Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Tebow has had his audition. The events of the off season prove his worth in the NFL. If he had the potential to be an NFL QB, he would still be in Denver. Why did Elway do everything he could to get him out of Denver and trade him ? Manning was manna from heaven for Elway and the Denver FO. And why were only two teams interested in him? Because he does not have the skill set to play QB in the NFL. I have no desire to watch that already failed experiment with my team. And why was Denver only able to get a low round draft pick for him? And don't throw last season's win streak at me and others. That was a fluke of major proportion based mainly on mistakes and give aways by the opponents and plays made by Prater and the Denver defense.

    Tebow is not the answer and does not deserve to start. If Sanchez is benched, McElroy is a much better option in order to get a "look for the future" in that we don't really know what he has (although his preseason play indicate a very very weak arm).

    As for 2011, with a swiss cheese OL and receivers who could not get open, Sanchez scored 32 touchdowns, which was a Jets record. He did not have a bad year last year. This season has been by far his worst.

    As for your comments that you would compete for your job, that is what we all would do. But if all you heard EVERY DAY was that your potential replacement would have your job in a few months and if after every mistake you made, people were asking when your replacement would take your job and if not, why not, you could not do your job. Nobody can operate under that scrutiny for a long period of time. This was not a competition for Sanchez, it was a media death watch. And it shows.
  2. Tonetime320

    Tonetime320 Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    I feel that a lot of Sanchez's problems come from being scared. Like the butt fumble I'm pretty positive he just closed his eyes and ran. If he had time to make decisions I'm sure he would be better...but there are quarterbacks in the leauge that get hit all the time and don't let go of the ball or come back on the next play and do something ridiculous. It's part of being an NFL quarterback if every quarterback was in the position to make big plays all the time with no pressure then anyone off the street could compete but normally that isn't the case. It's about making plays no matter what your supporting cast is instead of waiting for plays to be handed to you. I'm sick of the excuses just play football or let the next shitty guy in line give it a shot.
  3. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    ^This. Hell, I believe Bradford takes more hits than Sanchez, but in that game, we had free runners at him 4 times that I can remember and the kid just stood there and got rid of the ball. Mark panics. The game hasn't slowed down for him. He sees pressure coming, has tunnel vision and basically freaks out.

    Can't remember if it was here or some other forum, but someone made the comment that Sanchez is like Maverick from Top Gun. He's spooked. He won't engage. Think it was the guys over at Football Outsiders or some similar site who broke down the numbers for Mark when he's pressured from his right hand side, where he can see it coming. The numbers were abysmal. Even when he's not actually under pressure, he reacts as if he is.
  4. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    The guy we drafted, our next OC needs to go back to Sanchez college days when he had 34 TD's 10 int 241 for 366 during that season, You would think our brainless OC would have figured this out by now neither of them really called the right kinda plays. Sanchez has always been good with roll out type of plays and play action we need to see more of that, I mean there has to be something to his failure, If Hardbaugh can fix Alex Smith then someone can fix Sanchez
    #3084 LongIslandBlitz, Nov 26, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
  5. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Funny thing, since you continue to talk about Tebow. You do know that his numbers in his first 16 starts were better than Mark Sanchez's first 16 starts ?

    Oh, wow, Elway went out and got Peyton Manning. Who wouldn't when Peyton became available five or ten teams tops? If that's your yardstick for measuring the worth of a QB, then Sanchez fails that test as well because the Jets were interested in Manning. And don't kid yourself, if Manning had come in, Mark would have been on the trading block in short order. ANY starter would have likely been dealt after Manning was signed, unless the guy was a vet placeholder like Hasselbeck in Tennessee.

    The fact remains that Tebow has only had 16 starts and this past preseason was the first time that he's had significant reps in camp. Additionally, it's not like I've saying that they should start Tebow and stick with him regardless of what happens. Rather, I've said that they should just put him in to see what he can do, and if he sucks, then put in McElroy.
  6. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    If Sanchez is going to be benched, and we agree on that, then I'm all for McElroy getting a shot, however hopeless that will turn out to be. Tebow, no. I've seen enough to know that he is not an NFL QB and his teammates agree.
  7. Greeny

    Greeny New Member

    Nov 3, 2012
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    This!!! Fockin This X 10000000!

    He sux ass! The guy just hasn't improved at all! He sucked when he had talent , enough with excuses. He is essentially the same guy as when we drafted him. He has terrible pocket awareness , terrible accuracy and looks afraid many times. He didn't lead or carry us anywhere. Those of you who actually believe that are just fockin dumb. There's no other way to put it. He was handed a pretty decent offense and great defense/st and couldn't get it done. He was and is still the weak link. Both physically and mentally.

    I'm not saying he's the only problem. Not at all. I'm just saying we will never win anything with him no matter the talent around him. Dustin Keller would kill it on another team. Holmes isn't close to a number one as some foolishly say. But he could be a serious weapon elsewhere. J.K. is another guy. Fock Percy Harvin was leading the league in recs before he got hurt. Rockin Christian Ponder is throwing to him.

    We need many things and QB is one of them. Were not 1-2 or even 3-4 guys away from contending. Were about 3-5 years from contending. Blow this bitch up. Get rid of thr big three and send a message to the fans that this team really wants win. This is just embarrassing.
  8. Bill Belichdouche

    Bill Belichdouche Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
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    I don't think there are any sanchez supporters left
  9. JUNJOBX2199

    JUNJOBX2199 New Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    Sanchez will be the last to go. I think Tanny or Rex will go before he does. his poor decisions are terrible, but everything around him is also as equally terrible.
  10. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Unless you have clubhouse access, or are friends with most the players, you have no idea what their opinion is of Tebow or anyone else for that matter.

    Just let it play out. If your #1 is benched, the #2 comes in. If he sucks, then bench him and see what your #3 has to offer.

    What are you worried about vis a vis Tebow starting and playing a game? That we'll get beaten down or blown out by 30 points like we were last week ? Or the 34 pt drubbing at the hands of San Fran ?
  11. socaljetfan

    socaljetfan Active Member

    Nov 24, 2012
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    Santonio Holmes having the second most yards of this team's WRs is pretty telling though.
  12. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    There's that same argument again. It's irrelevant who Dalton is throwing to ... but I do care that he mostly throws to guys on his own team. If Sanchez had AJ Greene, he'd still be missing him by 5 yards most of the time. The point is, Dalton gives his team legitimate play at the QB position ... something we almost never get. Oh, and by the way, he's only had 27 starts and also has to play against the Steelers and Ravens four games per year. If you can't see that in his 2nd year he's already light years ahead of Sanchez as a QB, then I don't know what to say. I would make that trade in a second.

    You give me him at QB and those two D-linemen and I gurantee we wouldn't embarrass ourselves against anyone. No QB and no pass rush means everyone else needs to play way above their heads just for us to stay in the game. Very difficult to win that way. It's inexcuseable that this regime wasted the 5th pick on a QB who can't play and in four years has produced exactly ZERO players who can get to the opposing QB.
  13. AlmightyRevis

    AlmightyRevis Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    So I'm not going to argue Sanchez/Tebow. I would say I'm one of the few people that are neither a Tebow enthusiast or hater, truth is I'm still not sure what to make of him. I have however been a Sanchez supporter for his entire tenure here, but that support has all but vanished here in his 4th year - still making mistakes that show such immaturity.

    All that said, I have a real issue with the thought that this team could be 7-4. How? 7-4 teams are good. Name one unit on this team that is good, or even average. In my opinion they are all below average with our linebackers, receivers, and running backs perhaps ranking as the worst in the NFL. Perhaps only our kick return unit is above average and they've given up as many TDs as they've scored (1).

    Saying that Sanchez's mistakes are what stand between the Jets and being 7-4 now is inaccurate. Maybe an elite quarterback is what you meant, because that is the only thing that could take this collection of below average players to 7-4.
  14. NYJets82

    NYJets82 New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    The only thing sadder than watching Mark Sanchez play is watching his groupies continue to defend him.

    The man has the first and only ass-6 in NFL history. He is a maestro of back breaking -- pun intended -- errors. Other fanbases don't even talk trash to us anymore. They just ask about Sanchez and smirk. He's a fucking embarrassment.

    Please, tell me again about how Sanchez isn't elite. Then explain why Snookie is no Meryl Streep. Chad Henne was backing up Blaine Gabbert last month and he's better than Sanchez. Sanchez's problem isn't that he's not elite, it's that he's not even bad. He's horrible. Easily bottom five.

    It's like we're not even watching the same player. Upon forgetting the play, the man ran full speed ahead into a stationary ass and fumbled in the process. Does that seem like the kind of awareness necessary to direct an offense to success?
  15. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    Harbaugh didn't fix Alex Smith ... he tried to make him as invisible as possible, and it worked to perfection last season. But even after being a play or two away from the SB, he has enough sesnse to know that long term, that's not the way to build an offense. you're not supposed to devise game plans with the intent of minimizing the impact of your own QB. Too difficult to win that way and that's why he's switched to Kaepernick. Another QB who's already twice the player Sanchez will ever be.
  16. GRNYT

    GRNYT Member

    Dec 26, 2011
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    isn't it amazing how accurate 20/20 hindsight is??
  17. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    I still support him and BELIEVE he is abt to turn the corner, & the funny thing is im not joking.

    Im a JETS fan and I support him. I am confident that Sanchez will win out and he is by far our best option at qb.
  18. GRNYT

    GRNYT Member

    Dec 26, 2011
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    a "stationary ass"! i like that!
  19. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Revis, it's simple. We are 4 and 7 right now, meaning that we have won 4 games and lost 7. Of the 7 losses, 1 was to Seattle, which is a game we could have won in my opinion had Sanchez not thrown that tide turning interception. If we had won that game, we would be 5-6.

    Another of the 7 losses came against the Texans. We were down by 6, but driving down the field with plenty of time to score the go ahead TD. That ended when Sanchez seemingly thought Cumberland was 7 foot tall and threw too high a pass over the middle that ended up being intercepted. If we had won that game, and the aforementioned Seattle game, we could be 6-5.

    Lastly, the first Pats game. Yes, there were other miscues, Hill had that costly drop and the play calling sucked, but at the end of the day, the D held the Pats to a FG in overtime and all we had to do was drive down the field to score. That chance died when Sanchez decided to get cute and got strip sacked to end the game. If we had scored then, coupled with the 2 above mentioned, our record would be 7 - 4.

    In other words, we could be 7-4 without an "elite" QB, just a good one who didn't do stupid crap that kills our chances, as Sanchez has.
  20. socaljetfan

    socaljetfan Active Member

    Nov 24, 2012
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    Has there been any attempt to restrict the Tebow trolls to the Tebow board?
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