Elephant in the room: How soon till Tebow is the starter?

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by davecrazy, Aug 18, 2012.

  1. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    The NFL is filled with qb's who throw pretty spirals and can't sniff
    Tebow's jock when it comes to having an impact in actually winning games. But you don't know much about what it takes to win games, do you?
  2. Clovis

    Clovis New Member

    Mar 28, 2012
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    I really hope the game was a case of "Damn, that D line for the Giants is insane" and not a premonition of what our O line is going to look like the rest of the year. Not one QB would look good with about .5 seconds to unload the ball.
  3. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    It's rather clear that you are blinded by bias, or that, quite simply, you don't know wtf you are talking about. Most of Tebow's passes have been tight spirals, and on target to running receivers. In the Cincy game, ALL of his passes were on target save for one deep ball down the right side of the field, and it didn't miss by much.

    In the Giants game, there were 4 misses in total, but the cause of each of those are easily fixable. The rest of his passes were either throw aways, or were perfectly fine and on target. And yep, they were nice, pretty spirals as well.

    Now, if you want to talk about him still be hesitant to throw, and still having trouble identifying "NFL open" receivers, well, you'd be on the right track, as he still has much work to do in that area.
  4. JerseyJets1988

    Feb 3, 2011
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    There should be no argument. Tebow played against the #2's and still looked bad...
  5. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    How do you gauge your odds? Is everything to you a coin-flip? I hope either/or doesn't always equate to 50/50 in the world of the Tebowites (but if it does that would explain a lot). Just messing with you.

    Let's talk specifics. Sanchez's contract is a giant spiked handcuff to Mike Tannenbaum's jewels. The Jets are weak at running back unless Powell steps it up, and Tebow's ability to play punt protection is the one positive aspect of our punt unit. We may need Tebow to stay at RB/ST just as much as we need Sanchez to succeed.

    Further, the Jets are installing an offense. We don't know all of what it entails, especially considering that the Jets may be designed around having Tebow play the #2 QB.

    I would have to assume at this point that the Jets have a chance to go 0-8 in order for the coaching staff to be compelled to burn the playbook and change strategies mid-season by making Tebow the #1 QB to salvage whatever dignity remains.

    Having speculated that, the playbook is likely to be a set number of plays designed for Sanchez and a set number of plays designed for Tebow. Is it possible for Tebow to get more snaps that Sanchez? Yes. Does that make him the starting Quarterback in this system? No.
  6. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    Ok that will be easy. In 2 preseason games he 9-22 that 40.9% comp. That not bad?
  7. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    There is some validity to your points. I have said many times that Tebow does not necessarily have to "earn" the QB1 spot. Sanchez struggling, Jets losing, and this Tebowmania thing could "give" Tebow a chance even if he isn't going 20-25 for 390 yards, 3 passing TDs, and 100 rushing yards for 2 rushing TDs.

    I never said it was logical or fair, just that the situation has the possibility to unfold in that manner. Looking at the preseason, even though it doesn't *really* matter or predict what the Jets will do in the regular season, if this pattern continues... Sanchez is struggling, the Jets are losing, and Tebowmania is as strong as ever.

    Contracts don't mean anything. Look at Kolb and Skelton in Arizona.

    BTW, I gauge my odds using tea leaves. Much more precise than a coin.
    #127 Backup QB, Aug 21, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2012
  8. GB#15

    GB#15 New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    I agree with you on this, he has worked hard , and will probably prove his doubters wrong! His motion is "fixed"!
  9. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Bad completion % it is. He has also led the Jets to their only points of the preseason, he has led the Jets to more points than their starting qb, all the while in a conventional, I-formation drop back set which doesn't play to his strengths.

    Dink and dunk with a high completion % got you negative 7 points with Mark Sanchez, the Jets would have been better off just punting the ball on 1st down each time. Tebow hasn't gotten the opportunity to do what he feels most comfortable doing, and his paltry results are still more effective than Sanchez. Tebow hasn't done anything yet to take the job, but if Sanchez keeps this up this pointless offense, the job will be going to Tebow.
    If the offensive line really is this bad at pass protection, youve not shot with a dink and dunk qb like Sanchez. Your only hope will be spreading it out with a 250lb diesel who can run like Riggins, and then shock the D with a long ball.
  10. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    It's preseason, it means nothing. He's going up against 1's w/o his top weapons and they are moving the ball but some poor pass protection, penalties, etc... have kept the Jets from scoring. It's preseason, they are working on things. He doesn't have holmes, kerley or Tebow w/ him which he will have in week 1 and hopefully throughout the season. Don't be foolish and evaluate either guy based on preseason.

    we know sanchez can play QB in this league, we know Tebow can be a gimmick QB in this league. There isn't a controversy, there isn't a competition. sanchez is the guy, Tebow is our utility guy and both will help us win a lot of games.
  11. Apple Jack

    Apple Jack Banned

    May 15, 2012
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    They've both sucked. Gabbert has a better preaseason record than either Jets QB. By far.

    But it's the preseason. Good grief, could we wait until at least 1/4 through the regular season before throwing out everyone not named Revis and starting from scratch?
  12. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    The answer is a resounding yes. It's way to early to even judge a new OC's system, much less to do it in preseason.

    The only thing I think we can assess is the individual player matchups -- like the o-line should be able to block no matter what play is called. There's pretty much no offensive system that works when the linemen are turnstyles.
  13. tebowYESsanchezNO

    tebowYESsanchezNO New Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    The sooner the better! I want a chance at the playoffs!
  14. hutch2426

    hutch2426 New Member

    Jun 14, 2012
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    Your user name stinks of troll.
  15. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    1) Cardinals' cap situation > Jets' cap situation
    2) Kolb's signing bonus was pro-rated and his total cap # this year is $10.5 million, much more flexible than Sanchez.
    3) Sanchez's contract has more years and money remaining (http://nyjetscap.com/marksanchez.html) than Kolb's (he had only $21 million guaranteed over the life of the contract), putting the Jets in a different position than the Cardinals.

    If what pattern continues? No *actual* games have been played yet. No "pattern" exists because preseason wins/losses are arbitrary. Example: Atlanta went 0-4 last preseason and made the playoffs last year, losing to the eventual SB Champs.

    Now, let's assume for a minute that preseason games do actually matter (at least statistically). 13 for 17, 80 pass yards, 1 INT, 5 sacks, 1 Rush (4 yards) vs First Team Defense > 9 for 22, 96 pass yards, 1 INT, 4 sacks, 6 Rush (39 yards) vs Second Team Defense. If you're unwilling to acknowledge that Sanchez has thus far out-played Tebow then it may be time to take off the Tebow Goggles.
    #135 VanderbiltJets, Aug 21, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2012
  16. tebowYESsanchezNO

    tebowYESsanchezNO New Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    Nah bro just don't want another season to go down the drain like the last couple. This is a superbowl team outside of the QB
  17. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I think Sanchez has up better stats, but

    (1) First downs are important, they're one of the most important things for a quarterback, and I think maybe Tebow has been involved in more first downs (not sure).

    (2) The "second team" thing is a wash, and argument that goes in circles but never ends. It's probably not a wash if we could have perfect knowledge, but too many times it's unclear which is the advantage, having the first team with you or having the second team against you.
  18. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    1) Sanchez "had" two first downs against the Bengals of the Jets' 10 total first downs. Not sure how many Tebow had that game or what their stats were vs the Giants. I disagree, however, that first downs are a good measure from the Jets' preseason given our system. My opinion of the Jets' offense is, even if Sanchez continually goes 2-and-nothing only to be saved by Tebow for the first-down, Sanchez is still doing his job so long as he doesn't turn the ball over and makes good decisions.

    2) The Jets' offense is terrible but our second-team offense is relatively decent especially given that every WR not named Holmes has played on the second-team.
  19. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Yeah, as long as he's doing his job, he's doing his job. My point is if you decide to look at quantifiable outcomes, a quarterback picking up a first down is one of the key things you look for in reality. ESPN may not talk about it much, but in the film room it's front and center.

    I was amazed (after reading some tweets) at how many clutch first downs Tebow nailed the other night, most of them with medium-long passes completed.
  20. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I like how you included that Tebow's stats came against "Second Team Defense". Don't forget to mention, however, that Tebow is playing with the second team offense. Yes, it makes a difference.

    The point about Kolb's contract is that no man is safe due to their contract. Sanchez included.

    I do not know why you went into a tirade about statistics. Clearly, you are interested more in arguing than reading what I wrote. I said in my last post (paraphrasing):

    1) Preseason does not count, nor does it predict regular season performance;
    2) The possibility of Sanchez losing his job is not necessarily based on sound logic or fairness to Sanchez;
    3) Tebow may be given the starting job at some point even if he has not earned it.

    In typical anti-Tebow person fashion, you are focusing on random minutiae within my post, then exaggerating my position in some misguided attempt to show that a Tebow fan is somehow irrational. You seem fairly intelligent, which makes it... disappointing.

    Now look, if you want to say that pre-season does not count, then yes I agree with you even though really you are agreeing with me since I said it first. But, if you want to say there is no "pattern" to the first games, I would say you are wrong. Both QBs have struggled. Sanchez may have a better completion percentage than Tebow, but he is struggling. If you don't think he is, there is not much I can say to you to change your mind.

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