The 800lb Gorilla in the room: How do the Jets get Rex to DC?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Br4d, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    So looking at the Jets right now from a multi-year perspective I see this enormous trap the team has fallen into. The Jets have one of the better defenses in the NFL and that defense has been built and tailored to the specifications of one man: Rex Ryan.

    Further, his play-calls and schemes make that defense work. Without Rex the collection of talent the Jets have on the defensive side of the ball is probably middle of the road not verging on elite. Without the 46 that he is moving them towards they probably never become elite.

    So Rex Ryan is critically important to the Jet's defense moving forward. With him they will be a consistent top 10 defense most likely and without him they will be mediocre.

    The problem is that Rex is not the defensive coordinator of the team although he plays many of the roles a DC plays. Rex is the head coach and not a particularly good head coach at that.

    The offense has fallen apart over the last two years as numerous veterans left the team or retired. The offensive coaching staff has been under heavy criticism from early in Rex's first year to the present. The talent on that side of the ball is aging and there is very little young talent in the mix.

    In order to fix the problems on that side of the ball the Jets are going to have to make extraordinary strides in both talent and coaching over the next couple of seasons. Rex has shown no ability to facilitate the kind of change needed because his reaction to failure on offense is to become conservative almost to the point of a fetal curl.

    So it appears unlikely that the Jets will actually fix the offense with Rex as the head coach.

    How do the Jets manage the process of trying to get Rex to the position where he would be an unquestionable asset moving forward as defensive coordinator?
  2. ArmandJ

    ArmandJ Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    Have the new GM hire a capable OC that Rex gets along with. Rex is the head coach and makes game decisions (4th down calls, icing the kicker, whatever), but the OC has complete control over the offense and major input in picking offensive players. Rex has complete control over the defense.

    Do that, and we can be a 9-10 win team within two years.
  3. GoPats

    GoPats Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2009
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    There's obviously no precedent for a head coach effectively being demoted to the coordinator level, and quite honestly I don't see it ever happening.

    If the Jets retain Ryan, they should get rid of Sporano, bring in a new OC, and add "assistant head coach" to his title, like Parcells did with Belichick when he brought him in to NY. As much as he was a joke of a head coach, Norv Turner is going to be looking for a job and has some success as a coordinator. I'm not saying the Jets should hire Turner, but someone like him. Someone with a track record of success on that side of the ball, and something to prove. And someone who needs a paycheck, of course.
  4. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    You'll still have the continual tension between a good offensive scheme and the one Rex wants to run. Rex is as big a part of the Jets offensive failures over the last 4 years as Schotty, Sanchez and Sparano. The only person more responsible than Rex for where the Jets are on offense is Mike Tannenbaum.

    Why do we want a 9 or 10 win team? The Patriots are a 12 to 14 win team consistently. If keeping Rex guarantees us 9 or 10 wins then he should just be fired outright because that's not the game in play in the AFC East.
  5. ArmandJ

    ArmandJ Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    It's going to take a while to get 12-14 wins consistently. 9-10 wins is a good starting point. Do that, and we can build from it.
  6. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I don't think this is necessary. Obviously, Rex as a DC is very good, but if you gave Rex a quarterback that didn't totally suck, we can win with Rex. It's not like he's taking a Peyton Manning-led offense and making it crap.
  7. JETS1116

    JETS1116 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2008
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    Rex isn't the problem. I'd love to have him back, even though I don't understand why he made Greg McElroy inactive during last night's game. I'm not at practice so maybe Greg doesn't know the playbook and is a lot worse than Sanchez, but I can't imagine how any NFL QB can be worse than Sanchez at this point, especially after his confidence gets shattered more during the game with the first few interceptions.

    The problem is we need a real GM who can evaluate talent. We should try to demote Tannenbaum to just focus on contracts. Most GMs that come in want to hire their own coaching staff.
  8. Bellows1

    Bellows1 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    Woody needs to tell Rex this new OC is in charge, we're gonna run his offense. I think Rex is married to the G&P because of what Mark does when passing. If the Jets can shut out teams with Rex's defense and put up 30+ points a game, Rex will change his tune about what the Offense should look like. Shotty tried that last year, but Mark wasn't up to the challenge. With a Vet like Hasselback we may have a better chance at scoring points, while keeping teams from scoring.
  9. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    I would rather the team keep Rex and figure out the offense than fire him and have to rebuild both the offense and defense. his stubborness and refusal to concede to the entire world that Sanchez sucks cost us this year but get rid of Sanchez and you remove that problem. the offense can be fixed.
  10. Moonshine

    Moonshine New Member

    May 21, 2012
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    THANK YOU! I've been saying this all year and nobody agrees with me.

    If you possibly the worst starting QB in the NFL (It might get locked, but somebody should start a "Is Mark the worst in the league" thread. I think it would be a fun debate.)

    You have a run based offense and you dont have one above average RB.

    Injuries to your best defensive and three of your better offensive players.

    And almost all of your best players are in their first two years...

    You're going to lose a lot of fucking games. If Rex manages 8-8 with this injured, extremely young, roster that has holes bigger than Lindsay Lohan's: He should be acknowledged as a good coach
  11. TheBlairThomasFumble

    TheBlairThomasFumble Active Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    I agree. I don't care how egoless you are, almost no person in a place of authority could accept that kind of public declaration of failure and then stand next to the guy on TV each week who replaced you.

    Really hope Turner's forgotten Rex's shot at him a couple of years ago.
  12. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    It doesn't work this way. Teams don't build to one plateau and then move to the next. When you get on a plateau, like the Jets have been for much of the last decade, you tend to stay on that plateau. The problem the Jets have is that the Patriots are on a much higher plateau.

    The Patriots went from 5-11 to 11-5 Super Bowl champs and never looked back.

    The Colts went from 3-13 to 13-3 and then hit some issues but got back to their high plateau when a couple of good drafts fixed the issues.

    The 49ers now went from 6-10 to 13-3.

    Most teams that are going to be really good for a period of time make a big change to get there, whether it be coach or QB or GM, and then they make the leap and they are good for a bunch of years.

    In NFL history there are really only two franchises that stand out as being able to maintain at an acceptable level and then leap to elite for several years before settling back into acceptability. The Steelers and the Packers are it. The Cowboys were there too before Jerry Jones bought the team. The Raiders were there when Al Davis still had a clue.
  13. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    No way can we demote Rex to DC, he's got too much pride for that. If we want to go more offensively minded we need to make a decision on what type of defense we need to run. 4-3, 3-4, 46? Get a true offensive minded coach here to coach the team.

    Either that, or getting Norv Turner here as the OC to work alongside Rex. Rex can no longer go with what's comfortable, but what works well the most. I don't think Rex will change when it comes to this, so he'll be done. I wish Rex would just take a summer off from defense and take time to become a more complete coach.
  14. TheBlairThomasFumble

    TheBlairThomasFumble Active Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    I've said it elsewhere and I'll say it here. It takes a special sort of coach to endure the NYC spotlight. Coslet melted down with the media, as did Ray Handley and Mangini. Rex has proven he can win with a good roster. Isn't that what we want out of a HC? The offensive talent on this team is bottom 5 in the NFL and that's on Tanny.

    Anyone else think that Rex was forced to keep Cavanaugh, presumably because Sanchez likes him? Look at his record. The guy is utterly incompetent. He's NEVER developed a quality QB. That's on Tanny too.

    The other big factor is that Rex Ryan is a big personality who garners attention from Media. Anyone think Norv Turner as HC (just as an example) would win the Jets as many back pages? That's in part what drives Woody's thinking ('Jets are a media company') and obviously I think wins would cover up for a lot of that. No one gives a shit that BB is a douche because he wins.

    Rex can handle the pressure and I truly believe that Tanny's as much to blame for Rex sticking with Sanchez as Rex is. We all know in private meetings, Tanny, not wanting to be wrong for his 8.5 million disaster, was pushing Sanchez. If we had a GM who wasn't gutless and was competent, I believe Rex would have went with McElroy. That's not even getting into the Tebow debacle.
  15. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    rex had this team in the postseason hunt, he's one of the best HCs in the league.
  16. Red Menace

    Red Menace Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    If anyone stays as DC it will be Mike Pettine, and I think he can do a fine job, Rex is just as much at fault for the failures of this team as the offense is, his constant blitzing has put this defense in vulnerable positions during his tenure here and cost them games.

    Many times he had the opposition 3 and long and allowed the offense to gain the ten plus yards needed for a first down because his blitzes were picked up and one on one coverage could not be sustained.

    And the run by CJ last night was a product of his 46 defense, why not rush 4? you have them pinned inside the ten, Coples and Wilkerson are becoming adept at getting to the QB, play a cover 2 or cover 3 zone force Locker to make the right reads, and if you want to blitz send Demario Davis or Mcyntire.

    There was a Stat last night about Rex defenses versus rookie QB's and veteran QB's, the rookie qb's had a rating of less than 40% with 2 td's and 7 int.

    The veterans had a rating of 102, 10 td's and 1 Int.
    #16 Red Menace, Dec 18, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2012
  17. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    This is crap. Great teams routinely give up almost 30 points a game. The Jets defense isnt allowed to make more than one mistake because the offense sucks so bad.

    Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  18. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The long run last night was because the Jets interior linebackers lack the necessary quickness and speed to backstop a 46. The Bears 46 worked because Mike Singletary was a monster MLB who could cover the inevitable gaps that open up when you have 6 guys with their hand on the ground.
  19. GoPats

    GoPats Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2009
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    They did both make light of the situation by kickoff... plus a nice little salary will, I'm sure, help Turner see past any grudges.

    Question is, was his success with Dallas more of a product of having an offense full of future Hall of Fame players? Or did he take the talent he had and make them Hall of Fame players?

    It's too bad for the Jets that Manning didn't seem to really take their courtship that seriously... having a QB who is effectively your OC would be an ideal situation for NY right now.
  20. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    That long run was due to Pouha and Harris filling the same gap. Leaving the cut back lane open to CJ. We loaded the line and Pouha took the worng side of the center, or allowed himself to gt turned. They went over it extensively at halftime becasue as gruden said "its the only highlight of this game". The break down in our defense was obvious on the replay.

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