FYI, From NFL Films website: First Look: ‘The Faces of Tebow – A Football Life’ by TCIPF Staff Season Two of our biography series A Football Life kicks-off Wednesday, September 12th at 8:00 p.m. ET only on NFL Network. Here’s a look at The Faces of Tebow, the first episode in this season’s series. PUBLISHED: September 10, 2012 FILED UNDER: A Football Life, Denver Broncos, New York Jets, TCIPF Staff, Uncategorized TAGS: denver broncos : new york jets : tim tebow
Nonsense. The NFL is just jumping on the Tebow cash grab while its still a hot buy. They know that he has a large non-football following and it's a chance for them to get those people watching the NFL network. I would agree if you mean that its stupid to have a non-starter being featured... It all reeks of overhype.
Hey let's condemn everyone that participated in interviews and says anything remotely nice, including Joe Namath! Oh wait, that won't happen. Give the kid a break it's not like he is asking for all this coverage and people hate him anyway.
No ones hating on Tebow. Just the people who have made him out to be this super celebrity. I like Tebow being a part of this team and this he will do well in the role we have him in. I love that other teams have to waste practice time preparing for him. I just can't comprehend who watches garbage like the Faces of Tebow special. What more can they show than the practically 24/7 coverage he has already received.
First episode Tebow makes coffee talks about being blessed, wait there's Tebow again raking leaves and cutting grass! Episode ends best episode evar!
This is absolutely vomit-inducing crapola! Gimme a got-d@mn break with this asnine Te(blow)me nonsense!!
I don't think there's any doubt that he IS a celebrity. Unfortunately for him his celebrity has outgrown his starting QB-ness. But I agree he is a big asset to the team and it's clear they haven't shown any of their hand with him yet.
.............& so did 7 other teams! Still makes him a terrible qb. A decent scrambler, but never a qb!