tebows throwing motion

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by alleycat9, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    You'd rather look good and lose than look ugly and win. That is one, among the many, differences between us.
  2. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    No it isn't, because to me it isn't a matter of looking good vs. looking bad. (No matter how much you try to argue that to be the case.)

    He can look as ugly as he wants as long as he is completing passes. He wasn't. less than 50% is dogbutt bad. If I thought he would continue winning and winning with 16 points was sustainable, I would have been fine with Tebow. But last year was a freak of nature winning with near bottom of the pack offensive production, but hey, Tebow might prove me wrong... if he can get off the bench. I just think offense was the biggest weakness on the team last year and I believe he was the weakest link on it. He was the 10th or 11th best guy on the offense.

    However, he doesn't seem to think his throwing motion is a problem, and his fans think the problem is with everyone else. Who knows, you could be right, every coach is wrong, and there is nothing wrong with pulling the ball behind your shoulder blades.

    Accuracy is the biggest knock on his game, is it not? I think most would agree that is his biggest problem. It certainly is why I think he sucks.

    So lets talk accuracy.... Ever examine why it is so problematic? Try that instead of denying EVERYTHING and taking any criticism toward Tebow as a personal attack.

    If he could have completed closer to 60%, we wouldn't be leading the league in three and outs. We'd stay on the field longer, probably score more points by extension... give the defense a longer than a 2 minute break... Yeah, do all that on offense, he can look as silly throwing the ball as he likes.
    #42 Concerned_Citizen, Nov 15, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2012
  3. GB#15

    GB#15 New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    I think he is throwing a better ball than last year! Some of his passes are awesome!
  4. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Ah yes, after last season, Tebow obviously didn't think that there was anything wrong with his throwing motion. That explains why he went to California and worked with Noel Mazzone on his mechanics. It also explains why he then went and worked with Tom House.

    /heavy assed dose of sarcasm.

    Do you bother to even begin to try and know what you are talking about before you spew shit on the page ??

    Tebow's problem last year WASN'T with accuracy. It was with CONSISTENCY. Strange as it may seem, you can actually be highly accurate, but inconsistent.

    Accuracy is your ability to hit what yo are aiming at. Consistency is if you can repeat that over and over and over again.

    Tebow was indeed accurate at times last year. The problem was, he couldn't do it consistently because his mechanics were inconsistent. This is due to the mechanics not being ingrained in his muscle memory. That is something that takes time.

    When Tebow was playing last year, in the first couple of quarters, I believe that he was thinking about his mechanics as he was passing the ball. That isn't a recipe for success. The mechanics need to be subconscious.

    Late in games, operating out of the Spread formation, he'd often revert back to his old mechanics. here, he was operating on instinct instead of thinking about how he was throwing the ball.

    In preseason this year, his mechanics looked much better and more "natural" to him. It seemed like he was just letting it rip. If you actually bother to go back and look at his passes, most of the, were on target as far as direction goes. His incompletions were mainly balls that were under or overthrown. I chalk this up to the change in his mechanics this passed offseason, and that he just hadn't repped those throws enough. When you change your mechanics, you have to basically relearn all your throws and you do this by repetition.

    Take the pass to Hill in the endzone that was underthrown. It wasn't a "basic" throw that he should have already mastered with his new mechanics. He was on the run, cross stepping towards the right sideline, threw the ball across his body and off his rear foot.

    Thing is, you can see him make this throw numerous times on youtube highlight videos from his time at Florida. With his old mechanics, he knew exactly how much power and loft to put on the ball. With the change in his mechanics, he has to learn that throw all over again.
  5. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    according to Steve Young all of Tebows throwing problems are due to his lower body mechanics, he didn't get in to specifics, but said Tebow often has his lower body in horrible position when he makes throws....whether he has improved since then I don't know, but Young said it wont be tough to correct if he concedes that it is an issue
  6. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Yep. Totally sucks when a HoF QB like Steve Young says that Tebow can be a great QB.
  7. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Yeah, for two weeks and then he went off to go play the rest of the offseason. 2 weeks isn't going to do a whole lot. To each his own though, it's his career.

    Disagree. I saw just about every play he did last year and far too many passes were off the mark. too low, too high, behind receivers because they were late. Way too much breaking of stride to catch late balls. Way too many balls being caught at shoelaces... too many balls being overthrown into the stands. Did you see the Miami and Detroit game where he was overthrowing receivers by 10 yards or more?

    No my friend, that isn't a consistency problem. That is accuracy. A lot of that is timing too, but I kinda lump that in with accuracy as well. When it comes to passing, he simply just doesn't have it. He'll surprise you once in a while though. I bet if given enough attempts, even you or I could make a good throw. They aren't 100% bad.
  8. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Well.... any time now...

    Nobody is saying he can't... but I ain't putting real money on him, that's for sure.
  9. Potzer

    Potzer New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    I know this.

    Tebow throws the ball better then he did in college, they almost never came out as spirals. Wobbling ducks were the norm. He completed them at an incredible rate, but oh man did they wobble.

    In the limited throws we've seen this year and in pre-season, they're coming out of his hand much better. Spirals with tons of velocity as well.

    I don't think there is enough sample size to see if this improvement is permanent. Or if it will positively effect his completion %. It "looks better" though.

    I don't pretend to know anything about throwing motion or footwork. However I'd say his release (and consequently the ball exit velocity) looks better.
  10. Potzer

    Potzer New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Lols, I sure am not betting *against* him.
  11. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Dude, QBs don't camp out at their "Guru's" place for 6 months. They go in, they work every day, they learn what they need to learn, then they continue to practice those things.

    Look at what you just said. Too low, too high, behind receivers, over thrown in stands. That's the DEFINITION of inconsistent.

    I'm not saying that Tebow is as accurate as Rodgers or Brady. Clearly, that is not the case. BUT, he could put the ball on target last year. "On target" being a larger target than Brady of Rodgers, granted. Again, his troubles last year speak to consistency.

    Another way to picture it is target shooting. Say 50 feet with a bolt action .22. If you fire 10 shots, 3 of them close to the bullseye, and the other 7 splattered around the target, that's a problem with consistency. You have an inconsistent shot group.

    Some guys are remarkably consistent, yet they aren't accurate. Their target will have all the hits in a nice, tight shot group, but all the shots will be off target, away from the bullseye.

    Being inaccurate is actually easier to fix than being inconsistent. Why ? Because all I would have to do as a coach is figure out where the inaccurate person is targeting, and adjust their aim. For example, if you shot group is low left, then move your aim point up and to the right.

    With inconsistency, there's many more variables to work on. Where you are aiming is fine. The problem is with the mechanics of the shot. Are you tugging the trigger and pulling the shot off ? Are you closing your eyes? Are you out of balance in your position ? Are you stroking the trigger between breaths ?
  12. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Actually, most of you guys who come in here are saying that he can't. That's inherent in "He will NEVER be an NFL QB".
  13. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    You are making quite the analytical leap in regards to knowing who and what his fans think comprise the problem set.

    Furthermore, regardless of his completion percentage, Denver did go to the playoffs and win a game after a point in the season which everyone thought they were in the Andrew Luck sweepstakes. I have no idea why you are so salty with Tebow. The Broncos success last year helped to land you Peyton Manning.
  14. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Can't or won't have separate meanings.

    Can't means no chance in hell.

    Won't means he can, it's posible, but I'm not counting on it.

    ...and so far, I'm the one who is correct, and will be until he gets off the bench and proves me wrong. If nobody ever gives him a chance again, it is because he hasn't given them reason to think he has improved. About to complete his third year and people are STILL debating on whether he is a QB or a FB or a TE.
  15. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    That is a bunch of cockamamy BS. Only idiots and those with their head between their legs do not acknowledge that Tebow has a top notch - rare - work ethic.

    Are you an NFL QB coach or talent evaluator? Heck, I'd be willing to bet that 75% of the people who say Tebow has bad throwing mechanics think so simply because he throws left-handed, which we don't see very often and therefore aren't used to. Look at some of the lefties who have played in the league. Esiason, Stabler, Young, Zorn, Brunell, Leinart. They all look a little funny because we're just used to seeing a majority of NFL QB's throwing from the other side of their body.

    This is real football, not Fantasy Football. Plenty of the Tebow haters don't seem to get that, they'd rather their QB play pretty, make lots of great stats and lose than play ugly and win.

    You have any idea how long it took Steve Young to hit his stride in the NFL? He played 6 years of professional football at the beginning of his career - 74 games - and only once did his completion % average over 55% for the season - in the USFL. It wasn't until his 3rd year on the niners and 7th year in professional football that he finally had a year where he averaged a completion % above 60%, and then he didn't have a sub 60% season again until 10 years later, his last year in the league. You think maybe something "clicked" with him that 3rd year on the niners?

    Young said that Tebow has the natural QB talent and ability to be a good, if not great QB in the NFL if he gets his lower body mechanics worked out. I think I'll consider his opinion a little more highly than yours. Especially considering the things he had in common in his early career, with Tebow in his early career - except Tebow won more games.
  16. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    That's why I am asking your theory on it. You still haven't really offered one.

    Yes they did go. you and I disagree on how that happened, but yes, it happened.

    As for the saltiness with Tebow. I just see a tremendously flawed passer, and it's not as if I'm the only guy who looked at Tebow and felt the same way. I think he hurt the offense. I think the coach had to dumb it down to mostly running because of it. Glad he was able to pull off some comebacks, but he was only able to do that thanks to those that played with some pretty unforgiving leeway. I mean, even a field goal when allowing just 10 points would put 4 of those games in as losses. ...and don't kid yourself. keeping even mediocre teams from scoring more than 10 points can be extremely tough, especially when the offense struggles to even stay on the field, let alone put up points for insurance. If that is "salty" toward Tebow, then so be it.

    You might be right, the Broncos did prove that in a weak division, they could make the playoffs with a novelty at QB. Not sure how much credit for that I should offer Tebow though. I chalk most of it up to Elway's salemanship. Plu, they have a lot more in common careerwise than anyone else Manning talked to. He gave his vision for the direction of the team and Manning apparently liked it... or at least liked it more than the others.
  17. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I think most people that analyze it think he overstrides too often. I think that, too. If he could stop overstriding, it would affect his whole mechanics.

    His throws the other day weren't anything to get excited about, but it was nice to see the body was kind of calm. Small stride.
  18. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Nice bio on Steve Young. However, I'm glad the Broncos weren't willing to wait 6 years. I mean, how in love with a guy would you have to be to wait that friggin long?

    Plus, Steve Young for much of his career had some dude named Montana in front of him. Not sure if you heard of him, but it turns out he was pretty good. Tebow? Well he had Orton, and Sanchez in front of him.

    ...and why the comparison to Steve Young anyway. If I had a crystal ball that said he was going to be another Steve Young, I'd probably find a way to keep him on the roster for that 6 or 7 years. However, I don't think for a minute that he is another Steve Young... I think he's just another scrub that came in with a lot of hype and didn't pan out. For every Steve Young story, there are hundreds of dudes like the one I describe. What makes people so certain he's one of those one out of a hundred guys? His charisma? His attitude? the first guy to come into the league with those qualities.
  19. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Actually, you are incorrect unless you modify your statement from "he won't" to "he will not again". The one chance he had to start in any meaningful fashion, his team won their division and a playoff game. Your argument has no merit, unless you are strictly basing your decision off of style-points. Style over substance, as they say.

    In fact, he has played QB in every game this season, FYI. He has not been the starting QB, as we all know, but he is taking snaps as an NFL QB while the incumbent starter is healthy. This is atypical, and in some sorts invalidates your position. If the Jets believe he has no business on the field as an NFL QB, he won't be on the field at all.

    People debate whether Romo is a viable starter also. People debate whether several current starting QBs should be starting right now. Big deal. People questioned whether Cam would be good, whether RGIII would be good, etc... And people thought Ryan Leaf and Jamarcus Russel WOULD be good.

    This lazy and fallacious point you keep trying to make is nonsensical. The opinions of others and/or their faith in a player does not represent absolute truth. You can't just say nobody wants to start Tebow, therefore he is not good. It's lazy, and poor argumentation.
  20. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    I note that you haven't commented on the comment I reminded you about earlier, that the Duke himself said it was understandable that Tebow would have a lower completion % with the high percentage of downfield throws he was attempting.
    #60 JFjets, Nov 15, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2012

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