I've seen a few people here complain about it, im not pulling this out of thin air. Lol. There's a few tebow supportrs here with a realistic view but most people are insane IMO. I think him as an H back split out wide is genius. The whole point of this all is for teams to spend time gameplanning on tebow packages. Not just the wildcat. I also think Tebow is enough of an athlete to contribute in these packages. The jets just had no need to show their hand since they were stomping the bills. And as far as your complaint that's understandable, but there's no need for tebow to be running the shotgun passing in a regular season game. That's one more snap that should e sanchez throwing IMO. Also there's no reason he can't work on being a qb in practice and the offseason and contribute in other ways come game day. He's just that athletic. Furthermore I think the jets are going to run him alot and setup alot of playaction passes for later in the year when Opposing DCs stop expecting the possibility of him passing more than they will be now. Wildcat, scripted options, H back, and playaction out of the wildcat and scripted option formations, and lastly QB if sanchez goes down. This is how I think he should be used and so far im confident this is how he will be used. People let this distract them from the fact that tebow will improve as a qb it is bound to happen, that's what practice, offensive meetings, and the offseason is for. Until then when you have a freak athlete you find ways to put him on the field the cliche but true " best 11 " theory
Is there any chance you could back up that statement with any proof ? 90% of tewbow fans think Sanchez should start and Tebow has upside and potential. 90% of tebow haters think he should be cut and should not play in the NFL who is insane again?
heres the deal. I actually don't think he is a freak athlete. He is big for a QB and Strong for a QB but he's not exceptionally fast nor shifty. He doesn't possess a howitzer for an arm nor does he have elite hand-eye or footwork / quickness. He has a shit-ton of heart, which gives him some advantages but he isn't a freak athlete. He doesn't block very well nor run routes. so... I dont get the freak athlete tag. Hes a big guy with a lot of strength that happens towant to play QB. Bo Jackson was a freak athlete, Jim Thorpe was a freak athlete. Tim Tebow... not so much.
90 percent huh you did the poll yourself huh, that's impressive. I never said anything id consider over the top about tebow one way or the other. so don't know why your trying to infer I have no idea what im talking about. Did I ever say he should be cut? My name isn't Boomer Esiason. Maybe your so used to having to explain yourself against overreacting critics your jumping the gun on me. Take a chill pill. Also pulling stats out of your ass like the 90 percent thing doesn't help, im not against tebow. I just call it like I see it. He's got the potential to develop as a qb but he will never "win" the job from sanchez. Love him as a player though. And the rest of what I said about him isn't outlandish otherwise you'd have quoted that too.
No those two were all world type athletes. Tebow is quicker than you give him credit for. Just cause the highlights show him intiating cotact doesn't mean that's all he offers. It requires quickness and vision to make the plays he has. And never did I infer he ran routes well. What I like about him splitting out and doing other roles is teams have to at least keep an eye on him and respect the possibility of him getting the ball in his hands. He doesn't have a howiter for an arm, no. But he puts plenty zip on the ball. He's just looks like he's throwing drunk half the time with how wildly inaccurate he can be. And sadly that's most of the time. From what you said it sounds like he gets by on will and heart. Im a critic of his and find that insane. You have to be an athlete to do what he does, at least the positive aspects in his game.
Not to nitpick, but where is your poll which shows that most Tebow supporters are insane? Is it not a slightly hypocritical of you to criticize him for his estimate when you did exactly the same thing? Just sayin'...
He's a freak athlete. His 3-cone was off the charts at the combine. If you rank all the RB's and QB's at the NFL combine, for the entire period of data available (2006 to present), Tebow has the third best time. Ray Rice had 6.65, Tebow had 6.66. This is unheard of for such a giant man to have such a fast 3 cone time -- all the others he beat are much lighter and presumably faster in the 40. To put it in perspective for Jets fans, Leon Washington did 6.94 in the 3 cone. Joe McKnight was higher than that. (The same is true if you look at 20 and 60 yard shuttle -- Tebow outperformed Ray Rice, Matt Forte, and others. Tebow beat all RB's at the combine in 60 yard shuttle). Tebow's 10 yard split on his 40 time was amazing -- 1.55. Again, this is unheard of for a man his size. His vertical of 38.5 confirms explosive ballistic quickness and power in his legs -- at his weight, his vertical is better than Kobe Bryant's or Mike Vick's. When you combine this with his obvious knack for reading blocks and cutting, and hard-charging style that trucks people, and the sense that he's the kind of player who gets relatively faster when everybody puts on pads -- the verdict is in: Tebow is an elite athlete, with the perfect God-given talent for short yardage gains. He has a way of shimmying with those quick feet, and exploding with those powerful legs, such that he's almost always the downhill runner, falling for 3 yards or gaining more. He's nearly impossible to stop from getting in the endzone.
There's a different between most people and 90 percent. A clear and vast difference. If I wanted to be that extreme id say almost everyone. I don't need a poll to prove shit that's my opinion and its based on the average perception of him not just this message board. Fuurthermore I done think you understand alot of people who joined as soon as he was brought here don't post anymore or at least actively in these threads. Why because most of them have been rooted out.
Had to correct this. The hate that Tim Tebow sees is largely because people feel he has an out-sized reputation as a QB at the professional level that is not matched by his displayed abilities at the professional level. I don't hate Tim Tebow the person at all. I don't care about his religious beliefs or the fact that he's seen as an inspirational leader. I don't care that he wants to start at QB. I care about the fact that his presence on the Jets is ultimately a de-stabilizing presence. Even if Tebow doesn't rock the boat, and I have no reason to believe that he ever would do that, the NY media is going to be playing tippy canoe with his presence as long as he is here. It sells papers and gets hits on the web and drives ratings on sports radio and TV. They can't stop themselves from doing this even if they wanted to, which they don't. I care about the fact that if he wound up playing QB for the Jets at this point it would cap them the same way it capped the Broncos last season. Miracle wins are great but they tend to evaporate when the competition gets really heavy in the post-season. I care about the fact that his presence prevents the Jets from doing the completely rational things that a team would normally do. Mark Sanchez was still on the field with a 41-7 lead in the mid third quarter last Sunday. There was no sane reason for the Jets to do that. That was Tebow time or McElroy time or anybody but Sanchez time. But there was the starting QB still on the field, one hit away from disaster for the jets in a context in which he just didn't need to be there. Why? Who knows? Having the backup QB also only be good in the trick offense you've been hiding all pre-season was probably part of the decision-making there. I wish Tim Tebow was at any other skill position than QB for the Jets. He'd probably add a lot to the team if that was the case. At QB I wish he was anywhere else in the NFL. Let some other team manage the issues he presents. I want to win a Super Bowl.
I think tebow could be a stabilizing presence for the team. He might take the media's attention away from Mark Sanchez. Also, I wouldn't doubt that Tebow brings some work ethic, good chemistry, confidence and swagger to a locker room. I could be wrong and you could be right. I'm biased though.
Awesome! How many 3-cone drills has he scored a TD on? Sorry but being great at the 3 cone drill means nothing. Again he's big and strong and better than your average QB at running, it doesn't make him a freak athlete. Plenty of QB's have shown more speed, better arms, better feet, better vision. So he's a bull rusher, that great if your a FB or possibly even an H-Back but it means nothing if he cant throw a pass. By the way, of course he has a ton of athletic ability, he is fun to watch and I enjoy his heart but to be a freak you have to have more than just better than average speed and strength for your position. were really just splitting hairs though. If you think he's a freak athlete thats cool.
Well here's how I see it. If Mark Sanchez is having a great season I don't want somebody else taking the media attention away from him. If he's having an average season I definitely don't want somebody else taking the media attention away from him when that somebody is pretty likely to cause a controversy by his presence in the process. So it's only in the circumstance that Sanchez is bad that having Tebow on the team with his out-sized media profile is worth anything to us and that's a worst-case scenario. I've lived with a lot of worst-case scenarios on the Jets over the years, most of them revolving around the QB. Early 70's Namath was hurt a lot and then creaky when he got on the field. Late 70's and early 80's Todd was a walking QB controversy. Mid to late 80's we were ok for a few years until O'Brien began breaking down. Early 90's we had Esiason at the end of his career. Mid 90's we had O'Donnell at the end of his career as a starter. Late 90's and early 00's we had Vinny for one great year and his achilles and interceptions after that. Early to mid 00's we had Chad for one great year and then all his injuries. One year of Favre. Now we have Sanchez. Seriously, we don't need another possible QB with questions at this point. We need the one we already have to work out.
You are incorrect. There is no difference in the fact that you made up a stat with no factual basis, then criticized someone else for the same thing. As far as you not needing to prove your opinion, that is fine, however his 90% statement was opinion as well and he similarly does not need to prove it. In both cases, you were estimating, and it was understood. You, however chose to ask for proof, while he did not. If you meant to say that I am ignorant to the fact of "a lot" of people leaving the boards, perhaps you are correct because I have not been paying attention. I am not sure what you mean by I do not understand this supposed phenomenon (of which you have no proof once again of your quantitative estimate) of people leaving because this was not expressed to me previously. Therefore, I could not have demonstrated my lack of comprehension of such a simple concept to understand.
Br4, I understand your logic. It makes sense. I respect your opinions also. I think Tebow is such a rarity as far as a player and a person. This is kinda like unchartered territory. Such a crazy year last year for Tebow and the Broncos. So I'm gonna be glued to the Jets game every Sunday. It's like I wonder what's gonna happen next, cause crazy things happen with the guy. And often it somehow worked out good.
3 cone is actually one of the most important measures of quickness and cutting ability. As are the 20 yard shuttle and 60 yard shuttle. The NFL Combine is a pretty strict gauge of athletic ability -- you don't dominate a combine, much less 6 years worth of combines, without elite athletic ability. (How many 3 cone drills has he scored a touchdown on? Really? So touchdowns are what matters -- okay, he scored more touchdowns in the SEC than Darren McFadden or Herschel Walker, more than anyone in history).
Ok now that I think is great! Doesn't mean he was a better all-around athlete than D-Mac or Herschel.