Why is suggesting Tebow Sacrilege?

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by RMorin, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. al_toon_88

    al_toon_88 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    I don't care what anybody says.

    At this point I'd rather see Tebow out there as the starter. At least he plays with heart and doesn't quit. At least he can pick up a 1st down with his legs and average more than 2.0 YPC.

    It can't get any worse than this. We don't have any WRs anyway, so who cares if Tebow can't pass.
  2. RochesterJet

    RochesterJet Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    Reality- The Jets Offense is offensive at this point. However, a change to Tim Tebow at this point is un-realistic. By making Tim the starter, the Jets would need to have a set of packages to make a switch possible. Defenses would consistently employ 8 guys in the box, single high safety and press the corners (much like we did last year when we played Denver). To be successful at attacking this type of defense a team NEEDS the correct personnel (on both sides of the ball). If the Jets make this switch (again, much like Denver did last year) we would have to have ample time to implement the Offense (I bet they have a few base plays already if not a few packages). If and maybe when the Jets do this (I would bet this would come either before or after the Miami game, week 7 or 8 to utilize the bye). Lets look at the personnel on the Offensive side of the Ball

    RB- This is where Joe McKnight may have some value as an outside pitch option, Hilliard is another interesting option. Lance Ball last year was an option RB in college, I would like to see Gangway re-signed if we make this switch.

    WR- I actually think we have the personnel to run the option at the WR position now that Tone is on IR. Both Hills are big (S.Hill has roots in the option), Turner is a big mauling WR, as is Schillens. There is some speed there too for a deep threat.

    TE- Keller gives us some versatility but not enough in the blocking department, this is an area that would need to be upgraded, maybe stone hands Becht?

    O-Line- Our tackles are athletic enough to run it, Brick, and Jason Smith have Great feet, kick Howard inside or upgrade Slauson (not a mauler) for Vlad). I think there is some real raw power, not to mention Mangold (having a bit of a down year so far).

    Will we, who knows…could we…I think so.
  3. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    There is nothing in Tebow's history that would suggest he would lose more games as a starer than he would win. Not even at the NFL level. There is actually more evidence that he could help a struggling team find an identity and somewhat succeed when given up for dead. Also its awful that you would root against your own player because of a bias.

    I do not think there has ever been a single human being that has said that. I offered $100 via paypal to anyone that could even find me one quote from a forum poster or the media that said it was all Tebow and no one ever could....ever...so stop perpetuating that nonsense because...again no one has ever said it.

    Tebow set the all time record for fourth quarter comebacks in first 16 starts at 6, so he shitted on opposing teams pretty hard as well.

    Also you are right that Tebow was not the only reason the Broncos completely turned around that abysmal record and ended 8-5 with a playoff win , obviously special teams and defense were a huge part.

    BUT without Tebow the Broncos do not go 8-5 and into the playoffs , as Tebow is one of the 3 pieces that were necessary to get that accomplished (Quinn and Orton would not have had that success running the same offense) defense and special teams being the other two .

    Therefore Tebow deserves as much credit for the turn around as the defense and the kicking game and if not as much quite a bit (he was one of the 3 pieces)

    here since you are comparing mark's last 16 games here are Tebow's ONLY 16 games (including 2 in post season and 3 from rookie year)

    Total Yards: 3835
    Passing : 2885
    Rushing: 950
    Total TDs : 32
    Interceptions: 9
    Fumbles lost: 7
    Completion percentage: 47.3%
    QB rating: 77.1 (includes post season)

    Classic mistake. You are confusing OVER coverage with FAVORABLE coverage. tebow IS over covered but 95% of the analyst rip him and mock him without mercy.

    I would have disagreed with you when I signed up a year ago (before Tebow came here) but I am starting to see this is actually a real issue.

    rare TDs? he has 32 TDs in 16 starts and and small appearances in 7 games before this season. He was also the #1 threat to score in the red zone in the entire NFL last year per attempts.

    Funniest post (by far) in the entire thread LOL

    That is just hyperbole and opinion :

    Tebow career stats 16 starts (includes 2 playoff games and 3 starts his rookie year) .

    Total Yards: 3835
    Passing : 2885
    Rushing: 950
    Total TDs : 32
    Interceptions: 9
    Fumbles lost: 7
    Completion percentage: 47.3%
    QB rating: 77.1 (includes post season)

    If you are bringing up games from anything other than last year then I'll do the same back at you....what happened with the Steelers?
    #123 CowboysFan, Oct 3, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012
  4. AarontheJet

    AarontheJet Active Member

    Jul 30, 2011
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    You're a hypocrite.
  5. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I get that Tebow fans really like him. I don't begrudge you guys that. I just ask you to understand that the skepticism of fans on Tebow that is based on his performance is wholly justified by the results has has shown post-Florida.

    As a lifelong Jets fan I can't help but see Tim Tebow as the coming of a demon to further torment what has been a historically troubled franchise. If I'm wrong I will happily take that and enjoy the fruits of his labors. I'm usually not wrong about stuff like this.
  6. JaxSuzy

    JaxSuzy Banned

    May 19, 2012
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    What? Can you be more specific with your feedback?
  7. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I get what you are saying and as a tebow fan I really appreciate that you say you will root for him if he is on the field (as it still shocks me when I hear people wanting him to fail at all cost when he is on their own team) but I think another issue is that fans that did not see every snap of every game last year get all their info from the Merill Hoge's and Stephen A's and Boomer Esiason's of the world.

    As an example, I know you are an intelligent poster, you and I have debated many items in the past. But you yourself said this comment "tebow's rare Tds" which is an outrageous comment. if anything he gets into the end zone WAY out proportion when compared to his attempts. he has 32 rushing and passing TDs in 16 starts and appearances (for a few plays) in 7 other games. its not rare for him to get into the end zone. yeah there were low scoring games last year but a bunch were not and the ones that were low scoring saw tebow being the one to score on the ground or the air, or a lot of times both.
    #127 CowboysFan, Oct 3, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012
  8. reverseapachemaster

    Mar 18, 2012
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    More playing in god mode with Tebow.
  9. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I guess until it is dis proven it wont go away and guess what? it has not been dis proven yet.
  10. NYJets82

    NYJets82 New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    What about the regular old Jets fans that want to grade Tebow and Sanchez on the same scale? I am not a Tebow fan. I happen to think the guy gets more crap than he deserves (how many 24 year old QBs make the playoffs with a team that went 4-12 the year before, win a playoff game, and still get called terrible 20 times a day?), but ultimately, my interest in popping Tebow into the line-up has more to do with getting rid of Sanchez than anything else.

    Sanchez is still being held up like some kind of potential franchise QB even as he loses and ranks in the bottom 5-10 of every passing category known to man, while also challenging the league lead in turnovers. He's a really, really bad quarterback. Objectively speaking, his passing efficiency last season was very similar to Tebow's -- and he didn't add any of the rushing value that Tebow did. But nobody has any problem calling Tebow terrible, while you've still got people comparing Sanchez to Eli Manning.

    I know that if Tebow gets in and sucks, he's gone after this season -- or possibly he stays on as a back-up. Either way, nobody is going to be deluded into building around him unless he somehow sneaks us into the playoffs. And even then, there'd be a lot of skepticism. With Sanchez, he could go 5-11 and suck as badly as he did last year, but there'd still be a good portion of the fan-base (and possibly the front office) that want to build around him and hope he becomes something he's never going to become.
  11. reverseapachemaster

    Mar 18, 2012
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  12. RMorin

    RMorin Member

    Oct 3, 2009
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    Are you being purposely obtuse about how math works? Total TD's means nothing because the amount of passes are not even close! You have to use a percentage.

    What you are suggesting is like saying a baseball player that has 250 hits on 1000 at bats is better than a player who has 200 hits in 500 at bats because 250 is greater than 200! It does not mathematically compute.
  13. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Cmon Ouchy, we both know Sanchez wasn't the most stable of Qb's even before Tebow's arrival. They stayed with Brunnell so that Sanchez wouldn't feel threatened and perhaps even give the kid a little cred as a "leader" of a veteran team. Both AFCCG losses not withstanding, the kid was in over his head from the start and on the job training neither took hold NOR did the kid any favors. Neither did his FO/CS show a lot of faith in Sanchez by bringing in Tebow and suddenly start espousing the Ground n Pound thereby taking the ball out of the kid's hands. Sanchez should have had a clipboard and watched an established pro run the offense his first several years. That did not happen and it hurt the kid.

    We can bench Sanchez. We can throw Tebow in the deep end and see what happens. We also know that Sanchez is not as emotionally mature as he needs to be to stay in the league for a long time or play in the TriState area under the microscope that is the media here. You really want to see more pouting out of a kid that just got extended for 2 more years at a high price and for all intent and purposes is untradeable at this point? At the rate Sanchez is going and where he's headed, He's well on the way to David Carr land. That is, career backup and that's if he's lucky. Maybe a year or two in the CFL might help him. Who knows..
  14. RMorin

    RMorin Member

    Oct 3, 2009
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    You need to stop. There are a lot of good people in this thread having a legitimate conversation about the benefits and risks of a QB change. You are spouting absolute drivel using classic selection bias.
  15. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    That might be the title of the post but that's not what he saying in the article ironically enough. Also when I said "human being or media " I meant the actual forums I am posting it in or a crdible media source , find it on gang green or a real media source (not a crakcpot ) and I'll paypal you the $100
  16. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    I appreciate your stance, my only point would be that I don't think 16 games under the worst circumstances is enough to evaluate a QB's starting potential. I am curious to see how Tebow will do next year in the preseason, but have no desire to see him thrown in at this point with a taped together offensive plan to try to squeeze out what will amount to 0-3 additional wins on a banged up team
  17. soh_vet

    soh_vet Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2005
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    when did TGG become full of online psychologists? i call bullshit about Sanchez's fragile ego. When the Mannings sulk are they fragile? How about Rivers? etc etc. if you or the team doesn't play well it shows. If he was "rah-rah" after failing drives, you all would think he's nuts. If Timmy gets up screaming, that's "passion", not "aggravation". GTFO with all (everyone!) bullshit regarding benching Sanchez fragile psyche. Please, make more shit up, monday morning QB/Psychologists.

    And for the record, I'm all for limiting his touches a game if he continues to suck. Or even bench him for a game. He's a big (rich) boy, he can handle it.
  18. RochesterJet

    RochesterJet Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    I would actually argue that a Tebow offense is much better than the traditional offense with the lack of parts we currently have...
  19. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    So after stating your nonsense post from before and were called on it, you went and did some research, research you should have done before.

    Career Backup! Oh you meant to say you predict he will be a career backup. Only that's not what you said.

    Heh, nice backpedaling.

    Hey no one including me is predicting that McElroy would do great. I only think he deserves a chance, and I have seen him in two pre-seasons, and he has looked promising. See what we have in him is what i am saying. And not making assumptions about him as you are doing.

    Career backup. Heh.

    And it would have been far better form for you to admit you were caught lying than to try and push that off by calling me a psycho. If I am a psycho, at least I am right. You are wrong and about your mental state? Well, it's not stand up, to be sure.

    Next time admit when you were wrong. I am sure that will be very soon, so you can't say you forgot my advice.
  20. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Let me put it to you this way: let's say Tim Tebow takes over midway through the Texans game next week and then leads the Jets to 20 TD's over the last 11.5 games of the season. Let's say he scores 6 of those himself.

    How comfortable is he going to be Tebowing on his first score with the Jets down 35-14 at the time?

    How comfortable is he going to be Tebowing a bit later on in the season with the boobirds descending on the Jets offense like a horde of ravening crows because the offense is no better with him at the helm than it was with Sanchez, maybe worse?

    20 TD's in 11.5 games is pretty bad for an offense. To give you an idea the Jet's offense has already scored 6 TD's in 4 games and the fans are nearly berserk over how bad they've looked - a feeling that I share. Can you imagine what they'll be like when the offensive ineptitude continues for an entire season?

    The look I saw in Tim Tebow's eyes as Sanchez was coming off the field after the fumble on Sunday was telling. He had this "please, don't do this to me" look of disappointment on his face. Not an "Aha! I'm going to take your job" look. It really was a "Good Lord I can't turn that around, you need to fix this" look. He's right. Sanchez needs to fix this or it's going to be broken all season.

    Tim Tebow is not going to be Tebowing for his own glorification when the Jets are a burning ship.

    He's really screwed. think about it.

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