Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. JoeWalton

    JoeWalton Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    Sanchez deserves a ten year contract extension after this season. Why? Because he gives the Jets the best chance to win.
  2. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Sanchez's contract. You really hurt your team if that player with that contract is contributing nothing. He is on this team next year unless we sucker another team, which won't happen as WAS and OAK have QBs. So, we are stuck with him next year. This team isn't talented enough to win with McElroy or Tebow either, so a restart is going to happen no matter what.

    What do you next year when Tebow/McElory struggles and you benched Sanchez. There are no QBs in the draft or FA. You stick with the formula or go back to Sanchez and play bad still? Won't work. By benching Sanchez you force your hand you need a new QB and then we panic and overdraft or trade up for someone next offseason? Ride out Sanchez's contract is an excuse that can keep this team better in the long run

    You ride Sanchez and throw him under the bus. Start fresh with a CS/GM this offseason or next offseason. Let them pick their new QB. Fresh transition from the Ryan/Sanchez era to the new era.
  3. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    the best thing that could happen now is that the rams sign Mo Lewis to a one day contract next sunday and he lays into Sanchez. Voila! instant dynasty
  4. nysuperscum

    nysuperscum New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    Hey, what's worse? A QB who "can't throw," and completes 47% of his passes, or a QB who can throw, "has all the tools," and completes 48% of his passes?
  5. ArmandJ

    ArmandJ Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    Starting either QB allows us to know where we stand. Fan conjuncture on Gang Green will do nothing to change my opinion. Until I see Tebow or Greg in green and white sucking as bad as some people on here like to insist, then I see no reason how they should NOT start and perform on at least an AVERAGE level.

    Riding out Sanchez does nothing for THIS year. People refuse to see that for some reason, including the idiots on the coaching staff.

    The people who extended his contract need to be fired, end of story.
  6. Cellar-door

    Cellar-door Active Member

    Mar 22, 2004
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    1. He can play in a west coast system
    2. He is an NFl quality (though well below average) QB
    3. McElroy doesn't have the physical tools
    4. Tebow can't throw or play in a real system
    5. Sanchez will be on the roster next year at 13M
    6. Tebow has more trade value if people don't see him getting dismantled
    7. Sanchez has in the past shown the ability to be competent
    8. the team is awful either way why not try and fix Sanchez
  7. SienaSaints

    SienaSaints Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
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    For number 4, the throws that he made today although a very small sample size were pretty good including the one play where he threw from the shotgun and hit the receiver in the numbers.
  8. Diabolical_Jet_Fan

    Diabolical_Jet_Fan Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2004
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    Let's face the facts. If they decided to start Tebow, Sanchez can never be the starting qb of this team again. And since he his guaranteed his salary for next year there is no way the jets are eating that contract. So basically stuck with him as our qb next year too.
  9. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Yeah, and you think starting Tebow or McElroy does something for this year? If you live from a year to year basis, you aren't going to build a successful team. You have to look to the future. That's why you see the Steelers drafting positions that are strong and stock them up. Because they know in 2 years, that player will develop and they can replace the older/more expensive player that they are letting walk. You have to plan for the future, using Tebow or McElroy now forces a complete overhaul with no answer at QB. Realistically, Tebow and McElory are not elite QBs right now. They aren't turning them around. When they suck or look bad because of the team, what do you next season? You can't cut Sanchez or trade him so he's stuck. Either QB we will use has no tradeability and we would be giving up on either a draft pick or wasted a 4th rounder for Tebow.
  10. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Yeah. And if Tebow does start and most likely plays poorly whether it be because of the team or him, then what? Sanchez like you said is guaranteed. Do we start him again after already giving up on him? Does that inspire confidence to the players/fans. What about coaches if we get new ones? They are going to be forced Sanchez after Sanchez was benched.
  11. Cellar-door

    Cellar-door Active Member

    Mar 22, 2004
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    I think his 356 career throws are probably slightly more statistically relevant.

    Also 3 throws for 8 yards isn't exactly making reads and running an offense, or making the throws a full-time Qb needs to.
  12. MSUJet85


    Sep 22, 2004
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    Our year is already dead, and I have seen Tebow play last year and for the most part he was terrible, he has shown no spark whatsoever in the time he has played, the fact that they have treated him like a Fullback for the first half of the season should show you clear enough what they think about his throwing ability, the fact that even after Sanchez has stunk up the joint the fact that no coach, player wants to go to Tebow should show you how bad he is. Usually there are whispers, right now there is NOTHING.

    Here is a quote from the team that buried us today, Seahawks WR Sidney Rice on Golden Tate's TD toss: "His throwing motion was the worst. I thought we traded for Tebow for a second."

    Tim Tebow is that bad and Greg McElroy is a third stringer so he isn't worth the time of day.
  13. NewYorkEveryThing

    Mar 24, 2012
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    If this is not the definition of delusional...That is already done with,The team is a lot worse with him in and are gonna wait a couple more games because he is the best option?
  14. nysuperscum

    nysuperscum New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    How's that working out?
    Are you really sticking with this? 26 turnovers in the last 12 games? Seriously?
    That's unproven. Neither does Russell Wilson, by the numbers.
    Unproven, as of yet. He certainly got further than the Jets did last year. And he wouldn't have done it if Sanchez and company had taken care of business and beat the Broncos.
    Reminds me of the George Costanza quote "Whales are the heaviest animals in the world, but they don't have to be."
    You're worried about Tebow's trade value, but unconcerned aboiut the $13 mil in cap going to Sanchez? Remarkable.
    "competent." Nice word. Tebow has in the past shown the ability to be electric and transcendent. He's also looked awful at times, but the ability to take a team on his shoulders and push them forward is undeniable. Edit: And in 35 years of football, I have never seen an NFL QB look worse than Mark Sanchez does right now.
    Are you suggesting that this hasn't been tried? How many times do you suggest the Jets do the same thing over and over, and continue expecting a different result?

    You're a real piece of work, man.
    #2154 nysuperscum, Nov 11, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2012
  15. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    Hey, I know he is a running back, but Reggie Bush got benched today, ego is a major factor!
  16. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    I was against benching Sanchez because the horse is already out of the barn and it's too late to save the season ... but then I thought about it. The reason you should bench Sanchez is simply because he doesn't deserve to start. He hasn't earned it with his play. He sucks beyond description, and it's totally unfair and disrespectful to Tebow and to every man busting his ass on this team to allow Sanchez to stink up the place week after week and still keep his job. If you don't want to lose the locker room, it simply can't be allowed to continue.
  17. Cellar-door

    Cellar-door Active Member

    Mar 22, 2004
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    Who said anything about couple years?
    He is the best QB for developing the rest of the team THIS YEAR.
    Then hopefully you pick up a Qb either in FA (unlikely) or the draft.
    Since Sanchez is going to be on the team next year, and you are going to run a west coast system, then you should start Sanchez.
    This lets you develop the young guys like Kerley and sets up a QB competition for next year.
    Tebow retards the progress of the whole team, McElroy isn't going to be on the team next year in all likelihood.
    This team isn't making the playoffs with any QB.
  18. NYJets82

    NYJets82 New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Lol, Sanchez apologists now resorting to bashing Tebow because there's nothing left to defend re: Sanchez.

    Here's why Tebow should start: he's not Sanchez. Check and mate.
  19. MSUJet85


    Sep 22, 2004
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    You bring up Tebow I bring up Sanchez being one game away from going to the Super Bowl twice, doesn't change the fact that neither can throw a football, Sanchez at least has a little talent throwing the football, Tebow has none. Sadly Sanchez is basically the only QB on our roster.
  20. Cellar-door

    Cellar-door Active Member

    Mar 22, 2004
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    Since two people mentioned it:
    Yes Tebow got farther last year thant he Jets
    Of course Sanchez made it to the AFC title game.
    Both are awful QBs, judging QBs by wins is for idiots, if we did that we should sign Vince Young, he's available.
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