Why is suggesting Tebow Sacrilege?

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by RMorin, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. kubernetes

    kubernetes New Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Yeah, it actually makes sense to put Tebow in at this point.

    Even if Sanchez were the better passer (debateable now), who is going to catch the ball? Denver was in the same position last year, with a corps of middling and rookie WRs. A pass-heavy attack is just a non-starter now with Holmes out.


    If they do make the switch, don't announce it. The Jets could easily steal a game or two by playing "Guess the QB this weekend." Start Tebow next week and Sanchez the week after. Defenses will have to prep for two different QBs, not knowing who will start.
  2. John Chisum

    John Chisum Banned

    Sep 11, 2012
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    You are too logical (I mean that as a compliment). But Tebow defies logic. I'm joking but I'm serious about that too. I am here because of the miraculous games that happened last year. Wondering if some of that will happen here as well.
  3. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    If he wins and keeps winning, you'll watch.
  4. NYJets82

    NYJets82 New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    IMO it's not that he defies logic, it's that he defies convention. People have a hard time reconciling the fact that he can't do what other quarterbacks do with the fact that he still outperforms a lot of them. Tebow struggles with things that almost every other quarterback in the league can do easily, and he looks bad doing it. So it's natural to say he sucks. But he does a lot of other things better than a lot of quarterbacks. When you actually look at the numbers (and the results), his overall efficiency is roughly equivalent to a bottom-third starting QB in the league -- and he happens to be clutch, so he's gotten a few more wins than a typical bottom-third QB.

    He's still below average, but he's better than he gets credit for.
  5. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    When the bus is low on gas, the radiator is overheating, the tires are all flat, and the dispatcher doesn't know the route, and the bus company refuses or fails to biy the right replacement parts, is bringing in new bus driver the solution or even a solution?

    This team does nothing well. It can't run the ball, the receivers can't get open or catch the ball consistently, the defense can't stop the run at all and there is no pass rush. Add in that there are no outlets for Sanchez to use on passing plays . The RBs are not even part of the passing game (most can't catch and the CS doesn't seem to want to give McNight a shot even though he is the only semi-dynamic offensive player) and the TE has played for one drive in 4 games. Who exactly is Sanchez supposed to throw to when that three second clock goes off in his head.

    When you make the list of things that are wrong with this team, QB is down the list, but because the Jets stupidly brought Tebow here, this is the BS we have to deal with. The QB controversy was created the day Tebow was signed by the media and the multitude of Tebowmaniacs.

    Play the season with Sanchez and fix the team in the offseason. If that means starting over with a new QB (and GM and CS) so be it. But in the 2012 NFL teams need to pass to win. A college offense is not going to work, especially with the current personnel. I pay $105 a ticket to watch this team play 8 times a year. If I want to watch a spread option offense, I can $3 and watch my local HS team.

    Denver did not get rid of Tebow because they signed manning. They signed Manning so they could get rid of Tebow. He is not the answer. Fix the bus, not the bus driver.
  6. John Chisum

    John Chisum Banned

    Sep 11, 2012
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    You and I have the same opinion of TT. What you said is how I feel. Tebow is one of my heroes honestly. I believe in everything he brings to a team. I think he can be successful as a qb. "Bradysucks" seems like a knowledgeable football fan and one who thinks differently than us, but the type of guy you can have a good conversation with. Read through some of my posts about Tebow. We sound the same
  7. NYJets82

    NYJets82 New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Meh, agree to disagree regarding college offenses in the NFL. The spread has already made its way to the NFL and it's been extremely successful. The Patriots were the ones that introduced it. The spread option may not make the leap, but the reason these offenses don't work in the NFL has more to do with injuries and less to do with X's and O's. The X's and O's are just as solid as pro-style, and could theoretically be just as successful. The problem is that most teams won't experiment unless they're deficient on talent, so when they're introduced, you have C-rate talent running the schemes.

    I also think you're blowing the team's problems out of proportion. We have an average defense and an average OL. Our RBs are slightly below average. Our receivers are (now) well below average, but they were fine before Hill and Holmes went down. And our QB is well below average. Sanchez is our biggest problem. Plug a top 10 QB into this team, and we'd be playoff bound.
  8. Ryan76

    Ryan76 New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Put him in already. He is bigger than linebackers. Who cares about passing anymore, win nasty. Tired of this offense. Make it a slugfest every sunday, save the pretty for NE. I like it dirty.
  9. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    This is pretty much how I see it and it's no shot intended at Tebow. This team needs to get its feet on the ground or alternately we need a new pilot to guide it through the shoals and I mean well above the level of QB.
  10. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I think at this point Tebow needs to be on the field most of the time in the role he has been, not in place of Sanchez. Losing Holmes was one of our weapons, so if you're short on weapons why have Tim Tebow on the bench? Instead of bringing him in for one play when everyone knows he's getting the ball, leave him out there to block, run and throw and mix it up. Diffuses the QB controversy angle because you leave Sanchez in at QB and get Tebow involved.
  11. MexicanJet

    MexicanJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2010
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    THIS. Plus Tebow had 2 monster blocks on Sunday vs the niners.
  12. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    1. I agree that, Sanchez is lesser of the problem.

    2. Face it. The scouting department SUCKS.

    3. Organizational philosophy does not exist. We all know it does not exist when you see a franchise draft its franchise QB, then not only it ignores supplying that said QB with necessary protection and weapon, but also deprives what little weapon he had already, and ignores the deficiency for a prolong period of time.

    4. Thus, in that regard, Sanchez is a scapegoat. Not that it is not his fault - yes. He sucks. But the Jets, as an organization, did almost completely NOTHING to help him. (And that fuck Cav is still the QB coach. 'Nuff said.)

    5. And the OL, once the strength and pride of the offense, has deteriorated beyond recognition. Thanks to constant negligence. Probably, the departure of Callahan has to do something with that too.

    6. Another disturbing trend I see is... Rex's performance draws very similar performance curve as that of Herm Edwards. Only... a few wins more consistently (which should be a sign that Rex is indeed better than the Masturbator) but both cling to veterans to a fault as well. That part worries me to no end. Courtney Upshaw - who Ravens stole with 2nd round pick - ALREADY contributes at critical moments. Same can't be said about Jets young players - they are not even given the chance, if at all.
    #172 Zach, Oct 3, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012
  13. JaxSuzy

    JaxSuzy Banned

    May 19, 2012
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    This idea sounds fun
  14. kubernetes

    kubernetes New Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    I watched Tebow pretty extensively last year (who didn't), and my understanding was that he's not a bad QB per se, but he's horribly inconsistent.

    In the games that he won last year, he would play three quarters of just awful awful football, and then in the 4th he would put up elite efficiency numbers. Overall, his stats were comparable to Blaine Gabbert's, but whereas Gabbert was just consistently bad, Tebow bounced between terribad and HAM.

    All the stuff about mechanics and form are beside the point, IMO. Ever seen Philip Rivers throw? He looks like he's shot-putting the ball, but no one complains as long as it gets to where it's supposed to go. I have no issue with Tebow's mechanics--it's just that when he's bad he's really bad.
  15. Ryan76

    Ryan76 New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    All this bashing is making me turn to root for Sanchez. It's one thing to be pissed at your brother, but when people you don't know start in... I really liked Tebow comin here. I wanted to see the run, I didn't care if we won a ring with Trent Dilfer. But I think... I've had a change of heart. Sick of them bashing of our cappachino hipster qb. Who by the way, has handled this off the field like a pro.
  16. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    beleive it or not the reson that Denvers offense came alive in the 4th quarter is because they let Tebow throw more. Last year Tebow only threw the ball on 38% of plays total. Of his pass attempt fully 43% occurred in the 4th quarter.

    Breaking that down for the first 3 quarters on the game he threw basically 30% of the time or less(ridiculous seldom) in the 4th quarter he threw about 60% of the time(pretty avg for a nfl qb)

    the broncos scored 4.3 pts/game in the 1st qtr, .54 in the 2nd, 4.6 in the 3rd and 7.63 in the 4th. The struggles in the first 3 quarters are largely blamed on tebows passing ability, but in reality he had very little actual control over the game at that pooint as the majority of playcalls were runs
  17. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    That would be so great. smart and innovative and could work.
  18. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    (sigh) because they would let him throw and use the spread option in the 4th
  19. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    how is 18 TDs in 11 starts terrible? over 16 games that translates to 27 TD's. how many qbs had 27 total touchdowns last year?

    answer: 11

    factor in it was tebows first year as a starter as well. (sanchez had 15 and 20 in his first 2 seasons) now im not saying its elite, but calling it "terrible" is just hogwash.
  20. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    the notion that tebow played terrible for the first three quarters, and played well in the 4th is a complete myth. what was really at work was this:

    Tebow passing attempts, by quarter, per game:

    1st: 2.6 attempts
    2nd: 3.2 attempts
    3rd: 3.9 attempts
    4th: 9.2 attempts

    It isnt so much that he was awful early, but moreso that he simply wasnt used as a passer early. Whether you are peyton manning or ryan leaf, if you are only allowed to throw the ball 3 times every 15 minutes, or 1.5 times per possesion, its going to be extremely difficult to make an impact, or to get any kind of rhythm. granted, he is very inaccurate, but not being allowed to throw consistently doesnt help that.

    In the 4th, he wasnt really better, so much as he was used as a passer. he had 13 times more shotun snaps on pass plays in the 4th. he threw beyond 5 yards almost 5 times as often.

    Another point, for everyone who wants to harp on the 45% completions thing. if tebow had completed 2 more passes per contest, he would be a 56% passer. 3 more a game puts him at 60%. granted, still not great, but more appealing to the eye. its not like he was a guy who threw it 30-35 times at 45%. he threw 18 times a game, and half of those passes were spread out over 3 quarters, with really no chance to get any rhythm.
    #180 jerseyjay14, Oct 3, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012

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