Time to trust Sanchez?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Cman68, Oct 23, 2012.

  1. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Taken from today's NYPost.com:

    Now I know how a lot of you feel about Serby, but he does make a good point here. Ryan may not want to admit it, but he played for the tie in Foxborough instead of letting Sanchez go for it. Bringing in Tebow only wasted a down and given the way he's been used so far, is more disruptive to the Jets than to the other team.

    Maybe Sanchez Air might be cleared for a trial run. Especially with Holmes out as it looks like Sanchez isn't "locking in" on any one guy anymore. Just don't put in Vlad the impaler as he's still just not that good in pass protection.

    Thoughts anyone?
  2. NewEnglandJet

    NewEnglandJet Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    The less Sanchez has to do the better the chances are we win. Even against the worst secondary in the league, he found a way to fuck it up. Fumbleinterchez needs to be trusted less.
  3. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Did you know that Ducasse has better pass blocking grades than Moore & Slauson so far this year on PFF? Last week he took more snaps than any other game this season too, increasing from about 19/game to 31.
  4. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Funny, but when I saw Vlad, he was usually chasing his man. Slauson was never really great and it does look like Moore is less than he was. I dunno LTJF, how does Vlad compare to his peers on other teams?

    Back to the point, is it time to take Sanchez Air out of the gates and onto the runway?
  5. Jeti

    Jeti Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    Ducasse is one of the strongest interior linemen in the league

    Sticking him between Ferguson and Mangold is fine with me, he can maul his match up all day
  6. chris5533

    chris5533 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2003
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    I agree with this article.. I normaly hate serby...I don't see us as a super bowl team this year. The jets can't keep using sanchez as they have... We really have no idea how good or bad he really is, hence the split in this board on him. He's in a safe offense and asked to make throw at inopportune times. Running game is brutal. I say we have nothing to lose by putting everything on his back and seeing if he should stay or go. If we keep playing run,run pass punt with him. We probably can go 8/8-then after this year what to we do? I'm more afraid of us releasing sanchez and having him develop on another team. He's only 25.. The jets are still treating him as a rookie and have a don't lose it for us attitude. Were losing anyway at this point.. I would prefer us to go down swinging then looking to win by decesion. If we don't do something its possible maybe finish 9/7 maybe even 10/6 and then what? Are we beating an elite team? Does anyone really think at this point we can compete with the best teams? I don't.. I would rather find out if sanchez can play or not..right now I have no idea.. 4 years he's been here and I love him and hate him from play to play. One final thing when other qbs are asked about being a "game manager" type qb, they all consitantly say the same thing.. It sucks.. You don't get enough throw, then your basically asked to complet a pass on third and long. So besides tannenbaum doing an awful job of increasing the talant pool around sanchez, rex has also doing him a dis service and putting him in a losing position.
  7. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Jets don't have a choice but to trust Sanchez and let him put this team on his back and see what he can truly do. The defense isn't going to win you every game, the running game is inconsistent, but is on it's way up. They have to let Sanchez throw the football, and let him make plays - run no huddle, they have to do these things, because Sanchez gives us the best chance to win.

    Whatever Sanchez haters like it or not, he's our ONLY key to success this year. He's really our only hope IMO - if he burns and crashes well he's not the QB they expected him to be.
  8. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    If he can catch him.

    Go look at the all-22 video of the Jets. You'll see Ducasse getting spun like a top a couple of times a game. That's just not acceptable inside. Slauson has issues too but he doesn't wind up spinning in space at LG as often.
  9. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    On the topic at hand: Sanchez is too erratic for Sparano to ever trust him fully. Sparano's idea of a good QB is a guy who never takes risks, rarely fucks up and settles for 3 a lot of the time. In other words - Chad Pennington.

    It's a mismatch of talent and coaching that isn't going to go away until one of them goes away.
  10. Bellows1

    Bellows1 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    We've seen Mark unleashed, it wasn't great. To suggest giving him more opportunities at passing the ball is to ignore his past performances.

    I've said it before, Mark can be as good as anyone in the game, he can also be the worst. If he can't be more consistent, then he doesn't deserve more opportunities.
  11. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    This...I really have nothing more to add other than to either allow him the opportunity to step up in the right situations or agree that next year we go after another QB in the draft. It's a gut feeling but something tells me if we shit the bed on Sanchez he goes to another team and destroys us for years to come. I base that last comment on his proven clutch ability on far more than one occasion.
  12. Jetsetter

    Jetsetter Active Member

    Aug 16, 2004
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    I happen to agree that Mark should have be set free to pass. Don't trust him to throw and wind-up with an INT? Then what is Tebow here for anyway? Sorry, the Jets should have played hurry-up, mix and match. It was way too conservative to hand-off to Green for modest gains. It's Mark's fourth year and it's now or never. Why can't they let Tebow pass? You know when the ball is snapped to him he will hold it and pick-up 3 to 4 yards.

    I have been a Rex supporter, but I'm beginning to change my mind. Rex isn't responsible for the sacks, dropped passes, fumbles and penalties. However, the clock management is awful and he gives Sporano (offensive genius at work) too much control. If Shotty made those play calls this board would light-up.

    If I don't see some reason to change my opinion soon, I think Rex and Tony can join Tanny and Bradway on my trash heap. Not that anyone cares what I say in my end zone seats, but we could have won on Sunday. Conservative play killed the Jets.
  13. Milliner is your Mommy

    Milliner is your Mommy Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    Ducasse I thought played well. He is freaking massive so on the interior of the line he does well because he is hard to get around. If he played tackle he would probably get beat on the outside all the time. He needs to learn how to help the people around him better but I thought he did well in run blocking and pass protection for the most part. I think he could be a good replacement for Moore next year.
  14. TurkJetFan

    TurkJetFan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    herein lies the problem.
  15. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    This is a good article. They have to loosen the reins, if for no other reason then to get a better idea about the NYJ future at the QB position.

    They let him throw 41 times on sunday but in the key moment after the McCourty fumble they put the shackles back on. That is telling. Let the man throw in the situation, especially on 1st down with 2:01 left where an incomplete pass means nothing, and Sanchez had success all day threw the air. If not then - then when???

    Ultimately its Rex's call because he's running this ship, but I blame Sparano. The guy made a living out of playing safe, taking the ball out of your QBs hands and kicking field goals... That's no way to win the big games. That'll get you regular season wins against inferior opponents, but if you want to play with the big boys you have to be agressive and go for TDs. I have NO respect for that style of play calling. Schottenheimer had a lot of bonehead moments, but at least he played for TDs...

    They got to start trusting Sanchez in these moments. If they get burned, then so be it, they can look elsewhere at the QB position. Sanchez is in his 4th year, he's played on the big stage before and he's delivered before. He's shown he can recover from early mistakes and finish late in the game, in his career. It's time to find out if those moments were the exception to the rule, or if that's the kind of QB he is.
  16. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Conservative play calling on the last drive cost the Jets. Otherwise Sanchez threw the ball 41 times and down the field that is not conservative play calling. Edit: Sanchez connected on nine plays of 15 yards or more that is not conservative play calling

    Conservative play calling is what the Pats do don't throw the ball over 6 yds.
    #16 cval, Oct 23, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2012
  17. TheGreenCantona

    Dec 14, 2010
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    This has been tried before. Increasing Sanchez count will lead to more mistakes.

    The result against NE was good as was the stats, but he is just too inconsistent and inaccurate to be trusted. There was at least 2-3 passes that sailed on the receivers and that did not end up as INT. On another day, this will happen, especially if you increase the passcount.
    Also he just doesn't see the open man, worst was when sanchez spent 4-5 seconds ignoring Reuland or ignoring Greene on the INT. (even swedish commentators called one of Brady's pass into double coverage a "sanchez pass"! not sure if that is a slight on sanchez or me)
    I can accept sanchez being our QB and build around him, but do not pretend that he ever will be a solution, especially not if you 'set him free'.
  18. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Playing it "safe" isn't going to win you anymore games with this Jets team. They don't have the #1 defense so teams will score on us more-often than in the first two years. Either let the QB make the plays - or get rid of him. He's not a game manager type of QB - Jets can't afford to give him that role any longer.
  19. TheGreenCantona

    Dec 14, 2010
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    Sanchez is much better than a middle to late pick in 2013 draft will be in his first 2 seasons.

    Also I think he is better than a lot of FA QBs that we could pick up.

    Why does it have to be 'Air it out' or get rid of, i would let him continue with my full backing but grooming a replacement from the draft over next couple of years.
  20. NFL

    NFL Active Member

    Apr 2, 2012
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    They really do need to let him go off. He'll know that if he can't handle it he'll be gone. This way if he shows he can play we keep him and change our gameplans a bit if not then we know to draft another QB. I think that he'll work better in a Brady-type offense. Last game there was a drive of 92 yards I believe that he went 9/10 and we scored. And like someone else above said I got a gut feeling that if we let him go he will step up with a new offensive scheme. Im scared of him going to the Patriots to be honest. He will advance his level on that team. Basically, eather let him loose, or let him go.

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