Ways to make the "Tebow Package" more effective.

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Diddy, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    Though after Boller started a few games, everybody though he would suck yet he got more time because of his "potential."
  2. Dennis

    Dennis New Member

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Well, for one thing Boller consistently completed more than 50% of his passes. For another, he actually got better from season to season. Even if he never really worked out, at least there was a reason to give him time to develop.

    Tebow has shown absolutely no improvement as an NFL passer. If he can't move forward, then there's little justification for any team to devote time and resources in him or give him opportunities that he doesn't merit.
  3. TTTTebowAndTheJets

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Uhh... He's had one season worth of starts...he's never had a camp where he took first string reps. How can you tell if he's improving or has improved with only one season worth of starts???
  4. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    He absolutely has improved. Anybody who can't see a difference is blind.
  5. Dennis

    Dennis New Member

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Jeez, you're not going to try the old "He NEEDS a full season of first-string reps to show what he can do" argument, are you?

    Very few QBs get that sort of room to improve from where Tebow started. In fact, stats-wise Tebow REGRESSED significantly from his 3-starts in his rookie season (82.1 passer rating) to his 11-starts in his second season (72.9 passer rating).

    Tebow has shown very little effort in improving as a passer. In his off-seasons he has maintained a high profile on book tours, underwear promotions, golf tourneys, late-night tv appearances, etc. Most other QBs (ie, Tom Brady) hire private coaches to work with full time in the off-season improving themselves. Tebow paid teammates to fly to wherever he was marketing himself to engage in games of catch for an hour or two.

    Tebow has to show that he takes playing QB seriously before he can expect his coaches to take him seriously as a QB. He hasn't done that yet. So they're using him as a punt protector, RB, etc. It's really not that difficult to figure out...
  6. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I just put a succinct statement of how I think Tebow should be used in my signature .
  7. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    You're full of shit. His book tour was a whopping 4 stops in 2 cities in Florida over 2 days iirc. He was in Florida at the time with his family. Additionally, he attended player organized practices in Denver. That said, many players arrange to spend time together practicing, so how is this any different ?

    Again, you're full of shit.
  8. TTTTebowAndTheJets

    Mar 22, 2012
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    You have NO idea what the heck your talking about... go back to your hole troll

    Tebow Works on Passing skills with UCLA OC

    Tebow Working with Passing Guru Tom House
  9. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    No, he hasn't. The only real time he has had on the field this year was during the preseason egg he laid against Carolina's 3rd string defense.

    You're honestly going to try to tell me that 4-14, a pick (should have been 2), and 3 sacks that were all his fault, against a 3rd string defense, is improved?!?

    What a joke.
  10. RochesterJet

    RochesterJet Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    And your going to tell me that this "snap shot" of Tim Tebow (in a new offense mind you), and in the pre-season is the "true Tim Tebow"? Please, We all know this guy is not a good fit in a conventional offense.

    Listen, your a Bronco's fan and an obvious Tebow hater. This begs the questions of why the fuck are you on this board every day? Do you loath Tebow more than you love the Bronco's? Oh, and dont give me the (I have insight line of shit, just go away). My very best to you good sir!
  11. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    He has already proven to be a winner as an NFL QB. Say what you want about style points, but you can't take away the wins.

    This is not classified information. You don't need a security clearance to access the W-L record.
  12. Dennis

    Dennis New Member

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Sure I can. :grin:

    Tebow won in Denver for a couple of reasons that you won't be able to duplicate here.

    1. Incoming HC John Fox had the bye week to finally get his Defense squared away after losing valuable time in the lockout-shortened off-season.
    2. There was no usable available game film on Tebow.
    3. The run option that Denver used was a "trick" Offense that NFL teams weren't used to defending.
    4. Tebow hit the soft, white underbelly of the season - facing teams that were horrible (Miami) or teams that suffered too many key injuries (Chicago).

    Once Defenses figured out to cover Tebow's deep receivers, contain him in the pocket, FORCE him to throw, and stop going into prevent/soft Ds at the end of games, it was all over. Denver's season ended as badly as it had started, 1-4.
  13. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    A+ Answer.

    Personally if Football was MY #1 priority... and it was common knowledge that my passing abilities (by my own admission as Tebow did admit it as well) were suspect at best... I was in my THIRD season, people were STILL debating whether I was even a QB... let alone being a starter...

    Yeah, I'd probably examine the 2 weeks I spent with a "QB guru" and the rest of the offseason basking in my celebrity status and adjust accordingly to at least TRY to match all the hype I got coming in.

    That's just me though. Might be what the guys writing his paycheck had in mind when they put him on their team too, but I'm only guessing.

    I think it's cool that he goes around building hospitals and does all that charity stuff. In fact, I think he should make that his full time job. He no longer needs the NFL or his "bigger platform" in New York (as he called it when deciding on New York) to promote his brand. Tebowmania has taken on a life of its own, he could easily get his own reality show documenting his efforts on making the world a better place.
  14. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    He proved he can win a bunch of games when the defense holds teams to 15 points or less. Big Deal. Kyle Orton was 23-2 when that happened, and even started 6-0 on the Broncos under the same circumstances. Nobody called HIM a "winner" at the time.

    So I'm not as impressed with his win-loss record when I actually watched the games as he stunk it up for 3 1/2 quarters while the rest of the team kept him in the games for 60 minutes. rest of the league wasn't impressed either, or he'd be starting somewhere right now.

    Too bad more people don't take that record at face value, huh? If only nobody actually watched those games... ...you'd be able to exaggerate his accomplishments all you wanted.
  15. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    That wasn't true for 3 of the wins. and Really not enough to keep repeating that ad nauseum. There was a thrashing of the Raiders, a shootout with the Vikings, and a solid all around offensive game against the Steelers. For such a small sample size, it's a pretty good showing.
  16. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    Kyle Orton is not a QB that can put a team on his back, he needs contributions from EVERYONE. Though I still think he is a starting QB in this league, KC should of kept him.
  17. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    There is no way for us to tell whether he would have lost those specific games if the other team scored more points. You do not know if he would have scored more points to win the game.


    Your point is irrelevant.
  18. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Concerned citizen, Phaytal and Slap are all super butt hurt Denver fans who looked like fools last year on the Broncos message boards.

    As an example Phaytal said things like this quote from pre season below (all the time) and then they he ate crow over and over and over...so its personal between him and tebow, and let me tell you they only wish bad things for the jets.
    #58 CowboysFan, Nov 7, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2012
  19. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Because CowboyFan knows that nobody in the league actually wants Tim Tebow, and he is basically irrelevant after only 3 years, he deflects his hero's severe lack of talent on me, and Slap, and CC. It's quite comical.
  20. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Dude, did Tebow steal your girlfriend or your spot on the depth chart back in school or something ?

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