Jets rip Tebow according to Manish

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Diddy, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. blackssmagic

    blackssmagic Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    I am no Tebow fan boy and i really think Mark sucks with that being said this team is a fuckin joke. At what point does Rex have the entire team, Woody, Tanny every ball boy and swinging dick in the same room and burst through the door screaming and throwing shit. At a certain point Rex needs to take control or start sitting or even shit canning people.

    The thing is Tebow doesnt say shit, doesnt piss and moan pn the sidelines etc....he is a back up QB so why the hell is everyone focused on him?

    Tell Manish to fuck off and stay away from my team would be a good start also.

    Everyone around here ripped Greg for what he did on that radio station last year and how anon source talked shit about Mark but because its Tebow its ok?

    Hell no, as shitty as Mark is if you are going to talk about him put your name on it, just like talking about Tebow....

    Makes me sick to know that I am still deployed and one of the few joys I have is watching this team and all it seems to be is a fuckin circle jerk every year.....
  2. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    The stats? tebow had a defense that allowed 15 points or less in 5 out of 7 of the wins. (but managed to lose a game when a team led by Orton of all people only scored 7 points.) Kyle Orton was able to go 23-2 when that happened, so there is nothing special about Tebow on the field. So what, he's a big guy that can run. how the hell else are you going to win with a 46% career completion percentage and being dead last in just about every major passing stat?

    If the Jet' defense could do that most of the games they played, they wouldn't need to worry about whether or not they should bench Sanchez. They'd probably be sitting with a winning record right now.

    The players aren't fooled by your stat sheet.
    #222 Concerned_Citizen, Nov 14, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2012
  3. CJLang

    CJLang Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    Not sure why anyone would be surprised this whole mess is blowing up like it is.

    It was destined the day they traded for Tebow. They haven't even devised any decent ways to utilize him.

    I believe they would love to give McElroy a shot at QB, but know what a shitstorm bypassing Tebow would create.

    Rex and Tanny's ultimate undoing may be that they didn't have the balls to tell Woody NO when he pushed Tebow on them.
    #223 CJLang, Nov 14, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2012
  4. Uniondale_Tom

    Uniondale_Tom New Member

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Great post. Though it is like looking at a car wreck. He absolutely fails the eye test, but wow those stats are bad. Cringeworthy. But Rex thinks he gives us the best chance to win. If they really believe that, then the Front Office needs to be fired that they left the team in that situation.
  5. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    I've been saying for 2 years that no QB can succeed with the garbage we have right now, just Sanchez isn't good enough to have respectable numbers as opposed to a gifted few. Sanchez becomes a very easy scapegoat for everyone to use since he's a pretty boy SoCal QB and everyone acts like its solely on him that the team is garbage when he's been a problem but not THE problem. We have had mediocre drafts, awful decisions on player personnel decision making and the team has zero depth when they lose some key players. There's nothing Tebow or Sanchez can do at this point and really at this point putting Tebow in there is like a hail mary, yeah you may find succeed but its a real long shot.

    I don't know if the players are trashing Tebow so much as they are backing up Sanchez because the guy really comes off as someone who is diligent, works hard, pays for his own "Jets West" training camp for some of his players to attend to, never causes any trouble and most importantly which I think ALL of his players love him for is he never points the finger at anyone but himself.

    Now this does not mean Sanchez can play the way he has, its unacceptable. However, His O-Line has clearly failed him at times, his weapons even with the diva Holmes have done nothing to help him, mediocre RB situation and poor playcalling means that Sanchez has to be Superman and picture perfect to make this work and of course he's not. What I see out of Sanchez is someone whose lost his confidence because of this silly Tebow move that includes the in/out between the two, mainly after a decent play by Sanchez and someone who is trying way too hard like Sanchez to make a play. The fumble caused by Sherman was because of Sanchez trying to dump the ball off rather than take the sack even though Sherman got untouched against him in 3 seconds. I hold nothing against Slauson here, he's an O-Line for Sanchez and the O-Line/QB are always close.....Slauson is backing up his guy and is putting his name on it too.

    I even feel sorry for Tebow even if I think he's a great puppeteer and can find ways to not have any blood on his hands while getting what he wants. I think its quite brilliant how he can manipulate the media without actually being caught doing so. No player deserves to be mistreated like this though and I do think there will be more Jet fans who will side with Tebow and be sympathetic, which can only help the "Tebow to Jets starting gig" IMHO.

    Shame on the owner and shame on the GM, as it was the owner who brought in Tebow alone IMHO and the GM for. Rex should take blame for hiring Sparano though who has somehow find a way to have as less of a feel of the game as Schotty did but I do still feel he can be a good HC in the league. Our GM is terrible and HAS TO go though after this year and well our owner....I'll be praying he can get a clue. :( He might be one of the worst owners in professional sports.
  6. NYJets82

    NYJets82 New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    I think he was probably referencing the fact that Tebow, last year, accounted for: more total yards per game, more total touchdowns per game, fewer total turnovers per game, a higher passer rating, more yards per passing attempt, more rushing yards per game, more rushing yards per attempt, and a better win-loss record than Sanchez this year.

    I doubt the Broncos' defensive statistics under Kyle Orton had anything at all to do with it.
  7. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    To be fair to Tebow, I think he's been trying very hard not to cause trouble and be a good locker room guy. He just a decent kid who want's to play football.

    But he's not a good a good QB at all. Sanchez is probably the better choice. Which says just bucketloads about the Jet's front office.

    Tebow does have all the intangibles and if the team can get behind him like Denver did, he can be productive. But it ain't going to happen here.
  8. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    PFF has some pretty great analysis sometimes, and they don't seem to have an axe to grind. If you want to verify what you are seeing on the field with a set of unbiased eyes they are pretty good
  9. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    I admit I didn’t take the time to read all 12 pages of this that have been fired off in rapid succession.

    But there is one thing that needs to be said.

    This is all on Rex. The lack of discipline and unity on this team is a direct reflection of his coaching. He needs to be fired ASAP. He doesn’t have the skills to be a HC.
  10. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    The Jets don't have the personnel to run any NFL system, FWIW.
  11. cobrien

    cobrien Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    I can't believe Slauson has the balls to even comment on the QB situation, the Jets O line is a fucking joke period! For that matter the entire team should shut the fuck up and man the fuck up, collectively they are one of the worst fucking teams to ever wear the green and white........I'm so pissed I bought tickets way in advance to the Thanksgiving game and have to trek down from Canada with family in tow for this circus act...............Thank You New York Jet Players for your constructive critiques to the press!!!
  12. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    People are thoroughly impressed with the win loss record at face value.. until they take an HONEST look at the win streaks and how they actually happened. Who did the heavy lifting? The defense who kept them in the game for 60 minutes or the guys who punted the ball away all day and finally showed up with 5 minutes left?

    The Bronco offense still ranked around 25 even with the added running game. They also finished #1 in three and outs. Overall, yardage and points on offense went DOWN after the switch. Yet the wins came up. Why? Because the defense started playing against offenses that were anemic. They got shredded by the Patriots twice, Green Bay once, Detroit once, and pretty much any team that had an offense. They beat ONE team with a winning record throughout his starting time, and while yes that happened to be a playoff game, the trend over the 13 games was that offensive production went way down.

    Chalk it up to more conservative playcalling if you wish. Maybe they thought they had the running game and didn't need passing, or maybe they just didn't trust Tebow to throw it. Whatever you want to blame it on, offensive production went DOWN with Tebow.

    you might be fed up with Sanchez, and that is understandable. You might even THINK you want Tebow in there, but trust me, you'll be pulling your hairs out of your head for most of the game, and will have hope in the 4th quarter pretty much ONLY if the defense and the rest of the team kept them in the game by limiting the other team to no more than a score or two lead.

    Rex says Sanchez gives the best chance to win. What if he is right? The assumption seems to be that since it isn't working, Sanchez does NOT give the best chance. What makes people think Tebow gives a better one? He'll give a different approach, but teams found out last year how to stop him. He went 1-4 down the stretch, and was lucky it wasn't 1-5 against Chicago. Why? because it turned out to be true that if you stack the box, stay in your lane with containment schemes and take away his legs... he was extremely hard pressed to beat you with his arm. Guessing Tebow starting will look more like that than it did when he first got in and threw teams for a loop. that's what happens when you are one dimensional and can't utilize offensive weapons in the passing game.
    #232 Concerned_Citizen, Nov 14, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2012
  13. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    This really isn't about Tebow, it's about Sanchez. Is he a quarterback that could lead this team to a championship? I suppose. But A LOT of things need to line up in order for that to happen. He's not a top tier quarterback. And Tim Tebow isn't a quarterback at all. He's some sort of hybrid fullterback, or sumthin. I'd prefer we weren't trying to revolutionize football. I'd prefer if we concentrated on finding the best quarterback to win the most games. That's not Sanchez. It's not Tebow either. But now that we've invested so heavily in the personnel we have at that position, our front office has put this team in a terrible position.

    "Mark Sanchez gives us the best chance to win" is just a factual statement. But it's not an encouraging statement at all.
  14. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Slow your little mind down and read what I wrote. Tebow accounted for more total yards gained, more TOUCHDOWNS SCORED, and fewer turnovers through 9 games.

    Now, some people might just think that scoring freaking touchdowns is kind of important, wouldn't ya think ? I mean, it's a great way to outscore the other team, which is what you have to do to win.

    Tebow also had fewer turnovers (Ints or Fumbles). Given that turnovers often lead to points for the other team, and you want to kind of not have the other team score as much, lower turnovers is a good thing as well.

  15. NYJFan10

    NYJFan10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    I love how everyone always kills the messenger around here. Especially when you do have evidence such as Rex and Cro in the post game and Slauson quoted in the article that this isn't 'Mehta making things up'.
  16. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    watching Rex's presser, he say Slausons comments were made much earlier this year...Slauson will speak for himself later. Also says he absoloutley wanted Tebow here as a backup and all around versatile player.

    This article could very well be a compilation of negative comments gathered throughout the year
    #236 catfish, Nov 14, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2012
  17. NYJets82

    NYJets82 New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    You're obviously not being objective when you reference a 1-4 record down the stretch as evidence of him being 'figured out'. Two of those losses came against the AFC champions, who scored 41 and 45 points in those two games. You're also no-surprise minimizing the fact that, in the midst of that stretch, he threw for 300 yards in a playoff win against the #1 ranked secondary in the NFL, who hadn't allowed a 300-yard passing game all season. I guess they missed the memo about him being figured out.

    But regardless, you're missing the point. Wanting to see Tebow is as much about Sanchez as it is about Tebow. The fact is that it can't get worse. We're ranked 30th in total offense. Sanchez is bottom 5 in every passing category known to man. We're 1-5 in our last 6, and we have scored 1 or 0 offensive touchdowns in 4 of those 6 games. You're talking about how crappy Tebow was because, in his first year as a starter, after being inserted mid-season, he was ranked ~25th in total offense and went 1-4 down the stretch. Well we're 30th in total offense and 1-5 in our last 6. So what, exactly, is the downside?
  18. ArmandJ

    ArmandJ Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    The next words out of his mouth should be 'this kind of behavior is not tolerated. When we find out who said those things, they will be benched'.
  19. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    stated he has no problem with Slauson, but absolutely does with anonymous players
  20. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    says he is confident Tebow could move the ball if Sanchez got hurt

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