly, almost every one of those teams had at least 3-4 games where they allowed 15 or less points. The Eagles had seven and the Bears had six where they allowed 15 or less.

    The fact that he did it isn't remarkable. Very explainable by pointing out that he was a pretty efficient QB in the stats that are more correlative to winning. The way in which he did it is remarkable, what with all the comebacks at the end of the game and what have you, after Fox had the handcuffs on him the whole game. How many 4th quarter comebacks has Orton had in his entire career like Tebow had just last season?

    No, I never said that. Not once. Ever. Now pay attention here, because I'm getting tired of repeating myself: I have said, time and again, that the 3rd down conversion and 3 and out stats are NOT HIGHLY CORRELATIVE TO WINS like you say they are, and like other stats actually are. I have proved it time and time and time again by posting stats that were plain as day, with the most obvious ones being for the Niners and Ravens this year, you know those two teams who are going to the Super Bowl? There are clearly other stats that are more important and more correlative to wins. I understand that those 2 stats and completion % (which is also not highly correlative to wins, as we saw with Tebow last year and Luck and Kaepernick this year) are the only ones you can hang your "hate Tebow" hat on and that is why you've been beating that dead horse until it's just a big pile of glue, but please, just stop, you're making yourself look foolish. Niners and Ravens. In the Super Bowl. Niners had almost twice as many 3 and outs and Ravens had more than twice as many 3 and outs in 2012 than the Patriots, who led the league in least 3 and outs. Who is in the Super Bowl? Patriots, tops in the league in 3rd down conversions, converted 12% more 3rd downs than the Ravens and 13% more than the Niners. Again, who is in the Super Bowl?

    That may have been true in some games and not true in others, but regardless, it could probably also be applied to the majority of 4th quarter comebacks in the history of the NFL. I can guarantee you that the same thing could be said for legions of John Elway's 4th quarter comebacks.

    Against a list of back-up QB's and some of the worst starters in the league (excepting P. Rivers, who also hasn't been very good the last few years). And it was actually in 5 of his wins, not 6. (seriously, get some new batteries for your calculator).

    Not really sure why you are so keen on lying about what I have said. See my response several paragraphs above.

    Yep, it hurt them so bad that they gave up a whopping 4 more points than in the first game against the Pats, when the Broncos Offense had a very respectable showing on 3rd down and 3 and outs. What's your explanation for that?
  18. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    That is why Gabbert sucks?
  19. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    One of the reasons.... there can be more than one you know...
  20. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    I never once said they were a great defense. But I said they played great enough times for Tebow to get some wins. Just enough to get into the playoffs on a third tiebreaker against 2 other teams in a shitty division. You seem to suggest the Defense couldn't have helped much because they ranked 24th. that is misleading becauwe in 6 of those games, that was not 24th place caliber defense keeping them in the games.

    How is he pretty efficient QB when he ranked 34th out of the 34 QBs eligible for number of games played in most of the major passing stats? As a running back, I'll grant you, he was actually pretty damn good for the first 7 games or so.

    Wasn't handcuffed. he didn't do much when allowed to pass, and defenses had him locked down during the 1-4 stretch. Thankfully defenses backed off.

    Tebow was one of the highest rated quarterbacks in the league in the last 5 minutes of games. But most of that was because the guys like Brady, brees, Roethlisberger, etc. weren't having to scramble at the end of so many games trying to make up for 3 quarters of ineptitude and trying to make a comeback. They often had the lead and got to go into cruise control. Tebow needed missed field goals in OT, and running backs running out of bounds.


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