This is about the only time I'll ever root for Fatcesa to rip a Jet, but he better rip Mike T. apart.
"You know we certainly are not happy where we are." "We have a lot of faith in the players we have." "We have seen a lot of progress. We are going in the right direction." "Mark is a great quarterback who just needs to be more consistant." And more crap like that. Haha.
Waiting for Caleb Schluaderaff reference... "We're all in this together...the security department is 3-6...." Wow.
The way the Jets have been playing lately I guess you can qualify Tebow's fake punt throw as "a lot of good stuff".
Mikey, for once could you answer the question? Mike: "Do you regret any personell decisions?" T-bum: "No one's harder on myself and than me. We're all sick being 3 and 6."