17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    You obviously appreciate serious, factual, intellectual debate.

    That probably means you're a Democrat and therefore didn't like my speech last week at the RNC. I thought it was a damned good one though. Oh well...

    Now tonight I have to choose between Bill Clinton and watching the Giants get their asses kicked by the Dallas Crybabies. Oh boy... that's a hard choice...
  2. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    You may have gotten lucky finding that dumb tix broker this season but next season he will not be as stupid when he discovered what you already discover that NYJ tix STH have hardly any value :sad:
  3. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Jet Football is finally upon us, I can't wait to be in the lot, don't care about tickets for the next few days, we are JET FANS THIS IS WHAT WE LIVE FOR whether you go or not. Enjoy the game from the stadium or on TV.
  4. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Better stock up on Tums cause you will have indigestion many times from them during this season :sad:
  5. Jerseyboyisback

    Jerseyboyisback New Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    We will see. Maybe the jets do good 10-6 make some good moves and he buys them again next year. Im buying a couple of games now incase they start winning and games go up.
  6. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    I am shocked how low Jets vs Bills tickets are selling for on EBay/Stubhub, it's actually kind of scary!
  7. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    You don't think all the negative media coverage has effected ticket sales? You would think the Jets are 1-5 already with all the haters. People are sheep. All that matters is we win and I don't over cook my meat.
  8. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    What kind of meat will you be cooking at 10am?
  9. ralphbaker

    ralphbaker New Member

    Oct 8, 2011
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    Agree 1000%. We have the tailgate planned out,and Sunday can't come soon enough. Do I have doubts about this season?, absolutely, but let's play it out and see what happens. For all those going Sunday, have fun!
  10. ralphbaker

    ralphbaker New Member

    Oct 8, 2011
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    So you can flip em if they play well?
  11. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    At least Woody finally admits we aren't sold out:


    Woody Johnson said he's made a practice of not commenting on coaches or players under contract, so when asked if the futures of general manager Mike Tannenbaum and head coach Rex Ryan were in danger if a repeat of last year occurred, he simply reiterated his confidence in the two.

    "I'm very optimisitic," Johnson said during practice today. "I'm confident in this organization and this group of young players and experienced players for getting the job done."

    On Ryan, he expanded a bit when asked if it was accurate so say there was no pressure on the coach to lose his job.

    "In terms of my confidence in him, I’m very confident in Rex Ryan," he said. "You just have to look at the body of work. It’s unparalleled in our history, what he’s accomplished."

    In Philadelphia, Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie said that an 8-8 record would not be good enough for head coach Andy Reid to retain his job. Johnson, who saw the Jets skid to the same record last season, would not go as far.

    "The way I’m looking at it, some owners have made those comments, I just prefer to look at it optimistically," he said. "Like I said, and say that when we go into a season you don’t expect to go into a game and not win that game. We gameplan and we practice and we psychologically prepare ourselves to win."

    Johnson also addressed something that Ryan touched on this morning regarding the "circus" perception that surrounds the team. Ryan says he's tired of it and Johnson feels as if it's a media creation.

    "We're deadly serious about what we're doing here trying to win games and trying to represent our fans the way they expect to represent them," Johnson said. "We learned this in third grade, the whole sticks and stones and all this stuff about calling people names and all that, that's what that is. It's a way to sell papers. But I'm not in this to create a circus environment."

    He added: "This is New York so we're going to be scrutinized. Everyting we do is going to be questioned and analyzed. When I walk out to the parking lot and speak to our fans everybody has an opinion and in many cases an informed opinion. But when you're putting together a team like this, a thousand decisions come together."

    Some other important talking points from his 10-minute session today:

    On whether or not the Jets have sold out their home opener against Buffalo:

    "We will not be blacked out. Whether we’ve sold every single seat? No. We will not be blacked out, that’s for sure."

    What he meant by the "You can never have too much Tebow" quote...

    "It was kind of, I thought, a fairly humorous quote myself. We've got 53 guys here on the varsity,everyone is important including Tebow. We're glad to have him and we're glad to have the other 52 as well, including Sanchez. Our job is to team build, but I didn't mean that as anything other than a humorous remark."

    On whether he makes decisions based on anticipated media coverage...

    "It plays zero (role). Sports are, it’s not a media business, but IBM doesn’t get the coverage that the average NFL team gets. This is why people love this game. Because everybody has an opinion and everybody is interested in the team they love and they want to here it through you. You guys write about it and everything is scrutinzed, as it should be."

    On if Mike Tannenbaum has given Mark Sanchez enough weapons...

    "If you take a lookat our offensive line in terms of No. 1 picks and Pro Bowl stats, we've got three Pro Bowlers on the offensive line, nobody else has that. I think you have a string of running backs that all do something different, starting with Shonn. I think you've got receivers that are, you know, as gifted as anybody. You've got a new coach that I think is very very good. Tony Sparano and Sanjay Lal, I have the utmost confidence in him as the receivers coach. I think you have a lot of very good weapons."

    On how he feels about the upcoming season...

    "I feel pretty good about it," Johnson said. "I talk with the staff and the coaches and Mike (Tannenbaum) about the players, about the coaches about what we're trying to install. The defense, I think, is probably a little ahead of the offense but that could change quickly and Mark (Sanchez) is throwing the ball great. I've been very impressed with the way he's progressing."

    On if he agrees with Rex Ryan, who said this could be the best team he's ever coached in New York...

    "I'm not going to make any predicitons but I don't ever go into a season thinking we're going to lose a game."
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    On whether or not the Jets have sold out their home opener against Buffalo:

    "We will not be blacked out. Whether we’ve sold every single seat? No. We will not be blacked out, that’s for sure."

    Translation: "No, of course we won't be blacked out, because we can always do like we always do ... sell every remaining seat to a broker for $20 so they can blow them out on StubHub. But we're still making out okay because we stick it to the STHers every year with the mandatory Preseasons and the like."
  13. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Does anybody have an extra parking pass for Sunday?
  14. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Er were U alive the last time we won something that really matters? If you were how old were you then? Can you understand it is the non winning for over 40 years which triggers the "negative" press. People are not sheep they are just very, very, very tired of losing season piled on top of losing seasons & not buying tix is way to get back @ WJ for the all the losing years of his regime. :sad:
    #15634 championjets69, Sep 6, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2012
  15. UninTY_128

    UninTY_128 New Member

    Mar 18, 2011
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    hell YES - Exactly what HE said.
  16. asbcheeks

    asbcheeks Member

    Jul 29, 2003
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  17. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    You don't have to like the Giants or the Cowboys to get excited about seeing them open the NFL season. Come on, it's football. I'm sure after Prohibition, even the crappy booze tasted good.

    But when it comes to attending live sporting events I keep changing my mind, going back and forth between "Yes, I totally need to be there for the full experience. It's totally worth it" and "What a nightmare. This whole experience is one long ad for the greatness that is HDTV."

    On Wednesday I went with the former but ended the night possibly permanently in the latter. Well, at least for NFL games. Actually, NFL games at MetLife Stadium.

    And no, it's not because I don't like the Giants; I'm not a Yankees fan, either, but I have nothing but nicey-nice to say about their new stadium. It wasn't because I was scarred by seeing Queen Latifah sing the national anthem while wearing the same bedazzled Giants jersey that Jon Bon Jovi unfortunately chooses to wear in concert. And it wasn't because of the game itself, in which the Giants and Cowboys took turns saying, "No, sir. I insist, you win," "Absolutely not! As a gentleman, it is only right that you should be the one to win" (I'm sorry for that last part; I've been watching Downton Abbey lately).

    The main reason(s) I don't want to go back there is for the unfortunate camaraderie I had with Giants and Cowboys fans alike. A camaraderie built from one phrase we kept saying to each other all night:

    "You would think that for $1.6 billion … "

    • The roads leading to the stadium could be better than the ones that caused the same traffic nightmares for people going to games in the '70s. At this point I'm fairly confident that HDTV manufacturers spend their lobbying money ensuring that roads surrounding all sporting arenas are never maintained or improved, thus making their product more attractive with every car that tries to sneak into your lane after you've been inching along for 45 minutes. Just like I'm fairly confident that Michael Strahan only took the job with Kelly Ripa as an enormous "eff you" to Tiki Barber's failed TV career.

    • They could figure out how people could park. Do you have season tickets? Great! You get a pass (along with the esteemed right to pay for a PSL). Actually, you get the right to buy a parking pass for the season, or you can buy one on the NFL Ticket Exchange — something most people find out after they get to the game. If you don't have a pass, you need to go to "satellite parking," which, according to this always-handy PDF, means you need to leave where the stadium is, get back on the highway, take a different exit, yadda yadda yadda … and "staff will direct you to satellite parking." That sounds great, except that it doesn't happen. What happens is there are a couple signs, but then there aren't — and then you need to hope that you find it by accident. For those of you who paid several hundred collective dollars for your tickets, it's not really an adventure to look forward to. Oh, and that right to park behind some dark warehouse in an office complex will cost you $35.

    • Once you do park on the satellite lots, that they could find a better way of getting you to the stadium than an old-school yellow school bus meant for people no taller than 5-foot-2.

    • The Giants wouldn't need to steal the pumped-in crowd noise soundtrack from the Nets and their sad days playing in an empty Izod Center next door. On any key play (usually a third down), the scoreboards would feature one of the Giants saying "Get up!" to get the crowd going. That's great, but accompanying this with what was clearly fake crowd noise is pretty embarrassing for the defending Super Bowl champions, not to mention a storied franchise in the no. 1 media market.

    • For the non–"Get up!"-and-make-some-noise plays, that the Giants could find another graphic to put on their scoreboard than "Quiet! Offense at work." For this game I would have settled on a camera constantly on Dallas defensive coordinator Rob Ryan. How amped would fans get with a quiz like "What will Rob eat next? (a) Hot dog, (b) Chicken fingers, (c) His playbook, (d) Section 335"?

    • The people wearing the "Alcohol Enforcement" shirts would stop people from getting as wasted as they did. I say this not as some nitpicking teetotaler, but as someone who missed getting puked on (yes, actually puked on) by a dude two rows behind us who had a blood alcohol level of what current technology would most likely calculate as infinity. My brother and father-in-law weren't so lucky. If they had to sum up their experience in one word, I think it would be "chunky."

    • If someone did in fact puke all over a bunch of fans (to get this point across, let's call them people who paid lots of money for tickets) that you would eventually see someone, anyone who actually works there. We didn't. Mr. Puker stood up for about 15 whole minutes, swaying back and forth, until a friend escorted him out after one puked-on fan got restless, and by that I mean he smacked him in the face. When we finally found someone from what I assume is the SEAL Team Six wing of the Alcohol Enforcement squad they told us, "Oh, I heard about that … yeah, that guy just left." I wish I just made that up.

    • Now that they are in their third season in that place, they could figure out a way for people to stop constantly saying, "You would think for $1.6 billion that … "
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    "You would think for $1.6 billion that … "

    He nailed it man. Thanks for pointing it out.
  19. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    A buddy called today offered me Bills tix {comp / free } good seats, I said no thanks. This is the first opener that I will not be at since 88 and I have to say ,,,,,,no big deal. Anyone that is going have a blast and cheer loudly when possible,,,,I also bought a couple of games today,,,,,I am going to take a wait and see approach as my expectations are tame but my hopes are high for this team. OOHHHH almost forgot,,,,,I was also called and asked if I want 9er tix ,,,told my buddy I will probably go,,,,,,ohhh also my other buddy has tix and asked what if any games I want ? I also told him thank you and will let him know,,,,,alot to be said for this cherry picking / going when u want! ohhhh and no psl or preseason here,,,,,enjoy the game all
  20. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    firstly, i really fucking hate woody johnson. he needs to shut the fuck up at this point.

    nice article 17a, sad but true, im glad its not just jets fans.... and he complained about some stuff we havent spent a ton of time on... and missed alot we have.

    there are currently 2852 seats for sale on stub hub. lets see what things do over the next few days.

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