Another Jets defection: I'm told asst D-line coach Anthony Weaver is leaving to join the Bills. Nine coaches gone in 12 days. Six by choice.
I did not hear of this thanks for posting it ? Of the 6 guys that left how many made lateral moves ? I know Pettine but how many took the same jobtitle elsewhere ? If you make a move and it is not a step up but the same thing you were doing here I think that speaks volumes ,,,just sayin
Bob Sutton took a step up, to be the KC d-coordinator. Westhoff retired, Sparano/Cavanaugh were fired. Pettine, lateral move - sort of, but his contract ran out and we didn't retain him. Not sure about this guy (the d-line coach). What three am I missing?
I think you are missing the possibility that WRECKS is not as popular as many fans feel. Perhaps the circus got to many of these guys and they just wanted out! Too bad Woody Johnson did not wise up yet! Last year WRECKS lost the clubhouse and this year he lost his coaches! Wake up Woody!
he upgraded from assistant to the assistant coach- DL to assistant coach DL Good luck whoever you were in Toronta Not exactly like the Titanic, of course when the facts refute the screaming headline title from the sky is falling OP one lateral - Pettine one thank god he is gone - Sutton from assistant to coordinator three well deserved firings -Cavanagh, the strength coach and Sparano and one retirement announced a year ago - Westy yep, the Titanic you nailed it. Al
no matter how you cut it. 9 coaches and a gm all gone but the hc still there is a very very strange situation.
who are the nine coaches I count Pettine, Weaver, the strength guy and Sutton, Sparano and Cavanaugh we can't count Westy who announced this retirement more than a year ago who are the others? and of those 6, the clamorers for blood lettings were clamoring loudly for Pettine, the strength guy, sparano and cavanaugh, some for more than a year
my mistake, 9 was the number of guys we have interviewed for the gm job. i still count westhoff though. if i remember correctly he said he very well may coach again. that is a TON of bloodletting for a team that kept its head coach. its almost amazing to see that many guys get fired or leave.
I don't think it's many fans. You have the 36 from this site and maybe 7 or 8 from a couple other sites. But don't worry, next season will be his last with the Jets. Fan backlash will be overwhelming due to the team not being able to make the necessary changes to improve right away. Fan patience is wearing thin with Woody and your boy Wrecks, which is going to lead to the inevitable implosion at some point next season. Just like Sanchez has lost confidence, I believe the fat load has lost some too. Throw in Rex having more power than his boss, well that is a recipe for a monumental disaster. What a mess. Stupid Woody boxed himself into a corner with the fan base when he chose to keep Rex. Rex will be expected to win now, whereas an all new regime would have been given time. It's amazing that someone like Woody can't see the storm brewing on the horizon.
Can anyone write me a script that automatically adds anyone who uses the word "wrecks" to my ignore list? Grow up, children.
This is not really defection, this is knowing Ryan has one year left in NY and if you can get a multiyear deal take it. The real problem will be hiring replacements knowing the same thing.
Agreed, Woody is blind or has Rex's hand up his ass. The media is loving this the Jet bashing is reaching new hieghts. The guy who should be fired is the only one still there and hurting our chances to get a good GM. All the coaching staff can see the writing on the wall and is cashing it their chips. Next season is going to be horrible! Rex is going to be even more of a punchline, which is truly hard to believe. As a once big Rex fan, I wish he was already gone and we could start fresh. He is the last man standing and determined to burn the house down around him.