To The Mark Sanchez Defenders

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Graytness, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. fozzi58

    fozzi58 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Ok so this is my argument with the haters.

    Why are we giving up on Sanchez so quick then? You're completely contradicting yourself. If you give up on Peyton because he sucked his first six years in the league (I was at the 41-0 drubbing of the Colts by our "noodle armed QB) and had no early post season success, then why are you giving up on Sanchez who HAS HAD early post-season success and is slumping in year 4 with 0 talent around him. Build up the talent a little more around him and he may turn it around.

    Sanchez is no seasoned Manning or Brady and I don't expect him to carry this team all by himself - too early.

    But if you think the Colts or vaGiants were going to give up on the Mannings because of early struggles then we are really headed for a disaster. It seems Woody and the fan base are pushing this franchise's buttons.

    This constant QB and coaching carousel does nothing but set the team back every few years. Everyone wants to win now - but bringing in new people is a band-aid.

    If this year is a flop - then so be it. I say stay the course. Draft another "supposed" savior QB this draft or next and then make the switch if the new QB can outplay Mark.
  2. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    It's hard to make the Smith vs Sanchez argument though because through 4 years Smith was worse than what Sanchez has shown so far. He turned the ball over just as much and the 49ers didn't score as much and were a bottom third offense

    You have to realize that the 49ers drafted Frank Gore the same year they drafted Alex Smith. They drafted Vernon Davis the year after that. When the three of those guys got their feet on the ground the offense for the 49ers was established. That's why Alex Smith is enough right now. The 49ers put enough young talent around him to grow with and after a lot of growing pains it all kicked into gear.

    This is Alex Smith's 7th season with the 49ers. In the 7 seasons including the one he was picked in the 49ers have drafted a lot of offensive talent around him.

    2005 - The first 4 picks, a QB, G, RB and T. 2 WR's and 2 TE's late.
    2006 - TE on the 1. WR on 3,4 and 6.
    2007 - T on the 2nd 1. WR on the 3.
    2008 - G on the 2, C on the 4. WR on the 6.
    2009 - WR on the 1. RB on the 3. WR on the 6.
    2010 - T on the 1. G on the 1. RB, TE, WR in the 6.
    2011 - QB on the 2. RB on 4. OL, WR, OL in 5,6,7.

    You want to know why Alex Smith and the 49ers offense worked out in the end? Because the 49ers have spent 30 picks on offense since 2005 including 6 1st round picks, 4 2nd round picks and 5 3rd round picks on that side of the ball.

    Since 2005 the Jets have exercised a total of 24 picks on the offensive side of the ball including 4 1st round picks, 3 2nd round picks and 1 3rd round pick.

    You get out of the process what you put into the process and that's why the Jets offense sucks right now. And the guys they picked obviously have been really iffy. Vlad Ducasse was the first guy taken from UMass in like 8 seasons and the first guy taken as high as the 2nd round since Richard Nixon was President.
    #82 Br4d, Oct 2, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2012
  3. DemoIsland

    DemoIsland Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Sanchez deserves blame for his indecisive ways and costly turnovers. Niners game is prime time example, that fumble was extremely critical and killed a potential scoring drive. BUT, what help does he have? What WR does he have? What RB does he have? What O-Line does he have? The only good thing he has is Keller, and he has barely played. Flacco has one of the top RB in the NFL. 2 strong possession receivers, and a tough defense behind him.

    The JETS did NOTHING to help him. The offense was fine in 2010, why? They had weapons, Braylon, Santonio etc. We had play makers. I am not ready to write Sanchez of yet, not until they actually help the kid. Eli got help, Flacco got help, Ryan got help. Sanchez? None.
  4. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I think the odds on Sanchez succeeding here are very low at this point. He's in Richard Todd-land except the Jets whoopla machine (thanks Rex) has everybody thinking they're always on the verge of a Super Bowl when in fact they're really fighting to prevent a total collapse at this point.

    Expectations are everything and Sanchez would have to be a much better QB than he has shown lately to beat the ridiculous ones the Jets have set at this point.
  5. DemoIsland

    DemoIsland Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    I agree. I think Sanchez career in NY is done. BUT, will he find work else where? Of course. May he succeed? Its possible. Whose to say Broncos or Patriots don't pick him up and have Brady and Manning groom him out.

    Do you think Sanchez would have played well if he were in Flacco's position with the Ravens? I think he does just as good.
  6. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Sanchez and Flacco are similar quality QB's. Josh Freeman is similar. Jay Cutler was similar as a young QB. Jake Plummer was similar. You give these guys an offensive scheme that works and some talent around them and they prove out. You leave them on an island with little or no help and they flounder.

    Sanchez has a lot going against him because he's playing under a microscope in one of the worst media markets in the NFL. The Jets are and always have been the whipping boy in NY (except for the Namath years when the Giants sucked balls.) Sanchez was picked too high and then thrown into the ocean and told to swim. Sharks abound.
  7. CurbYourEnthusiasm

    CurbYourEnthusiasm Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2005
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    Because equating wins and losses to a single NFL player is a smart way to evaluate a QB.
  8. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    you don't win consistently w/ poor QB play. I don't care about fantasy #s, I care about making plays to win games like Makr did in Miami 2 weeks ago and has done more often than not in his 3+ years here.
  9. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I don't disagree with your point about using more picks on O, and that SF used their picks much more wisely than the Jets have in the Jets' last five years. But your comparison of Smith and Sanchez is out loud laughable. First four years????

    First of all Smith spent most of those four years dealing with injuries. He did not start his first year until the fifth game, but only started seven due to injuries. His first year was horrendous, but he showed SUBSTANTIAL improvement in his second year, unlike Sanchez whose improvement in his second year was marginal. Smith only had a 58% completion percentage in his second year, but his yards per attempt was 6.5 and his Qb rating was 74.8. Concededly those numbers were in Sanchez's second year ballpark, but came after his first year was not at all comparable. Not only was he injured and saw limited playing time, he had a new OC his second year.

    But even if you want to say their second years were similar, it breaks down after that. In his third year Smith got badly injured, his shoulder was separated in the fourth game of the season. He tried to come back a month later, but his season ended after being placed on IR. in his fourth year he missed the whole season after surgery on his shoulder.

    How you can pretend to draw legitimate comparisons of Smith's first four years with Sanchez is beyond me. I seriously do not get how at other times you make good points, and then lose total cred with that kind of nonsense. Were you not aware of Smith's real history, or you just didn't let it get in the way of your little Pro Sanchez "point"?

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