Mark Sanchez sucks

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TNJet, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. Longsuffering88

    Longsuffering88 Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    I WAS talking about regular season

    As for Brees, look at his body of work.... Duh
  2. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Yep, I've said elsewhere that with the his cap numbers he's all but 100% assured to be at least a Jet next season, cutting him actually costs the team cap space so it's actually cheaper to keep him than cut him. But after the 2013 season he's fair game to be cut, traded or what ever. Which is why I've said I hope he can turn his career around and at least climb to being an average NFL QB.
  3. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    What we saw yesterday is exactly how the league is designed. Mediocre teams are in the hunt all over the AFC this year. It's tough to win games on the road unless you are in a class above the mediocre, a handful of teams in the NFC this year where the real action is.

    Sanchez stats are a result of the schedule and the new O. They will get better as we play lesser opponents and the O starts to gel. Does that make him a great NFL QB? No but he is miles better then any other QB on our roster and gives us the best chance to win and possibly make the playoffs.

    Those arguing to bench him because he isn't a top 5 NFL QB are stating the obvious but they fail to mention that we don't have a top 5 NFL QB on our roster which might actually be relevant.

    We beat up on a bad team at home, exactly what teams that are mediocre need to do to be in the hunt. Good job by the coaching staff and the QB.
  4. jlee499

    jlee499 Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    The bolded portion of the quoted comment is what truely upsets me with Jets fans. How can anyone on this site, unless they are Nostradamus, possibly predict how McElroy will perform in the NFL without first giving him the opportunity. All I have to judge by is how they each did in college, since McElroy has only been allowed to play in preseason with the 2nd team players. And as for the so-called "experts" who predict who will pass or fail they are guessing along with everyone on here.

    The stats look pretty comparable to me and one played in the SEC while the other played in the PAC10.


  5. reverseapachemaster

    Mar 18, 2012
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    Can't the same be said for every back up/practice team QB in the NFL?

    Did you not see him during preseason? Do you not think the coaches know what he looks like in practice?
  6. jlee499

    jlee499 Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    For the most part, sure... but I didn't follow/watch every back-up QB in college for 4years. I did with McElroy and know that he has intangibles that do not show up in the stats from college or on the practice field. I also think he performed very well in preseason.

    And just so I get this across... I'm not saying get rid of a good QB and blindly replace him with McElroy or any back-up. What I am saying is, enough with these blanket statements that we do not have a QB on the roster who can perform as well as Sanchez, without first giving them a chance.
    #846 jlee499, Oct 15, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2012
  7. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    look, i get that as jet fans we are used to a rapid change in culture every couple of years. but that sort of turnaround is not conducive to a winning environment. this team has enjoyed more success under sanchez than a lot of other qbs the team has had. we have yet to have a losing season with our current coach and people are already calling for him to be fired. i dont know how many of you were insincere when you said this but i certainly was not. REX RYAN IS OUR GUY. we ride him till the end. he WILL win a superbowl. there is no denying the fire that was lit under this team as soon as he entered the organization. we are still only a few pieces away, and i hate to break it to you, but that means leaving mark right where he is. they seem to be keeping mcelroy around, so he will likely be the next man up, but dont expect the coaches to even consider that until next year, and thats even doubtful if the team makes the playoffs, which with the state of the nfl, is still a possibility for the jets.

    the media likes to trash the jets constantly, and i get that it is irritating and grading and it just kinda makes you almost want to trash them too. but there is no reason to doubt this team. last year was fucked up, but we got rid of the offensive system that held us back. now the team faces a different set of issues, yet still remains in the hunt, and the sky is falling? teams face new problems every year, its an inevitability. the defense under rex has never been a problem, we have a new offense. the jets glass is half-full not half-empty. our rookies look promising, our younger guys are stepping up. thats whats supposed to happen in the nfl, you dont go around buying the next big name just cause you are scared of your unproven players. they need a chance to prove themselves right? fuck.

    mark sanchez may not be the best qb in the nfl, but hes a good qb, one who has taken us a game away from the super bowl twice, and has yet to have a losing season as a jet. he is our man for the foreseeable future. we ride with him. quit crying for a new guy all the time.
  8. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Are you actually quoting college stats to make an argument for comprable NFL performance?:rofl:
  9. wildaces

    wildaces Banned

    Jan 3, 2008
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    I have said it before, package Revis and Sanchez and trade away the salary. That is our best option, IMO. If you think Revis is not going to hold out next year after going on IR your crazy. Therefore, We will have 20 plus million in these 2 players next year.
  10. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    but bro, he like watched all of the guys plays for 4 years. the scouts would never watch that many plays of a guy they wanted to draft and pay potentially millions of dollars.
  11. jlee499

    jlee499 Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Are you actually questioning whether I am or not when I obviously am?

    How do you think the experts predict draft position in the NFL Draft if not by performance in college and the many camps that take place prior to the draft? How do you think teams decide who and where 'future' players are drafted if not by performance in college? Every player in the NFL was once a player in college and what they did there got them drafted to the NFL.

    So don't give me this "are you actually using college stats" crap!

    Apparently you don't read the comments by the poster you are attempting to ridicule prior to zeroing in on what will make you look knowledgeable or important when you respond.

    I stated in an earlier post that "And just so I get this across... I'm not saying get rid of a good QB and blindly replace him with McElroy or any back-up. What I am saying is, enough with these blanket statements that we do not have a QB on the roster who can perform as well as Sanchez, without first giving them a chance."
  12. jlee499

    jlee499 Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Another 'smart ass' heard from! Thank you for your intelligent "but bro" response.
  13. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    but bro, he was drafted in the seventh round, he should totally be starting over the number 5 pick with a 4-2 postseason record after his second year as a third string back up. look at the tape bro.
  14. jlee499

    jlee499 Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    "but bro", did I at any point in my posts say McElroy should be starting over Sanchez or anyone? In case you don't know the answer, it's no, bro. All I am trying to get across to the 'so-called intelligent fan, in your own mind' is that blanket statements about our third string QB, not being any good, is premature without first seeing him play in a game.

    Sorry if I used too many words for you.
  15. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    its not a blanket statement to say that mark is a better qb than mcelroy. the guy hasnt even earned a chance to be the back up yet. his college tape means shit. everybody in the nfl has a highlight reel, its why they made it to the nfl.
  16. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Look, there's no reason short of injury to ever put an inferior player in at any position.

    On the Jets right now Sanchez >>> Tebow > McElroy.

    That's just what it is. Could McElroy function as a game manager if both of the people in front of him went down? Probably not with the personnel on this team right now. Could he function well as a game manager with a good running attack and a few good WR's? Absolutely.

    Of course if the Jets looked like that Sanchez wouldn't be on the way out of town.
  17. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Think of it this way: when was the last time a short QB with an inferior arm played well in the NFL for more than a couple of games before he was found out and sent back to the bench?

    I can't think of any on the Jets since Brooks Bollinger. I don't watch the other teams enough to know if it has happened elsewhere but I think Colt McCoy probably comes the closest.
  18. jlee499

    jlee499 Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    God! You don't have very good reading comprehension... the blanket statements are that 'McElroy is no good', not that Sanchez is better then him. Of course, at this stage, Sanchez is the better QB, but to say McElroy is not good based on nothing is idiotic. You are using my own argument that making it to the NFL is based on performance in college (highlight reel).
  19. jlee499

    jlee499 Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Agreed, and I have never stated that McElroy has a good chance of being the exception. My only gripe with all of the 'experts' on here is to say he is no good, without ever seeing him play a down in a real NFL game.
  20. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    you were arguing with people that said that sanchez is the best qb on our roster. i never said a thing about mcelroy, but sanchez is clearly the best qb on our roster, and comparing their college tape is just pointless, which is all i chimed in about, but you chose to get mad at me and argue with me like i was in on it the whole time.

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