“You know, the thing that he did that was so amazing was he reminded me — and I don’t mean to throw names around —but he reminded me of a Tim Tebow that can pass,” - John Madden talking about RG3.
RG3 looked like the real deal against a good Saints team in the Superdome. I'm looking to see if he has rookie struggles, or if he continues in this manner. I liked what I saw though. The question is, will he have a better career than Luck? Those two will be referenced together like Manning and Leaf. Especially if one busts. Right now, they both look good.
I thought it was a good show. Not overly critical or slob knobby...pretty even. Steve Young had some good lines. He thinks he has the natural throwing talent to be good but he needs to take a step back (fundamentals) before he can move forward.
I agree. It was an interesting format how they jumped from different players who faced similar situations as Tebow individually, but then lumped it all together to show several "faces" of Tebow. I thought Namath, Flutie, Young, and Staubach were all good. Kordell was ok, but I just think he has too much of a chip on his shoulder and lets it get to him too much when asked to talk about Tebow. Slash was a great football player and he had his shot. There's nothing for him to be mad about still, though admittedly Cowher was kind of a dick to him.
Thanks. I think Im gonna go with Steve Young' opinion over a basement-dwelling forum junkie living with mom and dad.
I have to admit, it was surprising how effective it could be when you have a QB that can pass the ball taking the snaps. We'll see how defenses adjust to it.
You can say that again. I can't stand watching him talk about Tebow. Kordell has the biggest "racism" chip on his shoulder and it is really off-putting. What is amazing to me is why he thinks he can compare himself to Tebow? In Kordell's best year at Colorado in college, he wasn't remotely as productive - either passing or running - as Tebow was in his worst year at Florida. And Kordell did get his shot. Why is he mad at Tebow, who was far and away more accomplished as a college player and a passing QB, because Tebow is also getting his shot to be a QB in the NFL? Makes no sense and just makes Kordell look hyper-sensitive to the "race" aspect of it when there is a perfectly excellent "performance" explanation before even considering race as part of the equation.
Agreed. If Kordell played like Cunningham and Moon, he would have no chip on his shoulder. Additionally, where is this preferential treatment of Tebow by the NFL? He's been dissed and dismissed continually. Kordell has no leg to stand on. He just comes off as petty. Whatever happened to him is not Tebow's fault.
Got a chance to see it today, the show was actually as much about Namath, Flutie, Staubach, Young, Stewart than it was about Tebow. It was great well done.
huh? Griffin is smaller but he is a hell of a lot faster and shiftier than tebow ever thought of being. Tebow runs very well for a QB. I think Griffen runs well for any position. he ran a 4.41 40 in the combine man.. thats ferking fast. at any position!!! Tebow ran a 4.72. If they let him run I am sure Griffin will do very well in yards rushing and TD's. Hopefully the redskins coaching staff is smarter than that and tell him to keep his but in the pocket!
Griffin is a new and improved Mike Vick, with much better character. Problem for him is will get bent in half just like Vick, I'd be surprised if this guy can make it unscathed through a 16 game season.
So in one thread, you totally discount 3 cone, 20 yard shuttle, 60 yard shuttle as valuable numbers, and in this one you hang everything on 40 time? 40 time is not the be-all and end-all for every position, especially not QB. That's why they put them through so many drills. Tebow is incredibly quick and shifty, especially for his size, but pretty much by any measure.
Word. Tebow is deceptively agile. It's not like he's Refrigerator Perry. Tebow can juke people pretty well.
I understand what you mean, but a quibble with the term "juke." Tebow actually doesn't juke -- he uses all his quickness to choose a line and just hard cut. He's at his best as a one cut runner, and then prepares to crash with power. He's basically a great lateral quickness runner. Picking a hole and crashing through it.
Similiar speed, both with big-time arms. RG3 looks like he might also have a big-time brain, pretty obvious Vick doesn't.